Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2535: Giant egg

After returning to the battle hall, the situation of the two teams was completely different. The mood of Ning Yu Supreme was very low. It was ignored by a dog, and the task was completely defeated. There was no reward at all.

This means that they have basically no gains, and they are completely wasted time and hurt. These grievances make them very lost.

Yi Tianyun's situation is much better. The mission rewards have not been said yet, but they are very satisfied with what they have obtained.

When they went to receive the reward, they all smiled. Get a full four hundred points thanks to the perfect task! If it is the normal completion of the task, only three hundred points, a full hundred points!

This makes them very satisfied. If they are replaced with those medicines, they are definitely up to thousands of points. You can get thousands of points at a glance, and no one believes when you go out.

Points are too difficult to earn. It doesn't mean that the higher the score, the easier it is to earn points. It depends on the situation.

This time they copied the old eagle's nest, the overall value will be so high, under normal circumstances, they can only get those two or three hundred points, which is still high. For other tasks, which one is not one or two hundred points to die?

Unless it is a very difficult task, the points will not be too high. Of course, the difficult task is not enough to copy the people's nest to come quickly. Those who are all the savings of the monsters, do not know how much, in order to get so many magic drugs, giant Condor they are not able to find so many magic drugs.

It can be said that Yi Tianyun copied the old nest. It is already dead with the giant eagle, but it was killed by Yi Tianyun. This is not even hatred.

If they didn't kill them, then Yi Tianyun really didn't dare to enter the battlefield again. Once they sensed their smell, they feared that they would kill immediately.

"There are no tasks in the future..." They are still feeling a little bit unsatisfied, and they feel that this is not too difficult, and there are still many gains.

This makes them want to continue to go deeper and make a profit.

"For the time being, you should take advantage of the resources at hand and rebuild yourself to improve." Yi Tianyun smiled, and he was equally satisfied with this harvest.

"Yes, we have to hurry up and improve, otherwise we are all captains, we can't help." Fengshen Supreme nodded, their biggest feelings are still too few opportunities to help, the ability gap is too big, no The law helps too much.

In this case, they are really guilty of the resources they have received.

"The ugly words are in the front. Although I am your captain, but I can't help you in the later stages, or I can't keep up with the pace, I have to leave the team myself. After all, I am not invincible, I can't take care of anything. "Yi Tianyun's face is positive, he is not a nanny, if he is left behind, there is no ability to perform, he will not continue to let him stay in the team.

He will not raise waste, even if it is a single star, and can't keep up with his own pace, then he has to leave the team.


They all have a little bit of a bit, they all understand this truth, and they will do it for them. If you want a team to develop healthily, you must maintain a good progress. Otherwise, as the difficulty of the task increases, it will become more and more difficult.

It is not practical to rely on one person alone, and it is necessary to cooperate with all.

After they finished speaking, they all went back to practice, and quickly went to improve. They are all unique stars, and their talents are impossible. As long as they have enough resources, they can improve their cultivation.

When they went back to practice, Yi Tianyun did not go back to practice. For him, he doesn't know what cultivation is. Even the best practice room is not as good as killing a large number of monsters.

For example, the giant eagle that was killed this time, the earned star value does not know how much the medicine. It can be said that he has never been worried about this. When he needs the medicine, that is, to break through the level of the stars, the rest do not have to think too much.

The only thing is to kill the enemy insanely. Now there is a big star value, and there is no problem in breaking through. Just breaking through immediately is too conspicuous. Originally, he reached the nine-star supreme and stunned people. He immediately broke through to the medium term and gave others life.

"The egg of the giant eagle..." Yi Tianyun took out the giant egg. This thing I don't know how to deal with it. After all, this is the egg of the giant eagle. He even killed his parents. If he hatched, wouldn't he ask for trouble?

So how is he going to deal with it, is it sold to this hall, or is it eaten?

When he looked down at the giant egg, his eyes condensed: "Is this stuff not the egg of the giant condor?"

He is still a little dumbfounded. On the surface, he can't see what kind of variety, but the eye of exploration can be seen. This giant egg is not the egg of the giant eagle, but the giant egg of the unicorn!

"The unicorn beast's giant egg, what is the situation?" Yi Tianyun was dumbfounded. He didn't look carefully before, thinking that he was the egg that grabbed the giant eagle. He did not expect it to be the giant egg of the unicorn.

Who does not know the Kirin beast, this thing is a first-class beast, quite rare existence. But why is this stuff in the nest of the giant eagle?

"Is it a unicorn **** beast intentionally placed there?" Yi Tianyun thought of a word, that is, the nest of the scorpion, said that the giant eagle's dome, has long been removed, and then secretly placed in the giant **** by the unicorn Inside the eagle's nest, let the giant eagle cultivate for himself.

Thinking of this, Yi Tianyun shook his head, I wonder if the Kirin beast found the giant eagle dead, what would it look like? I am afraid that I will be crazy when I am?

"The unicorn of the unicorn **** beast, this is a bit of a meaning..." Yi Tianyun touched his chin. If it is the egg of the giant eagle, he must not be kept, but the giant unicorn of the unicorn is different. .

This way he can hatch and can be a big force! The beast here is completely different from the beast of the lower bound, especially to absorb so many essences of the gods, and it is not going to go anywhere.

"Then I will hatch this beast and say it again..."

Yi Tianyun made up his mind and first hatched this unicorn **** beast. Anyway, there is nothing to do now. He will wait for the next task now, and Long Yanxing will let them rest for a while before proceeding to the next task.

After making up your mind, put the unicorn eggs on the ground, and then spread the nerves around them, and continue to give this unicorn egg a thick energy to accelerate the hatching.

When I hatch it, what kind of unicorn will it be, but I have a little expectation.

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