Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2548: Easily leave

Yi Tianyun solved all the star patterns at once, basically all in one go, and all solved it. There is no difficulty at all, it is as simple as drinking water.

Even the Ziyun Star Emperor was deeply shocked, and I feel that Yi Tianyun’s ability has exceeded his expectations. He feels that Yi Tianyun's ability has reached a new height.

Perhaps it has not reached the level of the Star Emperor, or even higher, but the level of performance now is already a very high standard, that is, a level that can stand on this stage!

For this reason, Ziyun Xing told him that he is welcome to come to this new stage and is qualified to stand here.

Originally, the Star is supreme, it is able to come up, but far from being able to stand here. It’s too bad to be repaired, and it’s not familiar with it. All kinds of factors have caused all aspects to be too smooth here.

What Yi Tianyun is showing now is quite good. It can be said that it is beyond the ability of many deacons. Is it the amazing ability of this seven-level star-striker?

"This stage is really big enough, unprecedented. I didn't expect us to meet, it will be in this scene." Yi Tianyun smiled slightly, his eyes constantly looking at the shackles.

I have to say that the difficulty of this shackle is still a little higher, and it is a bit special. This is not expected, Ziyun Xingdi was originally not bad, if it is too bad shackles, certainly can not lock this Ziyun Star Emperor.

"Yes, I have never thought about this scene. I thought I could bring you to see the world in person, and then guide you through the experience. Now it seems that I don't need me to take you through the experience. I have been able to adapt to this world." Ziyun Xingdi smiled and Yi Tianyun's ability to adapt was far beyond his imagination.

"You don't need to take me to experience, but you can be my teammate in the future, isn't it?" Yi Tianyun smiled and said this shocking words.

Can a nine-star supreme say this to the Star Emperor? Generally speaking, at best, it is called a man, but dare to call himself a teammate? Repairing as big as the gap, what is a teammate?

Other deacons were shocked, and they dared not say so, Yi Tianyun dared to say so. If it is a ten-star supreme, it is a bit credible to say such a thing.

But now the difference is a bit big? There are two big realms that are different from each other. I don’t know how long it will be able to fill it back.

"Ha ha ha, teammates... good, I am very much looking forward to you becoming my teammate, we are together in the field! Although you are not the original five-color emperor dragon, but as a successor, that is my teammate!" Ziyun Xingdi happy Laughing, the pale face is a bit more rosy.

Yi Tianyun smiled slightly, and continued to connect with the shackles. Soon, with the sound of "jingle", the shackles fell to the ground.

The people were taken aback and looked at the shackles on the ground, some dumbfounded.

During the conversation, the shackles were broken and they were not real. Is this a bit too exaggerated?

"Untied, let's go." Yi Tianyun did not drag, indicating that they took people to hurry.

Long Yan Xing Emperor nodded, no nonsense, reaching out and recruiting everyone to give their body space. This time she fled, and the fight may not be able to fight with the three stars, but there should be no problem in running away.

As long as you can escape to the city, it is not a problem. Even if it will attract a bunch of strong, they will die in the end! Originally, I saved the Ziyun Star Emperor. This is not necessarily saved. The main Ziyun Xing Emperor will not necessarily be held in the Great Rock City.

If there is no Ziyun Xing Emperor in the Great Rock City, isn’t it a white run?

Nowadays, not only the Ziyun Star Emperor, but also so many heroes are here. If this is not even dare to start with the giant rock city, it is really the heart of countless people.

It can be said that there are so many deacons here, each of which is a great achievement. I did not expect to be detained here. Just rushing to this point, it has already been with the giant rock city.

It was originally a principle of holding more than one thing, but if you do it in Great Rock, you must take revenge!

Of course, let's go back and talk about it now, and the rest of the matter is long-term.

Yi Tianyun did not stand up and said that using the transmission of the **** stone, this stuff is not in the end, or not used as well. Moreover, he now knows the situation outside and does not need to do so for the time being.

All the emperors outside are trapped by the giant eagle, where will they dare to chase people? There are three stars who have the ability to catch up and ensure that their giant rock city is completely leveled.

This is not an exaggeration. Yi Tianyun uses a giant **** order again, and can definitely level the huge rock city.

Immediately, Long Yan Xing Emperor quickly rushed up. After he came up, he saw that there were still many giant condors outside, and he smiled and said: "This demon is really a big help. No wonder this is not coming, it is being demon. The family is holding back, it really deserves it!"

Long Yan Xing's figure flashed and fled away at an alarming rate. This scene was quickly perceived by the Tianwu City Lord, and the Tianwu City Master suddenly became furious: "Damn, it is really the warrior of the Stars, how to sneak in!"

"It is really the warrior of the Stars District, the master of Tianwu, are you catching up?"

"Follow what to chase, so many giant condors are here, have you not seen it? Damn, these giant condors have not dissipated, nor have they chased the warriors of the star area. Why did these giant condors capture my city!" "The master of Tianwu City shouted, and it was really mad. "I saved so many prisoners, especially even the Ziyun Star Emperor gave it away. I knew that I would kill the guy!"

Watching Long Yan Xing escape, but can not catch up, the heart to be more wronged, how much wrong.

Long Yanxing emperor escaped from this huge rock city easily, and the giant eagle did not attack Long Yan Xing, and only attacked the practitioners of the giant rock city.

Originally, Long Yan Xingdi was still worried about being attacked. He hid far away from the side. Who knows that the Giant Condor simply ignored her and continued to storm the Great Rock City!

This allows Tianwu City owners to vomit blood, and the Giant Condor really only attacks them, and will not attack the warriors in the Stars.

This has led to many guards in the Great Rock City, and even the residents, who are extremely resentful to the Tianwu city owners. It must be the existence of the city-level level, and it will attract a strong enemy of the demon, otherwise how can it attract so many demons?

Resentment doesn't make sense. They can only hide, or they can only wait to die.

"It’s too easy to escape. After this time, I will send someone to annihilate this giant rock city!” Long Yanxing was happy, everything was going well.

Yi Tianyun smiled lightly. Isn't this what he expected? Without his giant deity, it was not so smooth, but unfortunately it could not be said, and there was no great merit.

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