Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2644: Practice hands

The ten long ones were completely slammed by Yi Tianyun, and they were still very relaxed type, and they easily blew the ten long ones. If it weren’t for the ten-long body to wear full protective gear, it’s really a long time to blow him up. Where is it, now, is there a breath?

Ten long and squatting on the ground, surrounded by a large piece of land, the ground cracked, enough to see how terrible the battle was.

The violent scales that popped up on the body were now broken up, revealing the original face again. Under the continuous serious injury, there is still some energy in the body of the ten long, even the energy can not be controlled, resulting in the violent dissipated, restore the original appearance.

"It's quite strong, or you will die early." Yi Tianyun came to the front of the ten long, overlooking his fearful face.

It’s really stunned that the ten tenths are stunned. He never thought that the power of Yi Tianyun would be strong enough to crush him. I thought that I could surpass Yi Tianyun. Now it seems that he is self-righteous!

Powerful power, the gap between the two is not a level of existence. Yi Tianyun's power is almost comparable to the late ten-star supreme level, and his strength to support death is only the mid-level of the ten-star supreme, barely close to the later level.

This is very powerful for other practitioners, but for Yi Tianyun, it can't be said to be powerful, it can only belong to garbage!

"You, your strength..."

"Without my strength, go on waiting for my companion!" Yi Tianyun lifted his foot and slammed his foot down. Under the pressure, under the pressure, the ten heads were completely smashed, among them The soul has been stepped out and extinguished.

In this way, the ten long ones are so dead, one less than the fighters.

"Hey, successful killing ten long, get one trillion star energy value, five thousand points killing value. Get Yan Shenjia (nine-star), Yan Shen boots (nine-star), violent magic skills ( Super rare)!"

Fury God: You can make yourself violent, greatly increase your strength by 20 times, and strengthen your defense by 20 times for one hour. Each time you consume 1 billion points of star energy, the cooling time is one day.

Yi Tianyun’s eyes are bright, and there are no side effects! If you say side effects, it means that the cooling time is longer, but this is not a side effect, but it is not always available.

The main thing is that there are no side effects, which is very satisfactory for him. I did not expect to explode a super rare magical skill, the leapfrog battle is wonderful!

If you fight at the same level, you are afraid that you will not be able to explode these magical skills. In this way, his combat power can be greatly improved again.

"Sorry, we will take the next one." Jue Luoji Xingdi is very satisfied with this, the most important thing is to hit the face, and the Scorpio Scorpio Emperor's face is swollen!

I always thought that I had succeeded. Now it seems that Yi Tianyun crushes the opponent and then hits everyone’s face!

The celestial celestial emperor's face was black and shiny, as if it had been splashed by black ink. It looked angry and embarrassing. I used to say that I can win, how can I win now? It was completely suppressed by the other side.

The peak of the peak star is also a bright spot, he does not know Yi Tianyun, just heard a little. I know that Yi Tianyun has a low degree of accomplishment on the star pattern. I did not expect it to be more powerful in this battle.

"This combat power is really strong, at least equal to the late ten-star supreme level, the usual ten-star supreme post-level, afraid that it is not enough for him to fight." Yan Fengji is admiring the side.

"Well, I didn't think that his combat power would be so strong, just know that he can hold steady when he is facing the general ten-star supreme. Who knows that this kind of combat power is at the later level. These talents, in Among the many geniuses, it is also a relatively rare type." Jue Luoji is extremely satisfied, and after this return, he must be vigorously trained.

Now there is such a powerful force, if it breaks through to the top ten stars? Or is it a breakthrough to the Emperor? Think about it and feel horrible!

However, some geniuses, the previous leapfrog battle was very powerful, and the latter was not so powerful. Different levels of power are different, and the situation is different.

Most of them will not be able to fight in class as they make breakthroughs.

"How about this, there are still two other people's battles are not over yet!" Tianzhu Jixing Emperor still refused to admit defeat, sneer: "I have the ability, he used to support to try?"

The dreams of the 10th and the 10th opponents are extremely strong opponents, basically the type of step into the star emperor. How is this possible, will the weak be sent?

For this reason, they are still struggling to deal with them. Especially violent, the difficulty of dealing with it can be imagined.

If they had special abilities, they were really crushed. However, now that the dream month is on the side, it is really being crushed. She is not able to hide like the ten.

Although her attack can be traced, the speed of the other party is so amazing that she can't expand her hands and feet and can't fully exert her strength.

In this case, if Yi Tianyun goes to support, it is really a bit of a feeling of death. Yi Tianyun's power is very strong, but from the half-step Star Emperor, it is still a bit worse.

If he is close, is it not being blown up?

If you can't pass the sound, the Emperor of Heaven and Earth will want to kill Yi Tianyun first. Yi Tianyun is really too bad, and if you continue to let go of growth, it is a big worry!

Jue Luoji Xingdi sneered: "Are you stupid, why should you support in the past, and each person will deal with one, just right..."

As soon as the voice fell, Yi Tianyun had turned to fly to the support of the 10th month of the dream, instead of being honestly watching.

"Ha ha ha... I am not stupid, he is stupid!" Tianzhu Essence Emperor laughed, watching Yi Tianyun's eyes full of joking: "This will, he does not know how to die. Kill an opponent, I thought I was invincible? It seems that he still doesn't quite understand the real situation... the gap will soon be reflected."

They felt that they were silent, and I didn’t expect Yi Tianyun to dare to support. Isn’t that looking for death?

When the dream moon ten sees Yi Tianyun flying over, he hurriedly said: "Tianyun Jiu Zun, don't come over, he is very strong!"

"Is it strong? I don't think..." Yi Tianyun's expression is light, and the half-step star is quite strong, but it is not a star emperor. For him, it is not a problem.

Especially he just got the magic skills, just used to practice hands!

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