Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2627: Wanted order

The battle on the battlefield gradually ended, and the loss on the upper side of the boundary was not small, but the loss on the opposite side was even greater than that of the later wooden pivots. They transferred a group of strong people, and the outside world must be even more fierce.

Despite this, the upper bounds of the world still won this battle, completely flattening the cities of the three major battlefields. The opposite star is falling into two

The star emperor on the upper side of the boundary has not fallen, but there are several serious injuries, and the situation is not very good. However, it needs to be restored for thousands of years, better than the fall.

For this reason, this game is a great victory. Especially in the future, the three battlefields will become their back gardens. No city is stationed here. These cities will only be stationed by them.

"Great victory, big win to kill two star emperors, ten stars to the top ten, nine stars to hundreds of ups, the star is even more than a thousand"

One by one guards screamed back and reported the latest news. Whether it is in the city or in the battle hall, it is ecstatic after hearing.

Finally they played a beautiful counterattack, even if someone did not return, but their glory is always in the hearts of everyone.

"Win, we won"

"Yeah, for many years, we finally won a game."

"My repair is too bad, or I have to go into battle."

One is happy, and the other is tears. They have many relatives and friends who are all dead on the battlefield. Now the three battlefields have been conquered, which is tantamount to revenge for them.

In this case, they are very excited, and even more hateful is not enough to repair themselves, otherwise it is definitely a new chapter in this kind of siege war, but can't participate.

Keeping the news and not reporting the worry, the real internal situation is also a lot of people sad. Even before they set off, they felt that it was a glory to die on the battlefield, but if they really died, they would still feel very sad.

Especially when I was on the road, I was still in groups. When I came back, I turned into two or three people who were sparsely pulled. This situation has been quite good, better than before, there is no return, now at least most people can come back, not a large group of people can not come back.

This is really a big win, and the loss is really too little. If the other party recruited a group of ten-star supreme, the loss is really less, and there is a group of strong people to help, leading to increased casualties, but the overall is within the controllable range.

"End" Yi Tianyun looked at the winners and returned, and there was a bit of emotion in his heart.

Although there is some sadness, but more is still excited and excited, only victory, can be exciting, in order to sweep away this haze.

The suppression has always been so that they are all out of breath, and now they can finally turn over, how can they not be excited?

"Well, this time won a big victory, won the three battlefields, collective revelry all three days to restore the drug, all free use, more open internal cultivation temple, let you practice for three days" The voice spread throughout the three battlefield halls and passed to everyone's ears.

Everyone cheered, especially the temple of cultivation, which is definitely a very difficult place to enter. That is the area with countless mineral crystals. When practicing one day there, it is equivalent to practicing in the outside world for many years, and the effect is quite scary.

Three days is not long, but it is quite amazing, especially for free to use for so many people, consumption is also a horrible value.

"Now began to count the military exploits. This time, the statistics of the combat powers are twice as large as before." Jue Luoji is also very happy. He can win three battlefields and kill two emperors. Can you be upset?

The most important thing is a milestone. For this reason, the battles have doubled, and it is even more exciting. This means killing one person, now it is equivalent to killing two people, which is quite cost-effective.

After Yi Tianyun heard it, he first saw it. This is not to say that he is equal to killing six or seventy ten stars.

"In general, the military will give you statistics one by one, and then start the carnival." Jue Luoji Xingdi laughed: "The wine and food are provided free of charge, and I will pay for it."

These things are not free, and they feel that the Emperor has the power, but it does not mean that there is power to provide so much for free. The rest of it is filled by his pockets.

Although it is definitely an amazing value when it comes to statistics, but for the Jurassic Emperor, the value of this flower means that the three battlefields have been won by them. In the future, whether it is experience, Still looking for the gods or something outside, the difficulty will plummet.

In this case, he is equal to earning. The area that I lead is very stable, which is a great credit. If there is merit, then he will be rewarded.

For this reason, he occasionally bleeds, it is not a big deal, but it can also inspire people's hearts.

"You still do what you are doing, and don't go to the carnival with your companions." Luo said that he was staring at me. "I will stare at me this time. If there is any change, I will inform you."

Jue Luoji Xingdi intends to be a guard, staring at the situation of the three major battlefields, so that he is worried that there will be invasion of foreign enemies.

Yi Tianyun smiled, but went to find his companion, and at the same time joined the carnival, all kinds of food and wine, the atmosphere is quite active.

He saw that all of them were very happy, and some even laughed and burst into tears. They were not happy with the food and wine. They all came to win here and felt extremely joyful.

Yi Tianyun's feelings are not as strong as they are, but still feel very happy. They are all revengeful, Yi Tianyun does not have this feeling, this is just not long before, where is the feeling

While they were in the carnival, a guard rushed over and took a piece of paper and handed it to Yi Tianyun: "Tianyun adults, this is an urgent report for you."

“Emergency News” Yi Tianyun’s doubts came over. After a glance, he said: “This is too exaggerated, should you be so embarrassed?”

"Boss, what's wrong" 琯琯 Supreme they all came over and saw it, and suddenly they stopped.

This urgent report is actually a wanted order:

All the districts wanted this person, and this person was helped to break through to the level of the Star Emperor. If it was the Star Emperor level, it provided the Super Star Emperor's experience and provided two additional nine-star treasures, plus a Polar Star Emperor Wuxing Tianxing District. If the warrior catches it, he will keep his identity for it, and he will not kill it. The reward will still be given.

This reward is really exaggerated, and it is still very exaggerated, which is equivalent to pushing Yi Tianyun to death.

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