Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2654: crazy

After Yi Tianyun entered the restricted area, the first thing that caught his eye was the forest. This is almost the same as watching it outside. The biggest difference is that there are no powerful tree demon.

Looking at it, in the eyes of the investigation, it is possible to clearly see a lot of tree demon, but these tree demon's cultivation level is in the level of the nine-star supreme, the highest is only the ten-star supreme level. Wherever the previous area, the worst is the Star Emperor level, even the Polar Star Emperor level.

This is a safer area, at least not to encounter difficult tree monsters. I have to say that just coming in, you can see so many dangers, it is really a restricted area.

Yi Tianyun acted cautiously, not only worried about the attack of the tree demon, but also worried about whether there would be other sneak attacks by practitioners!

Sometimes the most terrible, or someone else...

After observing an area, his eye of exploration condensed and quickly locked the magical medicine that broke through the star emperor. The magical medicine that breaks through the emperor's law is currently required to be three types: Xingdicao, Xingdimu and Xingdihua.

The three materials are named after the Emperor of the Stars. In fact, they are also simply and rudely distinguished. People know that this is the treasure that allows them to break through the Star Emperor.

Three things mean that he can't use the fusion system unless he upgrades the fusion system! But now where the evolution of the system comes from, it can only be said that it depends on the number.

"Let me see if there are any three things nearby."

Soon in the eyes of exploration, it was really easy for him to find three kinds of medicines, but the number is not much, it is also rare, but better.

"I found it first, mainly with Xingdi grass, closer to some." After Yi Tianyun quickly determined to go to Xingdi Cao, he couldn't easily fly here.

If you fly here, it is easy to be attacked by the tree demon, so you can only rush on the ground. However, the speed of running wild is not slow. Relatively speaking, it is not much slower than flying.

"call out!"

At this time, several tree vines are entwined at once, and each tree vine is equal to a ten-star supreme level attack!

Yi Tianyun’s eyes were fast, and he quickly got out of the nine-star sword in his hand. He swung a violent wave, and the tyrannical force swept the front, which turned down the trees and vines.

"Hey, successfully kill the tree vines and get 10 billion points of star value. Get the demon vine root."

"Hey, I successfully killed the demon vine and got 10 billion points of energy..."


Continuously killing these demon vines, the star value obtained is not much, can only say that they do not kill their bodies, just cut off those trees and vines, it is impossible to obtain high returns.

"It's really troublesome. It's not the level of the restricted area. There are countless trees and vines..." Yi Tianyun is too lazy to kill their bodies, mainly on the side of the body, but in the hordes of trees.

Even if he is, he is not very good at dealing with the tree demon. Once the siege, he is not too good to get out, after all, the number is too much, as far as possible to avoid the scope.

Other people can't see these trees. Is it a tree demon, but he can see it. To this end, you can choose a region with less tree demon, and then slip past.

However, if you see a small number of tree demon, he will directly kill it. It is impossible to miss the fat star. How to say, are the ten-star supreme tree demon!


When Yi Tianyun saw a tree demon with a single order, he quickly smashed the sword with a sword, and the power of terror condensed on the sword, and then slammed down.


The tree demon was completely split in half, accompanied by a scream of screaming, the tree demon spurted a large green juice, let Yi Tianyun quickly go to the side.

"Oh, successful killing the tree demon (the first ten stars to the predecessor), get 5 trillion points of star energy value, two thousand points killing value. Get tree demon vine, tree demon blood (rare), tree demon species (rare) !"

Tree demon species: You can plant a powerful tree demon!

Seeing this stuff, Yi Tianyun shines brightly. If he gets a lot of himself and bury it on his side, who dares to arbitrarily? As long as they are well trained, these tree demon will recognize the Lord.

In this case, you can become the most loyal guard.

Just did not wait for him to be happy, after killing a tree demon, the same screaming on the side. The earth that followed this area began to vibrate, and then Yi Tianyun's eyes of exploration flashed. He found that the tree demon, who had been away from himself, began to move wildly here!

He also thought that the tree demon could not move, who knows that it can really move. A tree is coming over here, like a moving pillar, sprinting over here, and the tree vines are entangled on the side, trying to surround it into a dense spider web, the area where Yi Tianyun escapes. Sealed!

"No, so exaggerated?" Yi Tianyun stupid, killing a tree demon who is single, will soon attract other tree demon crazy to attack.

However, he was not afraid, but he was a little excited.

"Take out a batch and make a lot of money!"

Yi Tianyun's eyes are full of excitement. It is rare to have so many ten-star supreme killings for himself, and he can also get the species of the tree demon. Can you make a profit?

Immediately, he burst out quickly, and at the same time activated the blood of the giant eagle, so that his speed soared! At an amazing speed, you can easily escape the attacking tree vines, and he will swim wildly, and each sword will be able to easily break into two opponents!

"Successfully killed the tree demon and gained 5 trillion points of star energy..."

"Successfully kill the tree demon, get..."


All the way crazy and mammoth, after the tree demon died, there was another scream, followed by a lot of tree demon, from the side of the crazy influx, the speed is faster and faster, the number is more and more, It seems like endless.

Some of the ten stars who had just stepped out of the hall, when they saw the scene not far away, the heart trembled.

"This, what's going on, the tree demon is crazy?"

"It’s not that the tree demon is crazy, but the sky is nine crazy!"

They immediately found the inside of the tree demon, Yi Tianyun madly killed the tree demon inside, every sword, can easily kill the tree demon, quite shocking. The key is only the nine-star supreme, you can kill the tree demon.

They only heard about the rumors before, and they have not seen the real situation with their own eyes. Now they have seen it, it is still very shocking.

"What to do, do we want to help?" They looked at each other. They kept saying that they helped Yi Tianyun. Now, in front of the situation, do they help, or not?

So many tree demon, how to help? They are afraid that after the past, they will be entangled. When they die, there is no whole body, and they are eaten by the tree demon!

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