Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2596: Real team

Yi Tianyun's deeds gradually pushed back as time went by. It was not that he was completely forgotten. There are still a lot of people who know.

It’s just that it’s been discussed for so long, and it’s time to stop. After the meal, I have talked about it for a long time. What else is it to talk about? What is being discussed now is the record of all major battlefields.

If you mention the name of Tianyun Nine, they will remember it immediately and will remember it forever. And this matter has been recorded in the annals of history, and it is impossible to forget.

This is the first time in the history of the Great Jedi counterattack! Due to the repair of Yi Tianyun, zero death! There was an injury, but it was completely in a state of zero death. It really shocked everyone.

When someone turns to this annals in the future, it will be greatly shocked. It can be said that it is the most shocking battle of zero death in history. Perhaps not the biggest battle, but in terms of the number of deaths, it is definitely the least.

For this reason, this thing is more amazing than many previous achievements. Otherwise, he just came up, the guards recognized him, and the others could not recognize him. It was never seen.

Guarding it is necessary to remember different practitioners, some of which are brilliant, but also to remember.

Yi Tianyun returned to his cultivation hall, and this time he just returned, it was the encounter with the Supreme God Supreme, and the two happened to meet.

"Boss, you are finally back. I always feel that something is happening today. It turned out that you are back, and you are back in advance!" The gods are full of joy, these days, they are not dispatched, but waiting Yi Tianyun returned.

The main reason is that Yi Tianyun will go down for a while, so they will wait a little longer. In a year or two, it is not a time. They just happened to adjust and be familiar with the world.

They are all just following the time they have just come up, familiar with it, it is still necessary. They feel that it is better to have more information before Yi Tianyun returns, and I can give Yi Tianyun some help.

I used to rely on Yi Tianyun before they could complete the task. Although Yi Tianyun said nothing, they felt that they did not contribute much.

After a period of repair, they are not likely to catch up with Yi Tianyun. For this reason, it is helpful to look at some tasks and plan well before proceeding. At that time, the efficiency has been greatly improved, both for them and for Yi Tianyun.

"It is indeed back in advance, but it is only a short time in advance." Yi Tianyun smiled.

Feng Shou Supremely nodded happily, quickly patted the other two doors, and soon the practice room was opened, and the Supreme and the Sericulture Supreme quickly came out. When I saw Yi Tianyun, they all looked happy. : "Boss, you are back!"

Their expressions are as much a surprise as the Supreme Supreme.

They waited for Yi Tianyun to come back. Not only is Yi Tianyun their captain, but then a man who creates miracles. Can you not hold this thigh?

"Well, I am back. I have adjusted the state and I don't know which one I am going to do?" Yi Tianyun came back and planned to do some tasks first and become familiar with the world.

"This has been discussed before. The current situation is relatively stable. After the last battle, the practitioners in the foreign domain were not as rampant as before, and they converge slightly. But the danger is still there. After all, it is also a foreign domain."

"In the period, we chose some of the better quality, the danger is a little, but not a very high task. In general, we are listed, you can check it out."

Speaking is the Supreme Supreme, she took out the block token and handed it over to Yi Tianyun.

Yi Tianyun took a look at it and found that it was really detailed enough. In general, several tasks were listed. Each task was marked in great detail, such as the terrain, what monsters are around, or what foreigners are. . There are also a lot of ideas for how to carry out this task.

Basically, it can be said that dripping water does not leak, everything is planned to be quite perfect, without any flaws.

They have not been dispatched during this time, but they have thoroughly studied so many battlefields. Finding out some tasks that are right for their current level is undoubtedly a huge job.


This is much better than drilling into the battlefield without a brain. Studying various tasks here, no task, no timid, purely wants to go with Yi Tianyun.

Yi Tianyun can see that there are some good tasks, and all three of them can complete it.

But they still stayed, just waiting for the captain to return.

"Yes, very good." Yi Tianyun is very satisfied with their plans, if they are here just waiting for themselves to come back, to be honest he will be very disappointed.

In this way, it is obviously relying on him, and there is no mind at all. This is obviously not the team he needs, he relies entirely on himself, and he is not as good as himself.

"That's good, this time I will follow your advice and follow you to do the task." Yi Tianyun said with a smile: "I will be a captain of the team and become a team member, let you take turns to be the captain, how? ”

They are bright in front of their eyes, and they are full of confidence: "Okay, I will be the captain of this time, let me do the task of my investigation!"

Supreme Supreme came out first. As a female practitioner, she was still anxious to prove herself. Female repair is actually more sought-after, and the general team likes to be a female repairer. This was the case before.

It’s just that the female repair is also easy to be treated as a vase. The Supreme Supreme obviously does not like this. For this reason, I plan to do my own task first.

"Well, the captain will come first by you. Do you have any opinions?" Yi Tianyun smiled and smiled.

"No!" The gods are supreme and they smile at each other and don't feel anything.

"That's off now!"

Immediately, they started to act. After adjusting for so many days, there is no need to stay here. They have already been gearing up and ready to do a good job.

Soon, under the leadership of Supreme Supreme, the first thing they dealt with was a nine-star predecessor, which was not high, just like Yi Tianyun.

The Supreme Supreme study is very thorough, and the opponent is weak, and these are completely in control.

In the end, I don't need Yi Tianyun to take the shot, this task is easy to win!

Soon it was the turn of the gods to start the mission, and it was easy to win, without any problems. Everything has been done without dripping, and it is not the kind of paper on the other. It is obvious that they did not dispatch the task, but they came to explore the situation slightly.

This makes Yi Tianyun feel gratified, this is the real team!

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