Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2798: Wrong

The King of the Sea King was smug by his own son, and his face was black as if it were a pot. It was quite ugly.

"It's a good one. It has nothing to do with me. Even if it has nothing to do with me, is it irrelevant to the whole Krakens? A bunch of people watching you being disposed of, what do you think of your mood?" The Siren Wang cold channel: "If not, you are me." Son, I am really slap in the face of you! Just understand the irresponsible words, what is the point?"

"When you die, a group of people are depressed and morale is low, then it will let the enemy take the opportunity! You think it is only you?"

The Siren King angered the crown and he was very disappointed with his son’s words. Judging from the overall situation, Haiyue is like a child, which makes him feel very disappointed.

"Over the years, you have made great contributions to the Krakens and have been loved by many people. Do you really feel that you have nothing to do with the Krakens?" The King of the Seas sighed: "You really disappoint me, very much let me Disappointed! I thought you would mature a little. Who knows this impulse. Impulsiveness can take revenge? If you think like this, it would be too naive!"

Haiyue was silent, and it was indeed that he was too impulsive and was stunned by anger.

"Don't you be able to take revenge?" Haiyue sighed.

"You never asked my thoughts, how do you know that I have no idea of ​​revenge?"

"Do you have the idea of ​​revenge?" Haiyue stunned and immediately said: "All the time, you have been forbearing, no action, no declaration of war, no even a single instruction. At most, it is forbidden. The practitioners and the warriors in the Star District came over, but the others did not have special instructions..."

"Is it revenge, is it going to be a big fan?" The Siren Wang Shen said: "The revenge of the big fan is not equal to let the enemy know our movements? Even if it is our own people, we can not completely guarantee the impediment, we can only choose to completely close the news. This is the best choice!"

"This, this..." Haiyue stunned for a while, but he did not know how to say it.

Really, it’s true that he is really blaming his father.

The Siren King swept them both and turned and said, "You two come with me."

Yi Tianyun stunned, I did not expect that I can go there alone?

The power of the sea leaps disappeared, and he stood up and walked up with Yi Tianyun, followed by the Siren.

Under the leadership of the Siren King, walked inside the palace, and after passing through the layers of passage, eventually entered another palace. There is nothing in this palace, but under the wave of the Siren King, the water ripples are nearby, and then the foot is pushed in.

Yi Tianyun and Haiyue squatted in and disappeared into the ripples. After they entered, the water ripples disappeared and the entire palace returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.

When they passed through, they caught up with a group of Krai people who were training and fighting each other, and they were very embarrassed. At every moment, the Krakens were severely wounded, but they did not die.

Those who are seriously injured are quickly taken to treatment, while others continue to fight until they lose their fighting power, otherwise they will never stop. Such a picture makes them feel shocked.

Where is this test, it is simply to fight! Basically, the opposite side was shot and flew out, all of which were left in a breath and then quickly treated.

As for winning the test, it seems that the situation is not good enough, and the body is seriously injured. Under such a battle that there is not much difference with the deathmatch, even if it wins, it will not be too easy to win.

"This, what's going on..." Haiyue was shocked. He had never seen the Kraken and had this training mode.

Yi Tianyun's eyes flickered. For this state, he has seen it under his own hands. This kind of basic is at the level of death, that is, the level that does not stop if the opponent is killed.

This can be said to be a dead man, a swearing dead guardian! This situation is really shocking. I did not expect the sea squad to train the dead.

In particular, the ranks of these squadrons are not low, and the worst is the late nine-star supreme, generally in the ten-star supreme level, and the highest is the star emperor level.

After training these strong men into training soldiers, you can imagine how terrible it is, as long as it is not the level of the extreme star emperor, you can basically crush your opponent! After all, this kind of training on the verge of death will reach a very terrifying state when entering the battle.

After they came in, the warriors of these Krakens did not end the training, but continued to fight, without stopping.

As long as there is no order, they will fight until the other party fails, in order to stop.

"This is a group of dead soldiers in covert training. Many of them are surviving in the previous city, or those who have not been involved in it. They eventually gather for this group of dead!" Wang explained: "They are constantly practicing combat skills and trying to kill them!"

"This group of people gathered and trained since a long time ago. You can see the current situation. The combat skills are absolutely top-notch. Faced with the same level of opponents, I dare not say that they will win, at least the chance of winning will rise sharply!"

"Soon, this group of slain will go to capture the city and give the enemy one city to the other! The battle between the strong will not easily pick up. I don't mean it doesn't mean it won't really work. I I can't do it, it doesn't mean that our people can't do it!"

The Siren King looked at his son Shen Sheng: "How do you feel about this group of dead soldiers?"

"It's very strong, very strong! It's a lot stronger than our other people!" Haiyue was shocked, even now, it can't calm the inner shock.

"Yes, they are very strong. They are like you, they all have a strong hatred, they want to take revenge! But the strength is not good, can only bear the pain and continue to train and become stronger, only in this way, can revenge!" Wang looked at Haiyue and said seriously: "And you, but you want to take revenge alone, what do you think you can pick up?"

"I originally wanted you to lead this team, let those foreign practitioners know that our Krakens are not so bully. Who knows you are acting without permission, I am too disappointed!"

Haiyue bowed his head and said: "If I know..."

"Do you know?" The Siren King coldly said: "I just deliberately refused to let you know, I want to take a look, what action do you have? Come to me to discuss, or constantly hone yourself. Who knows that you act without authorization, Choose the most wrong decision!"

"I, I didn't tell you about this request..." Haiyue's tone is getting weaker and weaker, and there is no confidence.

"Jokes, your plans are all jokes, they are all revenge. Do you know how many odds are there, have you thought about it?" The Siren Wang asked.

Haiyue shut up and retorted nothing.

Yi Tianyun looked at them. It seems that the Siren King has already prepared for it, but he has been wrong...

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