Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2819: Hundred Heavenly Emperor

Under the leadership of Jue Luotian, Yi Tianyun shuttled through the demon tree forest and flew to the innermost. I don’t know how many master cities I passed, but they all ignored them directly. They couldn’t fight anyway, and they ignored them.

No one dared to come and intercept them along the way, and a Tiandi was here, who would dare to intercept it?

At the astonishing speed of Jurassic, he soon came to what he called the Tongtian River. This Tongtian River is really similar to the meaning of the sky, directly rushing into the sky, floating a huge incomparable continent. As for how big the continent is, Yi Tianyun really can't see the end, like another area of ​​the passage.

In this huge river, there are dozens of forks, and it flows to all major areas, which looks very weird. It looks like a huge waterfall, but the waterfall is flowing down obliquely. There is no dirt underneath, like a transparent earth, letting the Tongtian River flow around.

The most crucial thing is that there are many foreign cultivators who, through the ships, rush from above and continue to spread from the sides. It seems that the foreign domain practitioners are coming down from above.

"This is the Tongtian River?" Yi Tianyun stunned, this is really spectacular, the key is still not flying, only through the ship.

This Tongtian River is like a unique magic, so that they can only go down through the ship, not flying, quite weird.

"Yes, this is the Tongtian River. The above is what they call the gods, and they generally do not claim to be foreign cultivators. They all claim to be Shenlu residents. It is also a self-proclaimed god. It is ridiculous!" .

"There is nothing going on in this Tianhe River. I can't even fly. I can only take a boat..." Yi Tianyun felt very confused.

"I don't know. It happened a long time ago. I don't know which one is able to come out. We speculate that it is definitely a certain power, and we can't destroy the foreign domain practitioners. We can only use this means to reduce the foreigners who are outside. Output." Jue Luo Tiandi guessed.

"There is still such a thing?" Yi Tianyun was shocked. What kind of power is it to be able to achieve this level? Is it the Heavenly Emperor?

"This is all our guess. Anyway, they can't easily get down. They need to take a boat down or use special wood to build it." Jue Luotiandi smiled and said: "In this way, we will stay here. ”

"Go, come here."

Immediately, Luo Tiandi came to one of the rivers and stepped into the hollow. There is another world in it, in fact, it is another small world of structure, which is perfect.

Just came in and saw that there is a house in it. When they first came in, a familiar figure came out from the inside. This person is not someone else, it is the Nabo Blade Emperor.

"Do you come to Tianyun Temple to familiarize yourself with this?" When he saw Yi Tianyun coming over, he did not feel very surprised. He guessed that Yi Tianyun would definitely come over, just for a few moments.

"Yes, take him over to see the situation this time." Jue Luo Tiandi smiled and said: "What happened during this time?"

"How can it be? The last time I left a little time, I let a lot of foreign practitioners slip through." The tyrants sighed: "If you have more than a few Emperors, you will not be afraid to leave." ”

"What is going on here, can you tell me in detail?" Yi Tianyun frowned, not knowing what happened.

"I must have seen the situation outside. There are many rivers outside. It is actually something like a passage. Once someone comes down from above, we will quickly intercept it and let it pass!"

The Emperor of Heavenly Blade explained: "Of course, not everyone will intercept it. If everyone intercepts it, then it will be too irritating to the opponent. It will only intercept the higher, that is, above the level of the polar star. As for the level. Within the polar star, it will not be intercepted."

"Before we were not here, there were several great stars who sneaked out, and the forces below this will increase their points."

The tyrannical celestial sighs, does not hesitate to solve a batch, and now it is down again, can you not sigh?

"Even if they intercept, they will not resist?" Yi Tianyun was surprised.

"Revolt, how can you not resist, here is the battle of the Emperor of Heaven, but we are only being beaten back. Every time the battle of the Emperor is aroused, not only the opponents are defeated, but also a group is destroyed. Over time, they are very cautious." "The tyrants said."

"So, there are dozens of rivers here, which means that we have dozens of Heavenly Emperors?" Yi Tianyun was shocked. He thought that there were only a few palaces in the Imperial District. .

There are dozens of Heavenly Emperors here, which is too deep, right?

"Of course not, there are only a dozen emperors. There are several people who are all guarding several passages. For example, the Emperor Canglong Tiandi is guarding five passages. In his hands, he has not missed any of the Heavenly Emperors. I dare not have the Emperor, I dare to come down from him. I really fight, it’s not dead or hurt!” The Emperor of the Blades sighed: “If there are more than a few Canglong Emperor, these guys dare to be so crazy?”

"So, let's more than a dozen Heavenly Emperors, stop the power of the entire foreign domain practitioners?" Yi Tianyun was shocked. So, they are too strong.

"Of course not. In the land of the gods, there are naturally other forces. Do you think that there is a power alone? The inside is very big, and there has never been a joint effort. If we join hands, we will be finished!" Bladed Emperor coldly said: "According to our rough investigation, there are at least a hundred of the Emperor in the world!"

"Hundred Heavenly Emperor..." Yi Tianyun took a sigh of relief, he thought that the gap between the two sides is not very disparate, I did not expect to have a hundred levels!

"Yes, it is the hundred-day Emperor level, even if it is less than one hundred, it is estimated to be faster. We can't investigate in depth, and we don't know the above situation. After all, it is too difficult to penetrate into it..." I looked up and down with a smile.

Yi Tianyun was told that Luo Tiandi had some flickering: "You, adults, don't you think I can go up?"

"Isn't that sure? Otherwise, do you think that Cang Long Tiandi is an adult, why did you let me come over early?" Jue Luo Tiandi reached out and patted him on the shoulder, smiling: "Reassured, certainly not now, now the same situation is not the same. Optimism will not let you go up now."

"Is not optimistic above?" Yi Tianyun wondered.

"Starting another big battle on the top, you went up and was affected. Isn't that looking for death?" Jue Luo Tiandi shook his head. "So you can rest assured that you don't have to go up for a while, just take you to see you."

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