Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2786: ambush

Before Yi Tianyun came, I thought about whether it would be a trick to lure the enemy? After all, he will change his breath. If you want to know what their purpose is, you must change your breath.

It is basically impossible to find a job, it must be to find the information of the city level. To this end, it is equal to the type of waiting for the rabbit, that is, only need to wait. They don't need to stare at all the areas, just staring at all the towns is enough.

Once there is any abnormality, act now!

But he thought, in order to force himself, is it necessary to do this? Facts have proved that it is really necessary, and also the presence of a Japanese emperor level, it is really an old rival.

"In order to catch you, everything is worth it." The murder of the Polar Star is full of killing, but now more contemptuous, "You are too confident about your ability, but change the breath, we really can't It's easy to explore. But we only need to bury a pit, you will jump in yourself, it is too simple."

“The more confident you are, the more you will fall into a trap and eventually ruin yourself.”

The annihilation of the Polar Star Emperor felt that he was ten, and he did not worry that Yi Tianyun could escape. One layer in the shield and the outer layer are all shot by the Emperor. Even if the Emperor is present, there is no way to break it out easily. Can Yi Tianyun do it?

Even though Yi Tianyun is very powerful, he can kill the mid-level of the polar star emperor, and he can fight with the late stage of the polar star emperor. However, in the face of the power of the heavenly emperor, everything seems very futile.

Unless Yi Tianyun now breaks into the middle and late stages of the Emperor, perhaps they will worry about it. But is this possible? For them, this is absolutely impossible!

"If it is the extreme star emperor, I will not say anything, I did not expect even the Zifeng Emperor to shoot, is this not a violation of the rules?" Yi Tianyun expression is light.

"Violation of the rules? Do you not violate the rules!" The murder of the polar star Emperor sneered: "Before, if you come in at will, it is equivalent to breaking the rules!"

"The words are like this, but it is reasonable to say that it is not sent to the polar star emperor to do it?" Yi Tianyun said indifferently: "Zifeng Tiandi, if you do it, it was discovered by our Emperor of Heaven, that is not a good thing. ”

"If there is a little breath leaking out, let me lose." Zifeng Tiandi showed a sly expression: "For you, there is no need to follow the rules!"

He has hated it for Yi Tianyun, and he will talk about what makes sense. It makes sense that only the weak will do things.

"The layers are reinforced. It seems that you are sure to eat me." Yi Tianyun shook his head and said: "It seems that I am quite hateful."

"What do you think?" Zifeng Tiandi walked step by step, reaching out and grasping the empty space, which was to pinch Yi Tianyun in the palm of his hand and hold firmly.

The powerful force makes Yi Tianyun unable to struggle, and he can't move if he wants to move.

"I have so many people, I can kill so many levels of killing, do you think I will stay with you?" Zifeng Tiandi came over step by step, and the strength tightened Yi Tianyun a little.

Yi Tianyun's expression was light, and even his face remained smiling.

"So you don't kill me now, just want to force something to ask?" Yi Tianyun smiled.

Zifeng Tiandi was angry and raging, but did not kill himself immediately. Obviously, it has any purpose.

"Yes, I want to see, what secrets are you hiding... Don't worry, I won't kill you so quickly, I will torture you a little bit, and give your memory to the hollow. I want to see What is your hole card, you can win so many levels!" Zifeng Tiandi snorted, his eyes cold to the extreme.

"Actually, compared to the leap-level killing, I feel that I am not good at this." Yi Tianyun smiled.

"What are you good at?" Zifeng Tiandi stunned, I don't know what Yi Tianyun said.

"The best thing is to escape..." As soon as the voice fell, Yi Tianyun disappeared into the place and disappeared completely in front of them.

They stunned and completely stupid.

Yi Tianyun said that disappearing disappeared, and there is still no warning.

"What happened, disappeared?" Zifeng Tiandi swept his eyes, powerful spirits shrouded every inch of the area, want to explore and see, Yi Tianyun hiding.

Who knows that after searching over and over again, I found that I have disappeared at all, and I really don’t see it here.


Zifeng Tiandi's face is ugly, he is a reinforcement shield, but he has seized Yi Tianyun, and he has been escaped. How did this happen?

The murder of the Polar Star Emperor looked shocked, and he did not expect Yi Tianyun to disappear. Originally, he still wanted to torture Yi Tianyun a bit, just want to see the painful expression of Yi Tianyun, who knows that it has disappeared, how can this revenge?

"How could it be, I have all blocked it, even if it is the Emperor, it is impossible to escape so easily!" Zifeng Tiandi was shocked. After several consecutive searches, he did not find a trace, and disappeared completely.

They are embarrassed, more shocked, so far do not know how to do it!

At the same time, Yi Tianyun easily transmitted back, and the brow was locked. Escape is a success, but not a little bit happy, but I did not expect it to lead the snake out of the hole, it seems that the move to change the atmosphere, it is not very easy to use.

It’s not that it’s not easy to use. If you want to find out what news and enter the heavy land in the future, you will definitely be aware of it. This is not a good thing for him.

"This ability, so fast is half-dead..." Yi Tianyun shook his head, as long as the opposite side kept staring, he could not carry out his own action.

Immediately he returned to the main hall, and Zong Qingji Xingdi, they soon came over. When he came back, they received the news and they came quickly.

"Tianyun Dianzhu, come back so soon?" They were a little surprised, how long it took, Yi Tianyun came back.

"Yes, it all lies in me..." Yi Tianyun shook his head and said the general idea.

"I didn't expect it to be like this..."

After they heard it, their eyes were complicated: "How come you escaped?"

"This used a special treasure, barely escaped." Yi Tianyun smiled.

"That's okay..." They sighed, didn't ask what the treasure was, but didn't expect it to be an ambush!

Fortunately, Yi Tianyun has nothing to do, otherwise they are sinners.

"However, they should return to the army soon. After all, this ambush is unsuccessful, then I can no longer recruit." Yi Tianyun said with a smile: "This way, it is a solution."

As soon as the voice fell, the guards hurried in from the outside and slammed: "The Tianyun Dianzhu, the forces of many battlefields outside, have all retreated, I don't know why."

Yi Tianyun smiled slightly, and it was exactly the same as he thought. It was only the Purple Peak Emperor, and it was really depressed for a while.

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