Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2809: The beginning of the war

The leader of the Yuan Dynasty is extremely angry. Although it is not his main city, how can he say that he is a territory of his own power and is destroyed by a foreigner. Can he not be angry?

"Destruction rules? What rules we destroy, normal battles, do not involve any strong, how to break the rules?" Bai Gangji star emperor cold channel: "If you break the rules, then when you destroyed our city, how Say?"

"Don't pull any rules, we must fight with you to fight!" Bai Gangji Star Emperor can be said to want to confront them positively, not to beat them, but also thought that the Krakens are very bullied!

How did the leader Yuanji Xingdi not know the situation, but this was a long time ago, and I did not expect the Krakens to fight back so fiercely, a little beyond their expectations.

He also thought that the Kraken people feared their strength and did not dare to arbitrarily move. Who knows that they directly hit the main city, and even the veins were blown up. This is a big deal! If ordinary revenge comes and kills a group of people, they can bear it.

But now even the entire main city has been blown up, and the losses are very heavy. Among them, those who were killed and wounded into serious injuries were even more numerous. It can be said that it was a serious loss.

Who can think of the veins being blown up? This kind of operation is too much for their expectations, and it is also very bold. It can be said that in history, there has been almost no such thing.

In fact, there is no such thing as normal. Generally, when you want to destroy your opponent, you have to seize a lot of resources. Where will you be willing to destroy the veins?

For the Krakens, this is also a large resource, but for revenge, I don’t care so much.

After all, they have a large number of thousands of death squads, but the whole city can be a strong number of people, really want to fight, even if it wins, it is a smash. This is undoubtedly very uneconomical. For this reason, when the bomb veins were proposed, Haiyue had basically not agreed with much.

"Do you really think that we don't dare to fight!" The leader of the Yuan Dynasty is the blue ribs on the forehead. If they are facing the question of the upper bounds, they may not dare to say this, but how can they be in the area? fear?

After all, the Krakens are not so strong, and the number of strong people is not so much, especially the level of the Emperor, the King of the Sea King, the number is not much.

If there are a large number of sea empire gods, they have already revenged, and where will they wait until now?

"Come on!" Bai Gangji's eyes were cold and murderous, and the ground under his feet was swelled down to a large piece. The anger that suppressed many years was vented, and this time it was hard to win a big battle. If you let the opposite come, then their Krakens really can't stay here.

Ling Yuanji Xingdi face ugly, when he wants to say something more, a little meal, seems to hear what the sound, cold channel: "Very good, you have kind! All give me roll, next time Take this account with you!"

After saying that the leader Yuan Shixing Feifei left, he did not stay too much here.

In such a move, Yi Tianyun’s gaze, it is known that the attack on the upper side of the boundary began.

"It should be the beginning of the Tianxing District, and the firepower has been attracted to it." Bai Gangji's emperor's face is bright, "You are now withdrawing from the endless sea, and it is safe to return to the endless sea. But the rest of the stars." The emperors gathered together and killed each other to support the battle in the Star District!"


They did not choose to withdraw all of them. Since they are alliances, they must cooperate in the end. The purpose of this time is to beat the foreign domain practitioners, and even to declare the alliance between the two sides, let them know that the words of the sea monsters are equal to the upper bounds.

On the contrary, if you start with the upper bounds, you will be right with the Krakens!

Although the Krakens are not very strong, the fighting power they possess cannot be underestimated.

"Big brother, let's hurry up and support now. I didn't do anything about it just now. It's really a little bit of meaning." Haiyue was a little bit unfinished, and he didn't feel how to do it.

"Going there, I guess I can't do it at will. If I get found, it's a troublesome thing." Yi Tianyun smiled and said: "Then I will go over and see it, wait for you to come over!" ”

After Yi Tianyun finished flying, he left and went to the passage quickly. The hundred-gang dynasty star did not respond to what happened. How did someone suddenly leave the team, the key is this speed, is it too scary, is the speed of the ten-star supreme level?

At this time, Haiyue Fei flew and said: "Grandpa, we will pass now."

"What is going on with him? We have such a capable person in the Krakens?" Bai Gangji Xingdi doubted.

"He...he is the master of Tianyun, the king of the sea monster let him secretly protect me..." Haiyue whispered aside and explained.

"The Emperor of Heaven and Clouds..." Bai Gangji’s star gaze condensed. "So, the horrible breath that came from inside, was the master of the cloud that day?"

"Yes, he solved the polar star emperor who was stationed here in the same way! Otherwise, I was seriously injured." Haiyue was extremely admired: "If he breaks through the polar star, he does not know the pole." At the Star Emperor level, who else can be the opponent of the Tianyun Temple?"

"This is really under the extreme star emperor, invincible..." Bai Gangji star emperor whispered: "At that time, I really want to play with him, want to see his combat power, there is How strong."

"Reassure, when the big brother will definitely meet you." Haiyue slammed his hand and was a little excited: "At that time, I also want to see how much difference there is between Grandpa and Mr. Bai Gang."

"You just think that I lost?" Bai Gangji star emperor gave him a look.

"Isn't this sure, it's not that I don't respect you, but the fact is that. In the late period of the Big Brother, you can compete with the late Emperor, if you break through to the early stage of the Polar Emperor, or even in the middle?" He smiled.

"You, this child, really can't talk!" Bai Gangji Xingdi smiled and said that Haiyue didn't give himself a face.

However, his heart is still more shocked. He did not expect that Yi Tianyun would hide the breath so much. He couldn’t see it at all, and thought it was his own. If they sneak in, they really can't prevent it.

At the same time, Yi Tianyun quickly used the transmission stone after he quickly shuttled through the channel, and immediately disappeared into place. If you fly by light, you don’t know how long you want to fly, or you can use the transmission of the **** stone most quickly.

In a blink of an eye, he was transferred to another area. In another area, it is already in the midst of a great war, and many elites of the upper bounds are madly attacking another main city!

Sure enough, the war has completely started!

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