Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2561: criticism

When I saw them coming over, I felt like they came over and smiled. "It’s very good. You have successfully completed the task. It’s quite good! In addition to killing a star emperor, there are still thirty-five. The ten-star supreme level has been killed by you! I have to say that this record is still quite good."

"I am very pleased with your close cooperation. It seems that you usually do the task and the cooperation is still very good."

"But this time, Tianyun Jiu Zun has some impulsiveness, even if it is to complete the task, this kind of risk is not very good."

Jue Luoji Xingdi commented one by one, exactly like what he saw with his own eyes.

Yi Tianyun is in the heart, this old guy is afraid to secretly check the situation. The polar star can't do it, it doesn't mean you can't go out and check the situation. If you don't go out together, the distance of the exploration is really far enough...

Of course, it is also possible to send other people to check the situation in the past, and then come back to tell the Emperor.

No matter which point, I feel that the Emperor Luo is very concerned about this matter. It is a big event to destroy the city! This can easily attract the attention of other city owners, and even cause some confusion.

To this end, every time you attack the city, you will report it in advance, so that all the guards on the battlefield must pay close attention to the surrounding trends. If there is any strong attack, it can also be placed immediately to resist, not in a passive state.

"I am very sorry, I will pay attention next time." Yi Tianyun accepted this criticism modestly.

Although he has the ability to escape, but this time is still modest as well, there will be a lot of opportunities to show in the future, and it is better to be low-key. Refuting them obviously has no good benefits, and there are no bad things.

"Well, there is no other problem. Besides, I will start to talk about some things that may happen. Because of the destruction of the Great Rock City, you can basically guess the situation. It may cause riots. Which battlefield is not clear for the time being. It may be the battlefield on the 25th..."

"So you don't want to go away for a while, you don't need to do any tasks, stay here for the time being. If there is any situation, immediately dispatch to help defend!"

I feel that the Emperor Luo is very serious. "I will stay here. If they are dispatched, I will let them have no return!"

Although the two sides did not break the rules, as long as they were killed from this channel, they would be told that the Luoji Xing Emperor would be destroyed! This does not destroy any rules.

"I feel great about the great emperor, if there is a big battle, then our move is right, or is it wrong..." The dynasty star is complicated, and as a star emperor, he never wants to see the war.

"Yes!" Jue Luoji Xingdi sighed: "We have always been in a defensive state, so that they feel that we have no blood, thinking that we are turtles, we can only hide."

"It’s time to talk about it. It’s time to fight back. Blindly choosing to avoid war, or guarding, will only make the loss even more serious. For this reason, we intend to take the initiative once, this time, even for so many years, once again!"

"Let them know that we are no longer cowards, and we don't even know how to hide in the turtle shell!"

"Now ask you to be ready to die!"


They flowed out in unison, except for Yi Tianyun, who shouted out, really slammed out, full of blood and excitement.

They have always been suppressed. How can they not be excited now? Even if it is dead on the battlefield, it is an honor!

The most important thing is that their relatives and friends are dead on the battlefield. They hate foreign cultivators and have reached the limit! I have long wanted to fight back, but I don’t want to see more practitioners die.

However, they hope that they will be involved in the big battle. Once there is any big battle, they will arrive in the first time.

Yi Tianyun did not shout out, mainly because the feeling was not too deep, just came, what is the feeling, it is unlikely.

Jue Luoji Xingdi looked at Yi Tianyun and smiled: "Similarly, the guards on the upper side of the world are also dependent on you. Maybe you don't have too deep feelings here, but I believe that soon you will I will feel the blood here! It is not only our land, but also our family!"

I feel that there is a sense of sensation in the eyes of the Emperor Luo Xing. He can always stay here. Isn’t it a responsibility?

"If I say that there are too many feelings, it is hypocritical. But I think the same, if you don't hold it here, the family behind you will become the soul of their knife!" Yi Tianyun looked serious.

"Yes, at first we also felt this way. With the passage of time, the feelings here are getting deeper and deeper." Liuji Xingdi agrees with Yi Tianyun's words.

"Okay, don't say anything extra. The task you completed this time is very good. Everyone rewards points. Among them, the singer is rewarded with five thousand points, and the ruthless star rewards five thousand points. Rewarding two thousand points, Yuanyuan Jiu Zun rewards one thousand points, and Tianyun Nine rewards one thousand points."

"Tianyun Jiu Zun Perhaps you are a little impulsive this time, but you have to say that your punch has played a small role. Otherwise, with the ability of the Emperor of the Emperor, it will take longer... It will not be long before you leave. The former Tianwu City Lord came back. If it was not finished early, it was really played with the Tianwu City Master." Jue Luoji is very serious: "To this end, reward you with a thousand points. If there is nothing wrong, then it is Can reward a little more."

"That city owner is back?" Yi Tianyun frowned, did not expect to come back so soon, not to find the Yaozu?

"Yes, it is estimated that it was destroyed here, and it was hurriedly killed. Fortunately, you will end this battle quickly, otherwise you will have to fight with Tianwu City. The Wucheng Lord is not so good, compared to that. The martial arts star must be strong. "Zhen Luoji star emperor Shen Sheng said: "So you can come back, still very lucky, or trigger the war again, afraid that it will attract other stars to come over, when you want to go , can't go!"

Jue Luoji Xingdi’s expression is serious: “To tell the truth, the time you spent is still a little longer. Tianyun’s nine statues are impulsive, but it’s not his impulse. Tianwu’s owner is really coming back.”

His impulse to Yi Tianyun was criticized and appreciated.

However, there have always been more criticisms. If they are violent, they may be able to end quickly.

"It's our negligence..." The Essence of the Emperor was with a twilight.

The voice just fell, and quickly rushed over to a guard. Just entered the door and said: "Adult, there are enemy!!" Please see the new chapter of zui - mobile address.

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