Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2783: Touching people

The Emperor of Heaven came forward and represented that this battle did not need to be played. They all stepped in and used what to fight? If you continue to fight, it is equal to the battle of the Emperor.

No matter which side, it is not ready. However, on the side of the upper bound, it is really not afraid. I really want to fight and fight, but the Emperor of the outer domain is really not ready.

"Why, want to fight?" Qianling Tiandi cold channel: "If you want to fight, then come! We have never been afraid of anyone in the upper bounds!"

They are so powerful that the pressure of the practitioners around them is doubled. It is worthy of being a strong man of the heavenly emperor.

Zifeng Tiandi, they look like iron and blue, staring at Yi Tianyun not far away, all the culprit is Yi Tianyun! I didn't expect this preparation to be so full. They used so many means, but they still couldn't suppress the other side.

After all, there are so many moves, in addition to summoning the mind, there is also a great fit. When the team is out, everyone can't resist the offensive. Even if it doesn't last too long, at least it can cause damage to the other party in the short term!

Who knows that the damage to the other side has not been caused, but the loss of most of his own side, resulting in a significant decline in combat power, almost lost the ability to fight.

The consumption is too big, especially under the crazy bombardment, the consumption is far more than the usual consumption, even if it is the extreme star emperor, it can not persist for too long.

"Very good, your Tianxing District really has a very good strong, this time we recognize!" Zifeng Tiandi snorted, turned and took people away, and did not stay too much.

"You said this before, I also feel that I am very good, there are rewards on the list, continue to give me a tenfold, okay?" Yi Tianyun will continue to add fuel to the fire in the back. I am not afraid of angering the Purple Peak Emperor.

Zifeng Tiandi, they turned their heads and looked at them. Their eyes were full of killing. If they could release this killing, they would not hesitate to vent their anger on Yi Tianyun and then squashed him.

However, the situation is not allowed, they can only stare at Yi Tianyun.

"Do not worry, as you wish!"

After talking about Zifeng Tiandi, they really can't stay any longer. It's not a shame, but staying here. The fire is afraid that it will blow up. When it is time to fight with the opposite side, it will be troublesome.

When they left, a group of polar stars cheered up, but did not expect to take this battle!

"The biggest achievement of this time is the master of Tianyun. I didn't expect this Tianyun Dianzhu, you have created a miracle. What happened just now, can you resist such a killing?" The cloud just had curiosity.

"Of course it is a treasure. The treasure that I got before can resist the attack of the Emperor level. I can only hold it for a minute. If the Qianling Emperor gives me a punch, I will definitely die." Yi Tianyun smiled.

"It turned out that it was able to withstand the attack of the Emperor level. This treasure must be very precious..." They shook their heads. Without this treasure, they would suffer a lot.

"This time we were negligent. I didn't expect the other party to have such a move..." Qianling Tiandi frowned. This is their fault. If it wasn't Yi Tianyun, then this battle is really likely to lose. .

Why is it possible? Because the strong players in the upper bounds are absolutely crazy when they fight together. If they don’t fight to the end, they will never admit defeat.

Therefore, there will still be opportunities for a turnaround. Even if there is no chance to make a comeback, at least it will be able to hit the other side and make the other party feel bad.

"This time you made a great contribution, you will take away a **** emperor." Thousands of spirits thought about it, and said: "There are two extremely star emperors, do you have any opinions?"

"No comments!"

Everyone shook their heads. They could have any opinions. Yi Tianyun was so big. It can be said that without him, it would be difficult to win this game. In this case, they have no opinions at all, and even very happy, let Yi Tianyun continue to get one or two bodies.

At this time, Yi Tianyun's face was positive, and Da Yi said with a sigh: "No need, such as the Emperor of the Emperor, it should be handed over to the most promising breakthrough. For example, there is a great chance for Qiao Longji. He is one step away."

"As for the Pole Star Emperor, I don't want it either. Leave it to some companions who need it more, or who have been difficult to break through. I don't need it."

Yi Tianyun is upright and has a self-sacrificing performance. But where is he generous, but he is searching for nearly half of the amount, what else does he have to do?

As for handing it over, this point will be considered, and it will certainly be suspected. For this reason, it is still a little hidden. Just hold it yourself. When you find an opportunity, you can hand over the extra.

For example, if you mistakenly hit a mistake and enter a secret relic, you can make it. If you say to them, they come in early, what do they think?

Some things are concealed and concealed, and it is good for everyone.

"This..." They looked at each other and Yi Tianyun didn't even need it?

"This is a reward you deserve. Without your help, we are really hard to win here."

"Yeah, God of Heaven, this is what you deserve, don't care about our thoughts."

"This is more necessary for you. If you break through, it will help us even more!"

One by one persuaded Yi Tianyun to want these gods, do not want.

“No!” Yi Tianyun Shen Sheng said: “This is to be allocated on demand. I don’t need it for the Emperor of Heaven. I will use it for the head of the temple. If I really want to give it to me, it’s to give a polar star. The body will do."

Yi Tianyun said it was very amnesty, but it was very serious. This kind of dedication made everyone burst into tears and their hearts were very incomparable. Obviously, this time Yi Tianyun paid the most, but how did they benefit?

"Good!" Thousands of spirits gaze at the flash: "If this is the case, then I will not say more, just assign it according to the words of the Emperor of Heaven!"

Immediately they began to dig up the body, and it was not difficult for them to help them. After the excavation, this time they were fully loaded and there were almost no casualties.

It is difficult to get hurt by the help of the **** of the gods. For this reason, this battle is a big victory, and it is still the type of perfect victory.

When they returned to the main hall, the whole upper bound was boiling, and this time it was even more inspiring. Among them, Yi Tianyun's selflessness is even more touching. It is definitely one of the characters who touched the upper bounds!

Yi Tianyun's prestige has once again been pulled up, it is really looking up.

As everyone knows, Zhao Yu is in the retreat room, counting how many gods he has dug...

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