Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2527: Kill

The giant eagle can be said to be quite ferocious, known for its terrible speed, and caught up, unless it is really against the sky, it will certainly be caught up.

In this case, repaired as a general, do not dare to casually start with the giant Condor. Now Yi Tianyun not only started, but also wants to even take the eggs of the giant condor.

This makes Long Yan Xing Emperor feel bold, and can even say that it is too arrogant. Compared to killing the nine-color giant elephant alone, this thing that is stealing eggs is too big, and can even be said to be quite dangerous.

However, Long Yan Xing did not stop, since Yi Tianyun wanted to do this, he would do it.

"I would like to see if you are sure to get this egg, or is your head hot?" Long Yanxing touched his chin and looked at it with great interest.

According to normal circumstances, they can collect so many **** medicines, which are already burning high. After all, if they run away, the giant eagle will not find it.

However, they are afraid that it is impossible to get close to here in the future. After the giant eagle returns, they must remember their smell. When they get a little closer to here, they will be chased by the giant condor. When they got to run, they were afraid that they couldn’t run away.

At this point they all fled quickly, hiding far away, they have not seen the giant condor, but can create such a nest, and there is no monster in the vicinity, it will not be simple.

Yi Tianyun didn't hesitate after seeing them hide away, and gave the giant eagle's giant egg to the income space.

After the income space, the legs ran away and fled to the side at the fastest speed. They were not in a position with the Seri.

If you run to them, it makes no sense.


A loud scream came from the sky, followed by a huge condor in sight. In the blink of an eye, a condor rushed over Yi Tianyun, and the speed suddenly rose to the maximum.

"This is the giant condor." The silkworm supreme. When they saw this huge body, they took a breath of cold. The giant condor, in addition to the huge, the feathers on the body, seems to be the condensation of the wind attribute energy. Under the energy, the speed has increased dramatically.

In the blink of an eye, I will catch up with the position of Yi Tianyun. This speed is really amazing, it is several times faster than the speed of Yi Tianyun.

Of course, this is also related to the other's cultivation, as Yi Tianyun guessed, this giant condor has a nine-star supreme level. Fortunately, it is not the ten-star supreme repair, otherwise the speed is even faster than this, basically it is to instantly kill Yi Tianyun.

Although it is not immediately caught up, it is a matter of time to catch up.

"The giant eagle that the nine-star supreme peak is repaired is so horrible. It is even stronger than the nine-color giant elephant. I don't know if the captain can escape it." The gods are supreme and they are worried.

Although Yi Tianyun got along with them soon, I have to say that this harvest is really not small, but it can be said that it is big. Really as Yi Tianyun said before, a piece of spicy and spicy.

"If the captain does not take the giant egg, it should be." 琯琯 Supreme is worried, if Yi Tianyun dies, it is dead on his own greed.

When they were worried about Yi Tianyun, the giant eagle had quickly caught up with Yi Tianyun, and once again made a loud snoring, he stretched out his claws and grabbed it to Yi Tianyun.

The extremely sharp wind blade, released from its claws, is like a horrible tornado, and it is covered by Yi Tianyun to cover all the retreats.

It did not immediately twist Yi Tianyun into a meat slurry, but first retired Yi Tianyun to seal it. Yi Tianyun took his egg away, and if he went out with him, he was afraid that even the giant egg would be destroyed.

At this time, Yi Tianyun's body suddenly broke out with the pressure of a beast god, and pressed over to the giant condor.

The giant eagle glimpsed a little, but it quickly reacted. After all, it was not a giant orc. It is a monster, although there is a little blood of the giant orc, but the reaction is still very weak.

But at this juncture, Yi Tianyun has already erupted the strongest killings. All the power is condensed on the fist, and a punch is punched up, breaking through the wind blade that surrounds him.

In an instant, it hits the abdomen of the giant eagle. "Boom", the body of the giant eagle is blown by a punch. Even the extremely strong fur, under this fist, becomes like tofu. Easily penetrated

After the easy penetration, the giant condor made a scream, which was down from the sky, and slammed into the ground to give a deep pit.

The power of violent, still raging in it, the body began to annihilate a little, collapse

In one stroke, the giant eagle was blown up. Even if it did not completely explode, at least it seemed that there was no resistance.

"What is this power?" They saw a sigh of relief after seeing it. Although I heard that Yi Tianyun had killed the nine-color giant elephant alone, how did the situation know?

It is impossible to say what Yi Tianyun is using, or to attract other monsters, or to be killed by foreign cultivators. No matter what means, it can be counted as his own killing, and no one thinks that Yi Tianyun can't do it.

No matter what the corpse is, it is also your own skill, so no one will say that Yi Tianyun is not true.

Now Yi Tianyun shows them what they are, what is the strength of single-handedly fighting, a punching giant eagle, a nine-star supreme level of the monster

In these cases, they are stunned. Suddenly they felt that they were still geniuses. Compared to Yi Tianyun, they couldn’t talk about any genius.

If they are fighting in a leap-level battle, they will be repaired in the later stages of the Star Supreme. They are afraid that they can only resist, but they cannot fight back. Yi Tianyun is different, directly is rolling

A single star is not invincible. Even if there is a lot of improvement in the combat power, the gap that can be repaired is still difficult to fill.

Genius is always a genius, especially a genius that is low, and can only be called a genius. A genius is not a strong one, and a strong person is what everyone expects.

"Give me death"

Yi Tianyun smashed a punch and completely blasted the giant eagle, accompanied by a mourning, completely ending the life of this giant eagle.

"Oh, successful killing of the giant eagle, gaining 200 billion points of star energy, 8,000 killings. Get the blood of the giant eagle, the feather of the giant eagle, the claw of the giant eagle"

The material that broke out is still quite a lot, and Yi Tianyun is quite satisfied. After the killing, he did not stop, and after the voice of the silkworms, they quickly passed forward.

They temporarily separated and then gathered again. After all, the danger has not completely ended.

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