Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2530: Enough!

The harvest made them very satisfied, and even if there was no gain afterwards, they were equally satisfied. They don't know what rewards they can get after completing the task, but through this harvest, even if there are no rewards, they are equally satisfied.

This reward is not always available for general tasks. So many **** medicines, as well as the body of the giant condor, is a great treasure!

They feel that they have chosen Yi Tianyun, which is really a lucky thing. If you choose Ning Yu Supreme, I am afraid that nothing can be obtained.

First of all, Ning Yu is not so high, and there is no such timidity as Yi Tianyun. When you see the giant eagle, you must slap it. Where will it be like Yi Tianyun? ?

Even if you can make a profit, how many more can they divide?

In any case, they feel that it is quite sensible to act with Yi Tianyun.

Immediately, they continued to move forward. Although there was some stay here, the time spent was not long. Even if they were supreme and they completed the task first, they felt that there was no problem. This is really enough to make money.

Of course, if you can make another profit, then it is better. Who will dislike more resources? Especially here, the status is completely different from before. How many resources were there before, how much resources they can enjoy.

Now I have to earn honestly, after all, the only ones here are not only them.

"This day, Yunjiu is really a bit of a doorway. No wonder it will want to act alone..." Long Yanxing’s eyes sparkled with strange eyes, and I feel that Yi Tianyun is really hidden deep, according to the information they have obtained. There is no such article.

Who knows that suddenly exposed, with a level seven star pattern, means that the value is better.

After all, the seven-level star pattern division, in this upper bound, the number is still not much. There are, but the number is really not too much.

"This time it's a bit interesting. Among so many single stars, there is something a bit more prominent."

There are so many geniuses that Long Yan Xing has seen. Even if Yi Tianyun’s cultivation is to reach the Nine Stars, I don’t think it’s strange. After all, it’s not without it. This is to spend more time, you can achieve, or spend more resources to get up.

For this reason, she thinks that Yi Tianyun is not bad, and she is still good at the speed of cultivation, but this does not have too many bright spots among the single stars. For Yi Tianyun to appreciate more, it is still timid. When I first came up, I was afraid to go to the battlefield. This is quite appreciated.

Of course, the most appreciated is the success of the nine-color giant elephant. If it is dead, it is a coward.

This time it is different, the status has been slightly improved, and the seven-level star pattern is a big weight, which can make Yi Tianyun add value.

Although the Emperor Long Yan Xing said that he would not save people, but it is also to see people, some geniuses who are quite against the sky, still need to save a hand, even sacrifice themselves to do not hesitate.

Unfortunately, there are not many single stars who have reached this standard. Only those who are very singular stars can have this qualification!

Nowadays, Yi Tianyun's status has increased slightly, so that when all the people are to be rescued, Yi Tianyun will have more priority than others.

No matter where it is, there is no absolute fairness.

After Long Yan Xing finally looked at Yi Tianyun, his figure gradually faded away, as if he had never seen it here.

After the disappearance of Long Yan Xing Emperor, Yi Tianyun, who led the team in the distance, glanced at the corner of his mouth and smirked at the corner of his mouth: "Well?"

In exchange for other people, there is no way to know that Long Yan Xing is there. In fact, he is not very clear about where Long Yan Xing is, and he can't sense it. It’s so much to be repaired, it’s a ghost.

The actual situation is that the area where Long Yan Xing is located is easily found through the eyes of the exploration, and it is still quite easy to lock. Breath can't be found, it doesn't mean that the eye of exploration can't be found, just need to know the name, everything is not a problem.

Not only is Long Yan Xing Emperor, but even Ning Yu Supreme can easily find it, completely unable to escape his control.

It is a pity that the characters on the side of the task are not very clear. If you know, you can easily grasp the situation of the other party immediately.

Yi Tianyun quickly went to find the general direction. Although the harvest has been quite a lot, they still want to grab the Ninglang supreme and put this task to completion!

Not to kill everyone else, at least to find in advance, to destroy some people. The reward for such a task, they must be able to make a big share!

"It is a foreign domain practitioner!" Fengshen supreme eyes condensed, not far from there is just a foreign domain practitioner flying over, I do not know where to go.

"Catch him!" Yi Tianyun quickly ordered.

They did not pause, and quickly went to the foreign domain practitioners, and easily captured the foreign domain practitioners. This foreign domain practitioner is not high, only the gods are honored, facing the three strong people's double-team, it is impossible to escape.


After the other party was caught, he immediately screamed and screamed, but what he said, they could not understand the gods, and they did not know what words were being called.

"What is this guy talking about?" They did not learn the language, and it was not very clear what the other party was saying.

"I didn't say anything, just shouting to kill and killing, free to deal with us." Yi Tianyun did not talk to the other nonsense, grabbed his head and began to search for souls.

Since it appears nearby, he will not miss these memories and will not be able to help himself. If you can find the destination point, then it would be better.

After a while, Yi Tianyun pinched the head of the foreign domain practitioner.

"It turned out to be like this. It seems that our luck is not bad..." Yi Tianyun looked at it.

"Captain, what's wrong?" They saw Yi Tianyun's expression and felt very curious.

"Nothing, I know where their hiding point is, but the other party is obviously ready..." Yi Tianyun smiled lightly.

"Be prepared, what do you mean?"

"Captain, do you mean that the other side knows that we are dealing with them?"

The other two people were shocked to see the Supreme Supreme, how can the other party know this mission?

"I think this was deliberately leaked. Do you understand?" Yi Tianyun smiled and said: "It seems that all this is really a temper. I don't want to attack. The other party knows that we want to attack them." It will be prepared, and it will test our strength."

They are suddenly cool behind, so to say, that Long Yan Xing is really awkward! Watch the new chapter of zui please - mobile address.

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