Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2765: Urgent

"You said, who won this battle?"

"It must be the winner of Tianyun Temple!"


"Because I think Tianyun Temple Lord can win!"

"... Don't mess up, repair it as big as the gap. If you lose, don't you lose the two battlefields?"

"If you lose, you lose. What's the big deal? Anyway, the owner of Tianyun Temple won it. It won't be lost."

"You can't say this. If you don't challenge, you won't lose it! These battlefields are especially important to us. If it's less, then it's a pity..."

"Okay, don't talk so much, who said that the Tianyun Temple Lord will lose?"


When discussing this matter one by one, many people are not optimistic about this war. In addition to repairing the gap, the risk is too great. They feel that there is no need to take such an adventure. If Yi Tianyun breaks through and reaches the middle and late levels of the Star Emperor, he is not sure if he can win this game.

It’s too early now, and wait a little longer, I’m sure I can beat the wooden pivot.

So far, not many people are really optimistic, I only think that Yi Tianyun is too impulsive! It is not that I don’t support Yi Tianyun, but I am too impulsive. Some people think that Yi Tianyun has inflated. After a little record, he even wants to challenge the higher level of the wooden pivot.

In fact, this kind of person has been there before, thinking that he is really invincible, who knows that he was heavily beaten in the back and suffered heavy losses.

On the other hand, I am more familiar with Yi Tianyun, and I choose to support him. I don’t even say a word of dissuasion, letting Yi Tianyun act.

"The test rule is very simple, either the other party dies, or is the admit defeat, no opinion?" Zifeng Tiandi said to both sides.

"No opinion." Yi Tianyun said indifferently.

"I have no opinion." Mushu is extremely cold and cold: "However, please ask the Emperor of Heaven to pay attention. As long as you don't admit defeat, don't come in and save people. Come in to save people is to violate the rules!"

"Yes, as long as the Tianyun Dianzhu did not admit defeat, you can't rush in without it, otherwise it is the rule of destruction!" Zifeng Tiandi warned on the side, if the Qianling Emperor shot to save people, it would be hard to say.

He also wants to end the life of Yi Tianyun quickly, so that he will continue to let Yi Tianyun break through and will bring greater danger.

"Reassured, I will." Thousands of spirits looked at Yi Tianyun and nodded lightly.

This rule, she will still abide by, as long as Yi Tianyun said to admit defeat, she immediately rushed in to save people. As long as the soul is not completely broken, she can save people back.

After the rules were announced, Zifeng Tiandi issued an order: "That is more than a test, now officially begins!"

As soon as the voice fell, the wooden pivoted star emperor burst out of full force and madly pressed over to Yi Tianyun. Not that he is too cautious, purely too angry, want to break out of the full force to suppress Yi Tianyun!

In the face of a powerful momentum, Yi Tianyun also fired all the power, and the combat power directly rose to the limit.

Crazy mode one hundred and fifty times more combat power!

The effect of five unique stars and phases is superimposed!

This is not over yet.

"Thousands of Spirits Emperor, help me!" Yi Tianyun screamed.

In the next moment, the Thousand Spirits Emperor quickly released his own star power, and the powerful and awkward star power enveloped this area, and changed to a general practitioner, but really could not do this.

The powerful power of the Emperor of Heaven, with a total of one hundred and one hundred stars, enveloped one side of the world!

A full hundred and one hundred! This is the effect of the Emperor's level. In the past, the star power of more than one hundred is enough to go against the sky. The power of the Emperor of Heaven is more than a thousand!

The Thousand Spirits Emperor made such a fight, so that Zifeng Emperor was alert to them.

"Thousands of spirits, what do you want to do!?" Zifeng Tiandi, they were furious, thinking that the Qianling Emperor would fight.

"Nothing, I just show my momentum, what's the problem?" Qianling Tiandi's expression is light, just like nothing has been done.

The next moment, the chaotic emperor dragon behind Yi Tianyun opened his mouth and swallowed the stars!

In one bite, you can get rid of more than one hundred squares of star power, and you can't stop it any more. The main reason is that the gap is too big and you can't make too much.

After squatting over a hundred square feet, he was superimposed on himself, and his power was mad and violent, and he blew it to the extreme.


The horrible fighting power was once again quickly pulled up, and hardened with the wooden pivot.


The horrible forces are banging each other, compared to the power of the bang, under constant turmoil, the power of terror continues to blast in the shield, and then hit the shield.

Because it is the shield of the Emperor's level, the face of this horrible power does not move, there is no wave.

After the two people continued to fight dozens of strokes, they even played hard to resolve. Yi Tianyun even hit a tie with this old wooden pivot star emperor!

Everyone’s eyes are bright, as long as they can be stabilized, that’s a good thing. Although there is no voltage regulator, it is at least a good start.

"Thousand spirits, regain your strength!" Zifeng Emperor will know what is going on here, his face is black: "You are breaking the rules!"

"How can I violate the rules? I just want to show the momentum. Can you do this with the ability of you?" The spirit of the Emperor Qianling is indifferent, and what is the reason for these people.

Moreover, she really did not do it, just released the star power outside, and did not affect who.

Zifeng Tiandi and Guangduan Tiandi, their faces are black, no wonder they will dare to challenge, and this powerful force is really superimposed. Under the layers of superposition, the power of the battle has risen madly, reaching an incredible degree.

Under this state, it was unexpected that it was tied with Mushuji.

I thought it would be a quick counter-pressure. I didn't expect it to be a tie. It was really a shame.

"On this strength, I still want to win me?" Mushu is extremely angry, but in fact, his heart is even more shocked. He broke out with full strength, but he tied himself.

"Yes, this strength, you can win you!" Yi Tianyun sneered.

"Then you are too naive!" Mushuji star blasted, and the body quickly covered thick scales, directly into the violent.

Forcing a polar star to force into violent, it means that it is really the limit. Just now, I said that Yi Tianyun’s strength is too weak. In fact, it’s already a tie. This is not an eye-opener. I can see that Yi Tianyun has forced him.

This scene is shocking. Yi Tianyun is really able to tie the hand with Mushu, and the powerful force makes everyone tremble. They all thought that the limit of Yi Tianyun was the ordinary blow of the early Star Emperor. Now it seems that it is really a tie with the old brand!

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