Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2691: Method

Yi Tianyun kept thinking about how to bring out the Qiaolong Pole Star Emperor and let a Pole Star Emperor disappear. He is certainly not happy. It is not for the inheritance, just a strong person, it is impossible to give up.

"Like this, I shouted that Luo Jixing Emperor came over and helped to see the situation." Yi Tianyun said.

People are more powerful, and they feel so strong that they are right.

"Is it a great star emperor?" Qiao Longji star emperor had some doubts, and obviously did not know who Luo Dixing was.

"When the predecessors will know." Yi Tianyun took out the **** to read the crystal, poured energy into it, and soon realized that the virtual shadow of the Luoji Xing Emperor was presented from this crystal.

"Well, what did you wake me up? I thought I would release my life directly to save my life... Hey, it’s Joe Long, the star of the emperor, you didn’t die!” After the reaction, the Emperor Luo Jingxing saw Qiao Long. Extreme star emperor.

"I feel like a great emperor... I think of it, you are the sensation of Luo Tianxing... After so many years, you have become a superstar, it is really a lot of emotion." Qiao Longji star emperor is obvious I have seen the Luoji Xing Emperor, but it will be the star of the Supreme level, it seems that the age is a long time.

"I didn't think that you didn't die... I didn't mean this. Before I turned around here, I saw you here, I didn't feel any breath, I thought you were sitting here." The Polar Star Emperor is also quite emotional. Before turning around here, due to the influence of Qiaolong Jixingshi, there are also many energy shocks, which are all sprayed from the side of Qiaolongji.

It can be said that the ten energy shocks that usually erupted out have six or seven roads, which are all erupted from the side of Qiaolongji.

For this reason, Luoji Xingdi will feel that it is more dangerous because of the reason of Qiaolongji.

It is not unexpected that this situation occurs. Because the Qiaolong Pole Star Emperor belongs to the living body, even if you go to sleep, there will be constant energy coming in. When these energies see the living body, they will constantly come in, even if it is only a subtle induction, it will continue to flow.

It is impossible for Qiaolong Jixingshi to absorb so much energy. For this reason, it can only be ejected again and again, which leads to the cause of his eruption.

"I didn't sit down, but at the moment, there is not much difference between sitting and sitting." Qiao Longji, the star of the emperor smiled, did not feel very sad for this, as if he was not sitting.

"I feel great about the Luo Taixing Emperor, what do you say, how to save the Qiaolongji star emperor." Yi Tianyun asked.

After the silence of the Emperor Luo Jingxing looked at the situation, he shook his head and said: "It is very difficult, even if my deity personally came, I could not save the Qiaolong Jixing Emperor. Unless it is the Emperor, otherwise here. The energy is unstoppable."

Jue Luoji Xingdi’s statement is the same as that of Qiaolongji Xingdi, and they can only let the Emperor take the shot, otherwise they will not be able to save people.

"Is there any other way?" Yi Tianyun still does not give up.

"If we can bring it out easily, we have already started, why should we wait until now?" Jue Luoji star emperor said: "Many strong people look at the bodies here, not only have a lot of treasures, but more of these bodies, There is a lot of energy! Especially the corpses above the level of the polar star emperor, if you penetrate it, you can also explore some of the power of the polar star emperor, and it will be of great help to the emperor to break into the polar star emperor!"

"As for the level of the Emperor, not to mention, even our polar stars want it. For this reason, now a group of people are staring at it, once they can be taken out, there will be another big battle here!"

Jue Luoji Xingdi’s expression is serious, which shows how significant this is. Qiaolong Jixingshi is also looking at the energy here, and will come in to test. Who knows that the result is suppressed underneath, and there is no way to move.

This time, letting the Emperor take the shot is purely to save people, not to destroy them. If it can be destroyed, it has already been destroyed. Why bother now?

It is simply to save the individual, the result is that you will not be shocked, and you will definitely be seriously injured at the time. This is not a joke. If you are seriously injured, if you are sneaked, the results need not be said.

"Is it really only like this?" Yi Tianyun's heart sinks, there is a living person but can't save it, it is really sad.

It is not his sympathy, it is purely the existence of the extremely star emperor, I do not know how many battlefields can be suppressed.

"Thank you for your help from the little brother. If you are not coming over, I don't know how long it will take to wake up." Qiao Longji is very grateful to the emperor: "And I can still see the small one, now it becomes a The extremely star emperor is quite gratifying."

Jue Luoji Xingdi sighed deeply, and Qiaolong Jixingshi could not save it. His heart was also very uncomfortable. Who would have been close to his predecessors and have been trapped here? And it’s still camping on its own side. If it’s the enemy camp, don’t need to say, don’t say it’s uncomfortable.

After a moment of silence, Yi Tianyun suddenly said: "The biggest problem now is that the power counterattack is right?"

"Almost one meaning, forcibly dragging me out, it will lead to massive bombardment. You can understand that a wooden bucket filled with water is suddenly pulled away from a piece of wood, followed by water madness. "Qiao Longji star emperor explained: "The time is basically must be attacked, how fast can you escape here? In an instant, you can cover the whole sky, and you can't escape the space. The space will give you a shock." broken!"

"That's okay!" Yi Tianyun's eyes lit up and clap his hands and smiled: "Then I have a way!"

"Do you have a way?" They were a little surprised. The Emperor couldn't do anything. What can he do?

"There is a way, as long as the predecessors can break free, at that moment, I will be able to take you out of here!" Yi Tianyun said with a smile: "I have a magic weapon, although I can't use it many times, but I can still use one. Twice, I can take people out of here in an instant. Even if the energy is bombarded at random, it has nothing to do with us."

"Can there be such a treasure?" Qiao Longji star stunned, he never heard of it.

As long as the energy is strong, let alone the torn space fleeing, the space is solidified, and you can't escape if you want to escape. You can only escape at the fastest speed.

Jue Luoji star emperor shines brightly. He has seen Yi Tianyun suddenly disappeared. Is it related to the treasure? Really, it’s true, you can really try it!

"Is there such a treasure, can the seniors dare to try it?" Yi Tianyun asked.

"Haha, what are you afraid of, then try it out!" Qiao Longji star is full of excitement in his eyes, can have the opportunity to go out, how can he not be excited?

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