Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2542: Change the breath

When the good and evil value lottery system began to flash, Yi Tianyun opened the lucky halo at the same time, and then began to draw.

He has three chances in total. He has twice completed the mission before, and he has an opportunity in his own right, which means he has three chances! Three chances, he did not believe that he could not get it.

If you really can't get it, then you can only say that there is no way.

He didn't use this lottery before, it was purely used at a critical moment. In general, in the case of the corresponding scene and the opening of the lucky aura, it is possible to greatly increase the probability of successful extraction.

It quickly stopped and stopped, staying on the consumables!


Yi Tianyun did not feel frustrated. There were three opportunities. The key is the 100,000-level consumables. What kind of thing is it?


Soon there was something falling, and Yi Tianyun steadily caught the box and landed in his own inventory.

Take a closer look, Yi Tianyun shines.

"Tian Fan Shen Dan!"

Tian Fan Shen Dan: After taking it, it can instantly repair the state of recovery at the peak. No matter what injury or soul trauma, it can recover quickly! (Restricted to use within the Star Emperor)

This Shen Dan is not used for Yi Tianyun for a while, but it does not mean that others do not need it. For example, it can be used by the Fire Star Emperor. This does not need to wait for hundreds of years, or thousands of years, and can be recovered in an instant. The peak is repaired.

This means that one more emperor will be repaired immediately, and of course the promises of the previous ones will cease to exist. However, this medicinal medicine was given by him, and the singer of the singer of the singer really owes himself a great human condition.

"Yes, it's really good..." Yi Tianyun nodded again and again, although it did not meet what he wanted now, but this Shen Dan is really good, can immediately have more combat power, why not?

"Continue to draw!"

Yi Tianyun did not stop, once again used a lucky draw opportunity, consumed 100,000 points of good and evil values ​​to extract, and quickly flashed up, followed by slowly stopping the consumables!

"It's still a consumable..." Yi Tianyun frowned. Although this consumable is definitely not bad, it has not always been a good thing. What he lacks now is the magic!

Immediately after he opened it, he suddenly felt a little speechless.

"It is Tianfan Shendan, what is this..." Yi Tianyun’s head is somewhat bloated, which is undoubtedly a big loss, or Tianfan Shendan.

"But, this day, Van Gogh can be used by Ziyun Xingdi. He is in a state of sudden death. Taking this will immediately recover and become the strongest force..." Yi Tianyun is not depressed. If you think about using it for the Ziyun Star Emperor, it is quite suitable.

If you save the Ziyun Star Emperor and then give him this stuff, you will have three Star Emperors playing. When the time is three to three, the problem is not big.

But he wants to take the Ziyunxing emperor and run it immediately. When it is time to fight, don’t you have to fight, isn’t it better?

"Look at the situation to use it..." Yi Tianyun did not have to use this medicinal medicine to Ziyun Xingdi, and he did not intend to use it for the scorpion.

Being able to play is undoubtedly the best choice. After all, the strength of the other side may not be more than this.

"The last chance, and then can not pump out, then it is trouble..." Yi Tianyun prayed in the heart, even if it began to shake, the lottery roulette continued to flicker, and soon the lottery roulette stopped. Come down and finally stop at "God"!

"God skills!"

Yi Tianyun’s eyes lit up and finally ushered in what he wanted!


The magic box fell, and it settled in the inventory bar. After it was opened, it immediately popped up with a message change!

Change of breath: can change your breath, can become the breath of anyone (note: repair is stronger than your own can not simulate), and can change the breath of the companion (consuming 10,000 points of star energy per minute, can only change up to four Person), the current level is one level.

"I finally got it!" Yi Tianyun was happy in his heart, slamming his palm and couldn't help but laugh.

The other two frowned and looked over. I don’t know what Yi Tianyun was happy with, how suddenly he laughed.

"What's wrong?" The fire star was a little annoyed, this time, Yi Tianyun can still laugh?

"Nothing, I just thought of what you said, you can change your own situation into each other's situation. I seem to be able to do this." Yi Tianyun suddenly said.

"What, can you change your breath to the other's situation?" They both shouted out, which is a very impossible thing. Generally, practitioners can't do it, even strong as a star. The emperor can't do it.

"Yes, this seems to be the ability of the unique star law. I thought it was useless..." Yi Tianyun embarrassedly grabbed his head and pushed the situation to the unique star law.

This is undoubtedly the best way to explain, and everything will be pushed to the unique star law. After all, these are unique abilities, and it is impossible to grab them.

"There is still this ability, then try it out?" Fire Star, they can't wait to say.

"Then I will try it first, starting with the foreign domain practitioners I have dealt with before." Yi Tianyun changed his mind and turned his own atmosphere into a foreign domain practitioner.

The two of them both shivered and apparently felt that Yi Tianyun was a foreign domain practitioner. If they didn't see it with their own eyes, they thought that Yi Tianyun was a foreign cultivator.

This kind of breath is too familiar. Whenever Yi Tianyun does this, he is not sure if he is killed by mistake.

"This is really ok, except that the appearance has not changed, the rest are exactly the same..." Long Yan Xing was shocked.

Yi Tianyun smiled a little, he has not said it, can simulate the breath of anyone, provided that after analysis, can simulate. For example, the guard outside, he can simulate its exact atmosphere, which means he can pretend to be anyone!

"Yes, can I successfully mix in this?" Yi Tianyun said with a smile.

"I didn't expect to have this ability, so I can take us in with one piece." They were happy and finally saw hope.

They can hide in the body of Yi Tianyun, and then slip into it, and easily mix into the local camp.

"Wait a minute, in this case, there is no way to successfully enter this position, and there are so many strong enemies. Even if we go in, the other powerful star emperor is on the side, how do we slip in to save people?" The Fire Star Emperor poured a bucket of cold water next to it, which is undoubtedly the most difficult point.

"This has to go in and look at the situation..." Yi Tianyun smiled lightly, he did not worry about this situation, but was already prepared! Watch the new chapter of zui please - mobile address.

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