Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2639: Dan medicine

"This is unreasonable. I said before that I can't use the medicinal herbs. Now I have buried the medicinal herbs. Is it not the contradiction?"

It is very uncomfortable to feel that the Emperor is very good, and the rules are changing and changing. It is obviously beneficial to the other side! If there is no profit, how can this rule be set?

"Where is the contradiction, I just said that I can't carry the medicinal herbs. It doesn't mean I can't bury the medicinal herbs here. If I plant a little medicinal herb here, don't you think it's a bit interesting? Whoever finds it is good for himself. We will not send any information to them, plus I also went to the emperor to bury them, supervise each other, and worry about what?" Tianzhu dynasty emperor looked sly, "How, can't afford? Or, say, right There is no confidence in your own team?"

"Adult, promised to come down!" At this time, Yi Tianyun passed the voice and let the Senses of the Emperor Luo promised to come down. "This is no problem, and the other party said so. It is useless in any case. Moreover, for this I have a way..."

Yi Tianyun sneered, looking for medicinal herbs, this is not trying to find death? Others may not be very good at it. It is very easy for him to find the drug. It is absolutely easy to find out.

In the eyes of super exploration, everything is invisible! This can only be said to be good for oneself, not for them!

Perhaps it was originally a little trick to use there, but now it is an advantage for Yi Tianyun.

When the Emperor Luoji nodded, he replied: "That can be, I promised. What other rules are there? Let's say it together!"

"No, this is enough, just add a little bit of meaning." The depths of the eyes of the Emperor of Heaven and Earth are shining with a bit of light, and the other party finally settled. "The peak is extremely star, with me." Go to Buddhism."

The peak of the peak of the star did not nod, it is to follow the Scorpio Essence to go to embed the medicinal herbs, as for the medicinal herbs, it is completely opposite.

When the two polar stars went to bury the medicinal herbs, they waited for the situation. In less than a moment, soon there was an energy burst into the sky, indicating that the drug had been buried.

Although it can be transmitted over there, but the multi-polar star emperor is here, there is no sound, they can all perceive. If you are close, the sound is not good enough. After all, it is too close to be sensed.

"Okay, all are admitted!" Mushuji Xingdi said that both sides entered the venue.

Yi Tianyun and Ziyun Xingdi nodded, they entered the venue one after another, and the other party followed. After entering, Mushuji Xingdi quickly started to open the shield and completely covered it. In this way, there is no way to get out of it.

After they entered, they were only returned by the Emperor of Heaven, and the Emperor of Heaven and Earth, with a smile on his face, had no expression on the peak of the Emperor.

After returning to the side, the 极峰极星帝 is a voice to the Luoji Xingdi: "A total of ten medicinal herbs are buried, most of which are recovery type medicinal herbs, and the effect is very amazing. After taking it, The one that can be instantly restored. It has a strong effect on the star emperor, basically it is decided to take it to the star emperor."

"There are some medicinal herbs that are explosive drugs. If they are taken by the other star, the combat power will be at least doubled. Together with the recovery of the medicinal herbs, they will basically be able to win this battle." ”

After listening to the story of the Emperor Luo, he said after a moment of silence: "What do you do with the mark?"

"This is not, there is no problem with medicinal herbs, and the location is all I have specified. Everything seems to be my dominant. But I believe that they definitely have a way to find out, otherwise how can they do this? "The peak of the peak star said.

"That is for sure. It is very possible to do hands and feet inside the medicinal herbs, or to do the hands and feet in this area, but we can't easily sense it." It is true that the singer is a powerful stellar emperor. It can be perceived on his behalf.

"I can only hope that they can grab the other side before they find the medicinal herbs, and suppress the other side. The recovery of the medicinal herbs can still be accepted. The most fear is that those explosive medicinal drugs are the most serious." Road.

"Well, but Tianyun Nine statues told me that he has a way, I don't know what it will be?" Jue Luoji is very interested in Yi Tianyun, and he has repeatedly created miracles. I wonder if this miracle can be created this time?

The sound is constantly flowing here, and the opposite is also the sound.

"I have already buried the medicinal herbs. This time I lost. I want to win our three battlefields, how is it possible!" Tianji Jixingshi laughed in the sound, and felt that this game was more stable than the test. .

"There was no idea of ​​the other party. We will mark it in the drug. Let the participants take the heart of the grass in advance and they will be able to sense it. No one but them can perceive it! Emperor, I also changed the place seriously, and I buried it very carefully. I wanted to laugh when I saw the picture."

If it is not a voice, the laughter of the Emperor Scorpio will definitely be loud and even exaggerated.

"Well, this time we not only want to kill them, but also take back the three battlefields, a shame before the snow!" Mushu is extremely cold, and the previous humiliation, this time must be washed.

Killing the two stars, it is still quite good, at least a little can find some face.

When you think you are successful here, you are facing each other in the battlefield. Both sides are looking at each other and carefully checking each other's situation.

The basic strength of the battle is quite the same, and the repairs are the same, there is no difference. The key to winning this game for this is the remedy!

As long as you find the medicinal herbs, you can sit back and relax. Under continuous violent, you can easily defeat each other.

Yi Tianyun looked at it and quickly found the location of the corresponding drug, which was very simple. As long as you are in front of your own eyes, you can easily find out, he does not need to dig three feet.

"When we will go to the drug, we will find the drug and try again." Yi Tianyun said.

"Tianyun Jiu Zun, do you know where the drug is?" Ziyun Xingdi surprised them.

"I can feel a little bit more. I am naturally more sensitive to the medicinal herbs. It is like a strong sense of smell. I can even smell the fragrance of the medicinal herbs." Yi Tianyun smiled lightly and confidently. .

He just made an excuse, can you really smell it?

"That's good, we will listen to your command!" Ziyun Xingdi believes in Yi Tianyun's words.

It’s not that I believe in the ten best, but can I still have that spirit?

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