Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2619: Dancing on the tip of the knife

Thanks to the addition of strong enemies, the atmosphere is suddenly tense. Basically every city has been transferred to a group of strong people.

To know that this is a distance that is so far away, it is enough to transfer a group of strong people, enough to see how powerful the power of the great star. It's easy to transfer a group of people, and this speed is almost equal to a transmission of the **** stone, the effect is quite good.

His transmission stone can only transmit one person, unless there is a group of people in the body, or only one person can use it.

The Polar Star Emperor is powerful, and it is quite easy to transfer a group of people.

But it is quite easy, it may not be easy. Only a batch of each city was transferred, and they stopped to recover, representing that the consumption was quite amazing and could not be transferred many times.

It is quite good to be able to transfer a group of people in each city. If there is only one polar star emperor, then it is really impossible to transfer the whole department, only to transfer some cities.

Now it is two, only to reluctantly transfer all the cities, can get support.

"This is too expensive, and I can't transfer it for the time being. We can only help here. What is the result? That's what it is." Tianji Jiu Xingdi sighed and felt that the consumption was too big, let He has to vomit blood when he transfers.

It is quite good to be able to transfer a group of people to interfere, at least not to make the upper bounds win too easily.

For this reason, Yi Tianyun also welcomed a group of strong people and quickly dispersed into the city.

Yi Tianyun swept his eyes, and the super-exploration eye searched for the general situation and found out what support was available.

"Ten Ten Stars Supreme, Thirty Nine Stars Supreme, Fifty Stars Supreme..."

Yi Tianyun swept the past, but it really brought a lot of reinforcements. All of a sudden, the original difficult situation became a little nervous. Ten stars are not a small number, and among them, they are only eight ten stars, and they are not enough.

Originally, there was no ten-star supreme here. For this reason, all the ten-star supremes were not sent. How to say, the city also needs to be stationed. For this reason, I dare to send all the top ten stars to the party. Only part of it can be sent.

Although the pressure has improved, in general, it is not a big problem for them. All along, they are all less and more, not to mention the difference between the two, even if it is a difference of four or five, they still dare to fight!

They are not afraid of death, but the foreign domain practitioners are quite afraid of death, especially the strong. The more powerful, the more afraid of death, no one wants to die.

"Follow me, kill those nine-star supreme!" Yi Tianyun took his team and rushed to the front.

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Under the leadership of Yi Tianyun, he quickly killed the opposite reinforcements. There are a lot of nine-star supreme there, and Yi Tianyun puts in with one person and does not worry that these nine-star supreme will cause any harm to them.

琯琯 Supreme they quickly cooperated to form a perfect big array, began to find one of the nine-star Supreme mid-term strong, and quickly stormed.

At first, the foreign domain practitioners felt very disdainful when they saw the three Star Supreme Powers besieging themselves. Do you want to besiege yourself?

However, as the battle continued to attack, the other party found that his attack did not work at all, and was completely bypassed by the other party in the surrounding situation, and constantly attacked.

Under the joint attack, the power of the attack is greatly enhanced, and it is hard to say that it exceeds the other side, but the power is at least nine-star supreme, close to the medium-term level.

These forces, combined with the perfect combination, actually suppressed a nine-star mid-term strongman!

This point is beyond the expectations of the foreign domain practitioners, including the other nine stars of the upper bounds of the world did not expect, but also to achieve this level.

This is a shocking thing. According to this situation, a foreign cultivator will soon be killed.

However, Yi Tianyun is even more shocked. It is simply killing the nine-star supreme, and facing the same level of the nine-star supreme, whether it is the medium or late stage, it is a tearing opponent, easy to kill!

This situation makes everyone take a sigh of relief, is this the nine-star supreme pre-repair, is it the late nine-star supreme, and even the ten-star supreme level?

These horrible forces made them all shocked, and they are simply humanoid monsters!

Yi Tianyun was attacking on the side of the Supreme Supreme, and did not intend to leave them too far away. This will not only kill the enemy, but also facilitate support in a short period of time.

In the eyes of outsiders, they are too risky. Three Stars Supreme to deal with a nine-star supreme, is this not a mess? The key is that there are so many strong people around, if the siege comes over, what can Yi Tianyun stop? If it is too late to support, it is death!

In particular, they are all unique stars, and their potential is enormous. If they die, it is really a waste.

For Yi Tianyun, it is to dance on this tip! Only in this way can we become stronger and stronger!

Of course, this must be done in a safe situation, otherwise it will die, and everything will be too bad.

The situation in which the three of them fought was also hearty and enjoying this dangerous feeling. In this dangerous state, constantly stimulating your own potential, breaking through to the nine-star supreme is only a matter of time.

They used the magical medicine early to promote their own laws, and now they have almost no energy and experience.

Not everyone, like Yi Tianyun, as long as the star can be worth, and the stars and the law can reach the standard, you can storm.

They still need to accumulate a certain amount of time before they can improve their own cultivation.

"District worms, dare to arrogate in our territory!"

At this time, a burly figure, smashed from the side, waved a giant palm and slap it to the side.

Suddenly, it was a ten-star supreme mid-level powerhouse. He really couldn’t bear it. The three stars are supreme, and they dare to turn their own hands to play the group here. Under the wrath, they will be killed immediately.

Under the powerful pressure, Supreme Supreme, their faces are white, this time the repair is too big, where can bear this pressure? It was more difficult to deal with the nine-star supreme, and it was more difficult to face the ten-star supreme.

The practitioners in the distance exclaimed, and the heart was even more screaming. They kept coming together and wanted to save them.

Nothing to do so close, what is it that doesn't add to them?

But at this time, a light and shadow swiftly swept past, and a heavy sword fell, "squeaky", the horrible swordsman hard to force the other party to retreat.

It’s Yi Tianyun who intercepts the other party!

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