Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2621: Stared

Yi Tianyun has been suppressing this for a long time, and there has not been a good breakthrough. If it is a normal breakthrough, it is really a loss.

If his cultivation is at the late stage of the Nine Stars, then the vigilance of the other side will undoubtedly be stronger. It is obviously not possible to want a sword to kill.

Now it is different. Under the outbreak of the repair, it is easy to kill a strong player in the mid-level of the ten-star Supreme and win the record of the leap-level killing.

The ten-star supreme on the side was shocked, especially the ten-star supreme that I knew with the ten people of Xilin. They all know how strong the strength of Xilin Ten is, but now they are killed by a sword.

From this point of view, it is undoubtedly more proof that Yi Tianyun's explosive power is really amazing.

Especially the speed of that sword is already beyond the ten stars. If it is repaired to be a little bit worse, it is easier to be easily killed by Yi Tianyun.

"Kill, start..."

Yi Tianyun held a nine-star sword and rushed forward to join the ten-star battlefield. Before, he had no chance to confront the ten-star supreme.

It’s different now, with strong power and weapon blessing, it’s enough to easily counter the ten-star supreme!

"The wind of chaos..."

Yi Tianyun passed a touch of green light, and his figure was short, and quickly turned into an extreme wind, rushing to the front. In a blink of an eye, I will kill one of the ten stars in front of me and follow the sword quickly.

The other party quickly reacted and hid to the side, but the speed was always too slow. The sword had already smashed half of the body, but it was still alive, but it has been hit hard.

The ten-star supreme of the upper bounds of the world did not speak and quickly chased them up. It is a good thing to have Yi Tianyun join in.

Now is not the time to grab the power, in order to kill the other party in the shortest time! This will reduce casualties and benefit everyone.

In the back of the ten-star supreme attack, the other side was easily killed. Yi Tianyun’s sword has already hurt the soul, and the combat power has dropped rapidly. It is equal to repairing a level that drops one level or even two levels.

In this case, it will undoubtedly be a lot easier to deal with.

Yi Tianyun did not stop. After injuring one of them, he quickly went down to support the past. The figure is like a wind, turned into an extreme wind shadow, swept away to the front, the attack speed can be said to reach the extreme of the nine-star supreme level!

It should be said that it is much faster than most of the nine-star supreme, and it is not a level. This speed is already at the level of the ten-star supreme level.

"call out!"

This shadow is like a shadow of death. After passing a figure, it brings a ten-star supreme to be hit hard. Death is not dead, but it will definitely be taken away.

It may be an arm or a leg, and the serious one is the half body. As for the killing of a sword, it is already more difficult.

With a little more vigilance, it is difficult to achieve the same as before, can easily kill a sword. But this is just a way to avoid fatal injuries, not much meaning.

At the speed of terror, nothing makes sense.

The girl hiding in the dark, stunned at this scene, where does she need her to save? Yi Tianyun alone can easily suppress the other party, and it is not the general nine-star supreme.

This kind of expressiveness, as long as it is not the star emperor, Yi Tianyun can easily swim here. Even if it is not good, it can easily escape. Imagine that repairing to reach the ten-star supreme level, especially the later level, is afraid that it can be hardened with the general star emperor?

After all, the Star Emperor also has strengths and weaknesses, not necessarily all against the heavens. For this reason, some powerful ten-star supreme, still able to harden the star emperor!

"The boss is really amazing. It's no wonder that I dare to bring us in and take a look!" They said that they were laughing and they continued to attack some of the nine-star supreme.

Yi Tianyun is protected on the side, and their hearts are settled a lot. This is like a previous task, Yi Tianyun is sitting on the side of the town, so that their hearts are settled a lot.

Of course, Yi Tianyun will not shoot at any time, and when they reach a very dangerous point, they will quickly shoot. Once you shoot, the other party will die!

To this end, they can fight hard, even if they are seriously injured, they will not die. Yi Tianyun will quickly rescue them and pull them from the edge of death.

In this way, their cultivation will advance by leaps and bounds, and they will continue to give them some time. There is no pressure to break through to the Nine Stars. It’s almost a short time now. If it’s not a siege war, it’s estimated that they have broken through.

Have resources, ability, experience, and worry that there is no way to break through?

The situation here also attracts the attention of other city owners. Suddenly there is a special existence, it is difficult to not pay attention.

Just want to come over and support, that is impossible. Here, the Emperor Ziyun was crushed to death, and the other side was beaten up. Ziyun Xingdi had an absolute advantage. As long as he continued to give him a little time, he could kill the other star. !

Seeing the situation of Yi Tianyun here, Ziyun Xing is also very pleased, he knows that Yi Tianyun has no problem. Just continue to give him a little time, it must be a strong!

As for the security situation, he is equally worried. Yi Tianyun slightly went to the outside field practitioners to hide, and then changed the breath, who can find him?

Unless it is a direct massacre, it is difficult to find out who is the real Yi Tianyun.

However, I am eager to get some of the city owners. I really choose to kill them. I would rather kill them and I might not let them go.

Now I don't worry about this. He thinks that Yi Tianyun's life-saving ability is still quite a lot.

After Yi Tianyun helped to kill several top ten stars in succession, the star value continued to surge, making him feel very comfortable. This is refreshing!

It was only the situation here that it quickly attracted the attention of Mushuji.

They can't enter the battlefield, and they don't mean that they can't observe the surrounding situation. Every situation in the battlefield, they are exploring the situation and quickly see the situation of Yi Tianyun.

Under normal circumstances, this level of fighting is impossible to enter their eyes. The performance of Yi Tianyun is amazing. He is very curious when he is able to kill ten stars in the level of the nine-star supreme level.

So how is the powerful force done?

The most crucial thing is not this, but Yi Tianyun! Wood Shuji Xingdi recognized it at a glance. Is Yi Tianyun not the one who repaired the wall quickly?

"He dared to come out!?" Mushu is extremely bright, and if you seize Yi Tianyun, it is equivalent to grab a city!

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