Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2591: More than enough

After Yi Tianyun explained them to Shi Xueyun, they generally knew what was going on and how severe the situation was. It’s hard to break through to the Nine Stars, but it’s even more dangerous.

It seems that after this becomes stronger, it becomes more dangerous. Obviously it is not worthwhile.

It is no wonder that some of the strong players have never been able to break through and have been stuck in the early stage of the Nine Stars, so they don't have to worry about being taken up.

Of course, if you really have to stay for too long, you will still be forced to take it. At present, the attitude is so tough. If the card is forced to be repaired for too long, it will be forced to be cited.

How to determine this time, Yi Tianyun still does not know, just probably heard similar information. When you gradually sneak down, even if it is the Supreme Star, you have to pick it up. Everything is dominated by the battlefield situation. If it is getting more and more severe, then the cultivation of the down will become inevitable.

With this in mind, they all go to work on their own, and they still have a lot of things to be busy. In particular, just getting so many resources, it is necessary to majestic, to improve the overall strength.

Yi Tianyun looked at the back of their departure and his eyes flickered. The initial investment is to simply make your friends and family stronger. It seems that this decision is very correct.

Maybe the pace of progress is a bit slow, but at least it is improving. To be exact, he broke through so fast that they looked very slow and a little helpless.

He does not ask them to help now. At least when the foreign powers are killed, they still have the ability to resist, which is the most important point. At present, it seems that the actual situation has not disappointed him too much. Many of them have progressed madly and have become more and more sophisticated.

Whether it is a big star or a god, it is slowly coming from nothing. In particular, the number of big stars has reached a very impressive value.

As time goes by, he believes that there will soon be such a starry supreme, even reaching the nine-star supreme.

He is now in charge of so many resources, and if they can't improve, they can't do anything about it.

"Well, what's the situation? Is there a danger in the ancient star?"

Yi Tianyun obviously felt at this time that the ancient star was constantly transmitting dangerous signals. After he signed the contract with the ancient star, he still had a little perception.

If you are in the upper bounds, this perception is minimal, but after it is down, it is obviously much stronger.

There was no such feeling before, and suddenly there was a danger signal.

The next moment, he did not stop, the figure flashed, disappeared in place.

The eight-yuan world is now his territory. He is a beast god. If the eight-yuan world is invaded, it is equal to his own territory being invaded. How can he not care.

After a flash of light, it quickly appeared in the eight-yuan world.

At this time, the eight-yuan world became very chaotic, and many of the stars were smashed, and many bodies were floating in the void. Among them, there are giant beasts, and more are the bodies of practitioners!

These practitioners are not others. It was the evil spirits and the Green Devils that made Yi Tianyun disgusting. I didn’t expect them to kill.

Yi Tianyun’s thoughts flashed, and he could guess a little bit. It is estimated that the cooperation between the giant orc and the evil spirits has evolved. Now that the eight-yuan world is controlled by Yi Tianyun, how can they be willing?

It’s hard to be willing to take action, one more assistant, but now it’s been taken away.

Seeing so many bodies, I know that the eight-yuan world is still very fierce. But what is the internal situation, it is really hard to say.

It may be internally set off. In his view, the eight-yuan world is still very safe. The guards are not strict and the protection is very good. Now it is being attacked, and there may be big problems inside!

There was a problem inside. Yi Tianyun thought about it before, but I didn’t expect it to explode so quickly.

As he thought about it, he quickly looked at the situation and quickly locked the front area.


Yi Tianyun swept to the front and immediately checked the situation ahead. The ancient star is already seriously injured, and the situation is quite serious. Zalina is on the side of the ancient star treatment, in front of them a group of giant beasts are standing on the side of the hall.

On the outskirts of the main hall, a group of strong men are attacking, in addition to the traitors of the giant orc, and then the super strong of the Green Devil and the evil spirits. There are no more than two ten-star supreme, and the two races add up. There are four ten stars to the supreme.

These handwritings are really embarrassing. No wonder it will break through here, there are so many strong people, plus the internal response, can you not break it?

But there are not many behemoths who have not betrayed, but in the face of powerful enemies, they can only retreat and stay here.

"You guys who are ungrateful, even join hands with outsiders, can't die!" The elders of Tianhu roared, and the elders who opposed it before.

"Don't die! It's ridiculous. It was ruthless to be ruled by the inheritors of the five-color emperor dragon." Elder Baron snorted. "Unfortunately, he doesn't know where it is. If it appears now, see if we don't shoot him to death!" ”

"Speaking of this, the inheritor of this five-color emperor dragon has a bit of a holiday with us. We learned that a long time ago he had a little conflict with our evil spirits... It seems that we are still enemies." One, he has not seen Yi Tianyun, but other evil spirits are also evil spirits, more or less collected a little news.

"It's also a bit of hatred with our Green Devils." Green Cold Ten is also a sneer, murderous.

"Now, our beast god, there are really enough people to provoke. It is a kind of blame for us to bring so many enemies to the eight-yuan world!"

"Let you have a fart!" Gu Xing was so hard to get up and stared at him coldly: "What is wrong, you are a traitor, it is the biggest blame, and the face says this, your face It’s not really thick! Kill it, don’t talk nonsense!”

They are surrounded by layers, and now even if they can resist, they are also at the end of the battle, and they cannot continue to persist. So many strong people are outside, how to resist?

"Reassure, we will let you go with peace of mind, standing in the wrong team is a very wrong choice, I hope that in the next life, you don't stand the wrong team." Elder Baron shook his head and thought they were very ridiculous, choose to be loyal to Yi Tianyun Hey, can't you laugh?

"We don't feel that we are standing in the wrong team. If the beast is coming back, you will die!" Gu Xing shouted.

"Jokes, what is he counting? Isn't it a bit of beast **** pressure? How high can it be repaired?" Elder Baron is extremely disdainful. There are so many strong people around him. What is he afraid of?

"My cultivation is not high, but it is more than enough for you." A voice rang from the side, and the beasts turned and looked at it. The visitor was not Yi Tianyun. Watch the new chapter of zui please - mobile address.

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