Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2658: Frustrated

Yi Tianyun was in the midst of madly harvesting the beasts and the cultivators of the foreign domain. The value of the star was greatly improved, which made him feel quite satisfied.

He felt that he would continue to keep on, and the accumulated value of the stars would be enough for him to break through to the Emperor. It means that as long as he finds the corresponding medicine and promotes himself to the Star Emperor, he will immediately break through to the Emperor.

Thinking of this, Yi Tianyun felt a little excited. It is a good thing to be able to rush in one go. Imagine that the other party, as another star emperor, thought that it would kill Yi Tianyun.

Who knows that Yi Tianyun will turn to the star emperor in a blink of an eye, and he will be able to kill each other directly! In this case, it can play the role of a super turn.

However, he jumped two big realms in succession and said that he was scared to death. In general, he will not do this. When I feel that there is no benefit to the Ten Star Supreme, I will break through to the Ten Star Supreme and say it again. As for the Star Emperor level, I will definitely wait for it. Unless it is really a battle on the eye, maybe he will break through quickly.

When he thought that everything was so smooth, suddenly there were three foreign domain practitioners, one intercepted in front of Yi Tianyun, his expression was cold and incomparable.

Yi Tianyun suddenly felt that something was not right, and there was a sense of crisis coming from the bottom of my heart. Sure enough, the ten-star supreme in front of the next second, slammed out a piece of crystal, and three at a time!

When I saw these three crystals, Yi Tianyun narrowed his eyes and knew that things were not simple. These guys actually have a human hand to crystallize! I feel that the Emperor Luo is not saying good, is the other party not willing to use the gods to crystallize?

Now there are three crystallizations of God, and I still said to me?

In the next second, the three of them smashed the crystallization of the mind and broke out without hesitation. Obviously, in order to set him to death, there will be no mercy!


After the three gods were crystallized and broken, a horrible force quickly appeared, and they rushed to the void. Many of the surrounding beasts were scared by this breath.

Three familiar figures appeared soon, that is, the wooden pivots of the emperor, the annihilation of the extreme star emperor and the celestial celestial emperor, the three great stars of the emperor all condensed in the crystallization of the crystallization, it is really big.

After the three great stars came out, their eyes stared at Yi Tianyun coldly, and the depth of their eyes was full of killing. For Yi Tianyun, it is definitely hateful.

To kill, you will kill! In one breath, I used three gods to crystallize. Is this not a killing method? It is equal to three star emperors, and it is still an ordinary star emperor.

The power of the crystallization of the gods is only the level of the star emperor, but the condensed gods crystallize, but the polar star emperor. For this reason, this **** is the power of the Emperor, but it has the power of the Emperor. The power of this explosion is definitely stronger than most of the Emperor.


The three great stars emperor reached out to be surrounded by a siege and directly sealed this large area. Not only is Yi Tianyun sealed inside, but even the nearby monsters and foreign practitioners are shrouded in.

This kind of **** can not care if there are any people nearby. The only purpose they have is to kill Yi Tianyun! Other than that, the other is not important.

When one of the foreign domain practitioners found themselves shrouded, they all showed a desperate expression. This time they are dead, the siege of the three stars will bring destruction!

At this time, I am afraid that I will be flattened.

In the hall, the sensation of Luo Xing's face changed suddenly: "Sure enough, the three great stars are really big, even if they fight their own soul wounds, they must kill the Tianyun Nine, which is troublesome."

Although it is troublesome, it is not very troublesome. Jue Luoji Xingdi also gave three crystals of crystallization, as long as Yi Tianyun is released, it will certainly be able to withstand this killing!

He was worried that something happened, so he would give so many crystals of thought to Yi Tianyun. After all, he couldn't get in, even if he was a superstar, he couldn't break the rules.

If he goes in casually, then other polar stars will go in at will, and this is to make good rules. If anyone does not comply, it is equal to fighting.

Under this condition, an equilibrium state will be maintained. However, the crystallization of the mind is an exceptional case and is not a violation of the rules.

When I felt that the Emperor Luo Xing thought that Yi Tianyun would crystallize with the gods he gave, suddenly Yi Tianyun flashed and suddenly disappeared in place.

The thoughts of the three great gods crystallized suddenly, and they suddenly stopped. They did not expect the target of locking, and suddenly disappeared in front of them. However, the attack has been released and cannot be recovered.

They are just a god, and when they break out, they cannot be recovered.

For this reason, the move was released, and with the "bang", the area was completely flattened. Many beasts and foreign cultivators have turned into ashes. Under such a terrible force, can they not be smashed into slag?

In the far-away area, Yi Tianyun wiped the cold sweat: "Fortunately, I can run faster, otherwise it will attack, I am definitely dead."

He escaped easily, that is, the effect of super transmission of the stone, let him escape from the original place, to another fixed area.

When he came in, he would stay a little more. Before coming in, I felt that the Luoji Xingdi had said that the other party might bring the gods to crystallize, so he must be prepared to escape.

Sure enough, the power of the outbreak is terrifying.

"Three gods are crystallizing, so they are gone, but unfortunately..." Yi Tianyun smiled and said: "I don't know what thoughts there would be. I used three gods to crystallize, but I didn't kill me. My soul is still traumatized, and it’s really cost-effective. I hope I will take it a little more next time. I still like it."

What he is most afraid of is a similar attack. The more he wants, the better. Anyway, he can easily escape. At that time, not only can you waste the crystallization of the mind, but you can also hurt those extremely star emperors by the air.

After the explosion broke out here, the three polar stars were soon felt, and with a sting, their souls were traumatized. However, this needs to be conditioned for a while. Of course, the time will not be very short. It will take at least a few hundred years, or even thousands of years, to recover.

This is also why they do not easily condense the crystallization of the mind, and it is too slow to recover.

"In the end, he seems to have disappeared?"

The three of them were stunned. After the outbreak, there was a message from the gods that came back. It was basically to send the picture over there. When I looked at the picture, I was stupid.

Three gods crystallization, but it is lost?

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