Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2546: Take away

Yi Tianyun looked around, the deacons looked at the two star emperors, and flew in front of the Ziyun Xing Emperor, they all sighed and felt that the treatment between people was really different.

Even though these deacons have been missing for many years and have countless achievements, they have always been worse than those they like. Of course, I don’t care about them, I just want to save the people I like first.

The Fire Emperor and Emperor Longyan Xing basically arrived at the cage in front of the Ziyun Xing Emperor. The repair of the Emperor of the Fire and the Emperor had fallen, but at this moment, the speed was the same as that of Longyan Xingdi. Let Yi Tianyun sigh the greatness of love.

"Don't worry, let me save you." Yi Tianyun did not rush to the Ziyun Star Emperor. Both of them had passed, what did he do in the past?

Immediately, he opened the cage and saw that these deacons were nailed to the wall. These shackles that trap them are very simple. The dense star pattern on the top knows that the power is unusual and not so easy to break. No wonder they are so weak, just these shackles are enough to trap them here and can't move.

They can only sit in the same place and wait for the slaughter.

Their situation is quite bad because they have been trapped here for years and suffered inhuman treatment. No matter whether the body has signs of collapse, even the repairs are madly plunging to the bottom, and now it is at most the level of the Stars, and it is really too bad.

From the ten stars to the respect for the fall to the star respect, I don’t know how many realms have fallen. If you want to recover, you can't recover it without more than a few thousand years.

It’s not just the deacon of this day, but the other deacons are also like this.

"These are all seven-level stars, and they are quite complicated. It is really enough to suppress them..." Yi Tianyun nodded and suppressed them. They didn't need too high star patterns. They were caught before. After being beaten up by a beating, locked in the case of injury, the situation is difficult to recover, it is not very good to recover.

"Little brother, this does not need to be seen, this shackle is too difficult to break, it takes a certain amount of effort to be able to break. And these shackles are connected with the Wucheng master that day, once they are broken, they will be attracted. "Tiangong’s deacon sighed: "So if you can save the Ziyun Star Emperor, then save the Ziyun Star Emperor..."

Tiangong deacons are very selfless. They don’t let them save themselves first, but save the Ziyun Star Emperor first. Mainly the cultivation of Ziyun Xingdi is higher than them, the potential is stronger, and the merits of Ziyun Xingdi are higher than them!

In this case, when only one person can be saved, it is a priority to save the Ziyun Star Emperor who has been the highest and has a better performance.

"Yeah, if you can save people, you can save the Ziyun Star Emperor first. Once you touch the shackles, the Wucheng Master will definitely come back that day!"

"Yes, hurry to save Ziyun Xingdi!"

Other deacons shouted out like this, even though they wanted to leave, but they calmed down and chose to let Ziyun Xingdi go first!

Yi Tianyun turned his head and looked around. There are many feelings in his heart. This is the power of unity! Even though they have different races, they always give their hearts out and feel that it is most important to save the Emperor Ziyun.

After all, Ziyun Star has the highest merits and has a greater impact on the upper bounds. As for the temporary release.

Long Yanxing emperor suddenly felt that they were not very embarrassed. Before the head was hot, he first came to see the situation of Ziyun Xingdi. I feel very embarrassed now that I have neglected other people.

"Cough and cough..." Ziyun Xing coughed a few times, slowly looking up, purple long hair spread out to the side, revealing the pale and handsome face, as Yi Tianyun had seen before.

It’s just that the face I saw in the Ziyun Pavilion was too pale and bloodless. It was not the former British spirit, but was abused very pale.

"The inheritor of the five-color emperor dragon, I did not expect you to come up so soon..." Ziyun Xingdi immediately recognized Yi Tianyun, he was originally a life-and-death with the five-color emperor dragon, when Yi Tianyun appeared, The familiar atmosphere immediately made him aware of it.

"Yeah, Ziyun Xing Emperor, I am coming." Yi Tianyun smiled slightly and walked forward: "Reassure, this time we come, we are going to save everyone! No leave any One person, not to abandon anyone!"

"Little brother, I know your kindness, but once the shackles are broken, they will be discovered immediately. This is not a question of not giving up, and you can't use it!"

"Right! At the time, I am afraid that one can't run!"

They begged Yi Tianyun to give up on himself, instead of saving the whole department. When one can't run, it is even more troublesome.

"Don't worry, the seal of this shackle is not difficult for me." Yi Tianyun is still very confident about this.

"How is it possible, this is a seven-level star pattern, and it is a lot more complicated than ours, not so good..."

They all persuaded, really do not believe in the ability of Yi Tianyun, even if it is an eight-level star pattern teacher, are there such a good faith?

Long Yan Xingdi, they look strange, if they change, they will certainly say so. It can be seen that when Yi Tianyun opened the door speed, they all shut up and wanted to see how Yi Tianyun was broken.

"Nothing, then start from Tiangong Deacon!" Yi Tianyun did not hesitate, quickly came to the Tiangong deacon and began to lift the star pattern.

Other deacons sighed, Yi Tianyun did this, then what else can they say?

But the voice just fell a long time, "Dangdang", the shackles tied to the Tiangong deacon, so fell down, heavily squatting on the ground, said that this shackles that have trapped him for many years, so dropped.

"What, what?"

Everyone widened their eyes, and even the Longyan Xing Emperor did not see it clearly. What happened, the shackles fell.

"Remove one, now start the second!" Yi Tianyun came to another deacon incessantly and quickly unlocked it. After a while, it was another shackle drop!

Easy and easy, in the blink of an eye, the shackles dropped two! This speed is really amazing.

"Do you see it clearly?"

"I didn't see it clearly. It seems to be two consecutive points. Is it over?" Long Yanxing said, "Is it all done?" ...Does he thoroughly eat through the stars of the outer domain?" See the new chapter of zui please - mobile address.

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