Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2537: Happening

Yi Tianyun knows that Kirin's grandmother has a story with Ziyun Xingdi, and it seems that it is not simple. I don't know what happened when they met.

"Wu Lin Grandma, what do you have to do with Ziyun Xingdi?" Yi Tianyun asked carefully next to him.

Grandma Kirin pulled back from her thoughts and glanced at him. She was extremely dissatisfied: "Call my grandma, I don't want to pack you!"

Yi Tianyun smiled and said: "Otherwise, I told you what you just told me to call."

"When did I let you call me my grandma? I just said that your grandmother is fine, and tell me what baby!" The girl said coldly: "Call me to the fire!"

"Fire Star Emperor..."

Yi Tianyun's eyes glanced, and sure enough, this unicorn beast was not injured before, and the peak was repaired to have a star emperor level, otherwise it would not be related to Ziyun Xingdi.

"I don't know the fire of the Emperor, what is your relationship with Ziyun Xingdi, is it an enemy or a friend?" Yi Tianyun smiled lightly: "But no matter whether it is an enemy or a friend, Ziyun Xingdi is not here, since the last time. After going to the battlefield, I have been missing until now. There are still many people who have been looking for the Ziyun Star Emperor."

"Hey, this has something to do with me." Fire Star Emperor sighed: "The Ziyun Xing Emperor also helped me, I can escape from it, and he is afraid of being trapped inside... ”

The Fire Star Emperor shook his head and did not continue to talk more.

"Where is the siege? If you can, the younger generation wants to help!" Yi Tianyun's eyes are condensed, and Ziyun Xingdi said that he is his own guide, and he is also a little concerned about himself, and with the five-color emperor dragon. The relationship is very good, then it is necessary to find the Ziyun Star Emperor.

"Help?" The fire star was dumbfounded, and he looked up and down and smiled. "It’s too bad for you to repair it. You can’t help it. You will die there if you don’t pay attention. What do you say? Qualifications to help? At the beginning, I was a star emperor. Now I am seriously injured, resulting in the current fall to the Nine Star Supreme, or do you think that I really only have nine stars to be repaired?"

"No, my predecessors, I don't have this meaning. The main reason is that Ziyun Xingdi has the grace of knowing for the younger generation, so I want to help. Even if the younger generation is relatively low, but I want to try my best!" Seriously.

The Fire Star Emperor glanced at him with an appreciative gaze and nodded. "You have this heart is good, but the repair is always too low. If your repair is to reach the ten-star supreme, maybe there is still a little Help. But now that you are too low, you can't help but even get tired!"

"But now all the information of Ziyun Xingdi has been cut off, even if I can't help, I believe that there are other strong people who are willing to help in this upper bound." Yi Tianyun did not force himself to help, after all, he repaired himself. It is indeed not enough to see here, even the Ziyun Star Emperor has disappeared, but the Star Emperor is repaired, much stronger than himself.

In this case, they are missing. Isn’t it a cannon fodder?

"Other strong?" Fire 麒 star Emperor sneered: "This is really hard to say, Ziyun Xing Emperor is in a difficult situation, largely because there are traitors!"

"Betrayal?" Yi Tianyun's eyes condensed, this did not exceed his expectations.

Among so many people, there are some betrayers, or different ideas, it is still normal. If it is completely and completely united, it is really hard to say.

However, most people are still united and unanimous. This is beyond doubt. There are so many people, there will still be some crowbars.

"Yes, there is no such unity on the surface of the upper bounds. There are still some rots to the extreme inside." The fire star said: "The Ziyun Xing Emperor was framed by these people, which will lead to the fall." In the battlefield, otherwise, how can he easily become an obvious dilemma?"

Yi Tianyun nodded, Ziyun Xingdi is an old fritter here, there is no danger, or when to escape, these are known.

It can be said that the disappearance has fallen, and it means that there is definitely a flaw in it!

"This can't be found?" Yi Tianyun frowned.

"I can't find out, the other side is very deep, the breath is just a little bit exposed. When you want to explore, the other party has disappeared." Fire Star Xing sighed: "If you can know who the other person is, he Still not let me die!"

Speaking of the back, Fire Star Xing shook his head: "So whether you are, or resort to other strong, are not reliable."

The Emperor of Fire has expressed great distrust of the upper bounds of this world. He wants to ask for help and does not want to ask for help.

"In this case, is it impossible for Ziyun Xing Emperor to save?" Yi Tianyun frowned. "Excuse me, it is a long time for you to return to the peak state. When you revert to the peak repair, I don't know how long it will take. What will happen to Ziyun Xingdi, who knows?"

"This..." Fire Star Emperor sighed, she knew it was not a solution, but she could not trust other people in the upper bounds.

Although she herself is a camp in the upper bounds, she has a more general relationship with the upper bounds. To be precise, it is not familiar to other people. It is only a good relationship with the Ziyun Xingdi. The relationship with other people is good. It looks rather bad.

To put it bluntly, she didn't trust others at all, and naturally she didn't trust it.

"Fire 麒星帝大人, although other people are also suspect, does not mean that everyone is suspect. I think Long Yan Xing is very good, can't say she can help..."

The voice just fell, a figure fluttered in from the side, the red figure, in addition to the Dragon Yan Emperor, who else?

"Yes, not everyone is suspected, at least I am not the traitor." Long Yan Xing took out and let Yi Tianyun sneak, this Long Yan Xing Emperor has been eavesdropping on the side?

"Dragon Yanxing Emperor, you overhear!!" Fire Star is extremely angry.

"Whoever eavesdropped, this is my place. I just noticed that there is a slight change here, it is to probe over, I did not expect it to be you." Long Yan Xing looked up and down her, quite a bit of gloating: " The repairs have all fallen to this point. It was quite arrogant at the beginning. Now, how do you look at it?"

"Long Yan Xingdi, if I am repaired as before, absolutely you can't say anything!" The fire of the Emperor of the Stars surged, but it was only the nine-star supreme.

Yi Tianyun's eyebrows wrinkled on the side, the relationship between the two people seems to be relatively bad...

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