Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2585: lie

The Magic Bird Nine does not admit any mistakes. In this world, the weak is the biggest mistake! Will not give you any chance to justify, the magic bird nine see Yi Tianyun when they are not very high, they have already produced a killing heart.

If a group of strong people, perhaps more will say a few words, it is a pity that Yi Tianyun now they do not have such qualifications.

"Sure enough, you are all a bunch of garbage. Since you like this kind of weak meat, then I will show you what is called a weak meat!"

Yi Tianyun is full of killing in the depths of his eyes. He stretches his hand and slams his fist. The moment behind him, there are five stars and stars. It looks like a dragon and looks like a tiger. Look carefully and look like a weapon. It seems to be careful again. Look at a few more eyes and become other stars.

Starpower enhances the five parties!

Starpower enhances the party!

Increase the power by fifty times!

Increase the damage by 30 times!


The effects of the major stars are different. The more terrifying is the star power that fills the entire region. The stars in the sky are trembled! It seems that there is a kind of enchanting birth, shaking the whole world!

"how come!?"

The devil's nine screamed and shouted: "Fast, stop him!"

He can feel the power of a horror, bursting out from the fist of Yi Tianyun, spreading out crazy around, and can swallow them at any time!

It is clear that Yi Tianyun only has the nine-star supreme pre-repair, and the strength of the fists is almost up to the ten-star supreme level, which is the strength of their boss.

But everything is too late, how can the power of Yi Tianyun be blocked by others?


The power of terror spreads wildly around, whether it is the guards around, or the supreme star of the stars, under the power of this horror, directly shocked! Only the Jiuxing Supreme situation is a little better, but one is seriously injured, and some directly explode and become a blood fog.

Death is not dead, and soon recovers, but the wounds of the soul are very serious. If you don’t cultivate for hundreds of years, even thousands of years, you can’t recover.

This state is no different from the half-residue, and even a little fighting power is gone. This is still just a trick, they are defeated.

The power of terror, let Shi Xueyun, after they saw it, they took a sigh of relief. They have not seen such a terrible battle. They knew that the Star Supreme is very strong, but they have not seen the power of the Nine Stars.

Now the power of the nine stars is erupting, making them feel how small they are. This power is much stronger than the ones coming from them.

The key is to be as strong as the nine-star supreme opponent, still resisting the next move! The hit nine-star supreme, even if they are, can easily deal with it.

This kind of semi-residual state, repaired as afraid of falling to the star is not only, it looks quite miserable.

"Save, save lives!!"

The devil's nine screams, smashing the tokens and asking for help, using the only remaining power to run away. But everything is too late, how can Yi Tianyun let them run away?

He only needs to reach out and gently, and their body immediately turns into fly ash and disappears into the world.

It is followed by a large star that can easily be included in the bag, but it is always worse than the star value of the ten-star supreme.

After a while, there is a rapid and strong support to this side, both of which are the nine-star supreme level of cultivation, and generally have four. I have to say that the strength of the Tianqimen is really strong enough, at least in this area, it is quite a strong type.

"Bold, dare to kill our apocalypse!" Several nine-star supreme rushing up are full of killing, their killings are different, obviously different from the previous nine-star supreme, with more intense Killing.

This kind of killing is obviously the one that has been to the outer field. Of course, their cultivation is the late stage of the nine-star supreme. This level is basically the type of the upper bound, and now it is down.

He has a little respect for the nine-star supreme who has fought against the outer domain, but if he does not respect himself, then he will say it.

"Do you guys kill me, can't I still kill it?" Yi Tianyun said indifferently. "I am going to go up to the upper bounds. I will not kill you. However, I hope that you will give me a sincerity." reply!"

They suddenly looked at each other, and it was a bit weird to look at Yi Tianyun's face.

They do not think that Yi Tianyun is on the upper boundary, mainly because it is not high. Generally speaking, they are all in the mid-level of the Nine Stars, and they will be found in the upper bounds of the upper limit. Yi Tianyun’s cultivation is only a pre-repair of the Nine-Star Supreme. It should have never been.

"You still know the upper bounds. It seems that you should be your friend and tell you. Yes, we have been to the upper bounds, but we know that we have been to the upper bounds and dare to attack our forces?"

"Yes, our Tianqimen is very good with the strong people in the upper bounds. If you choose to resist, then no wonder we will shoot you!"

"All of us are for the upper bound!"

They speak righteously, as if they were to protect the world.

"You mean to say that the constant expansion of power is to help the upper bounds?" Yi Tianyun said indifferently.

"Yes! I must know some things in the upper bounds, I don't want to add more details." The nine secrets of Tuen Mun: "Only expanding the power, then collecting resources, and constantly cultivating the strong, can the upper bound Helpful!"

"If you influence our expansion, it is equal to disrespecting the upper bounds!"

If the Nine Gates of Tuen Mun, it is really a high hat for him. It seems that it is necessary to do the opposite of the upper bound.

Shi Xueyun, they have some doubts, do not know what it means, what is the upper bound, where have you heard?

"It’s a joke. If I don’t know a little bit, I’m really deceived by you.” Yi Tianyun watched their eyes gradually become cold: “In the end, not for yourself? It’s so nice, but also for the sake of the world. The world is pure fart!"

"You are afraid of death, want to collect resources to improve yourself. The battlefield of the upper level of the upper bound, you can't go, the low-level income is too low, you can only turn your attention to the lower bounds, it is really a good idea!" "Yi Tianyun smiled and said: "Now, with such a great excuse, it is really better to sing for the upper bounds!"

Yi Tianyun knows the general situation from the memory he has obtained before. Where are these guys for the upper bounds, they simply don't want to die.

The above resources are difficult to collect, although they have come down, but after a while, they still have to go up. When the time is too low and the task is to be done, the death rate is high.

To this end, they can only find resources insanely, and then upgrade themselves to the upper bounds!

Everything is for their own purpose, and for the sake of the upper bound.

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