Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2864: Yushen Temple

After Yi Tianyun thought about it, he nodded. "Well, I can take you away, but not now. I have other things to do now, you will stay here and rectify, wait for me to come back to you. ”

In the end, he finally decided to recruit them to join his own forces. Although his power is also in the hands of the Star Master, this group of people has different skills, but it is the level of the Emperor!

As long as you grow up, the help for him is undoubtedly huge. In particular, his current power needs to be vigorously developed, and fresh blood and ability are essential.

Of course, you need to be special. If you are not special enough, you will not be able to help yourself. It is better to let them stay here. Here, they are still safer.

Now different, mastering the skills of the emperor, it is equal to the descendants of the Emperor of Heaven, the future is limitless!

"Thank you, adults!"

After they got the approval of Yi Tianyun, they were excited one by one, and this would finally climb a big backer.

"If you say it first, with me, you will encounter more dangerous enemies! It is far stronger than Tiansheng Mountain. Do you want to know this? If you just want to find a backing, I I think you are looking for the wrong person."

If they go back to Yi Tianyun, they will face the three major forces. That is the existence of the star emperor, and they are not enough to plug their teeth.

"No, we just want to follow the adults, no matter what danger, we will all be a pawn!" Their eyes are full of determination, this time Yi Tianyun helped them a lot.

The key is to give them a vision and let them know that the world is not that small! It may be a mountain tiger here, but it is limited to this. When you come to other strong ones, you can't hold it here.

"Well, since you are so determined, then I will take you away. Of course, before that, I will go to some things. During this time, you have the opportunity to repent, think about it yourself." After that, Yi Tianyun glanced at them and left after flying, without too much staying here.

After the matter is finished, it is actually to search the soul and check the situation here. The result did not disappoint him, I really know a lot of news, and it is quite useful!

The Royal Soulstone is indeed the key, but it is not used in the Tiansheng Mountain, but in the Imperial Palace. The most powerful force in the world is Tiansheng Mountain. This is true, but what makes Tiansheng Mountain so powerful is the Imperial Palace!

There are countless treasures in the Temple of the Soul, and what of the moon gods, including those jade, is from the Temple of the Soul. That is, there is an emperor-level treasure inside, which is not exaggerated.

Just want to open the Temple of the Soul, you need the soul stone. Under enough sacred stone, it is possible to open this imperial temple.

For this reason, Tiansheng Mountain collects the soul stone everywhere, as long as it collects enough soul stone, and even joins Tiansheng Mountain! For this reason, the spirit stone is very precious here.

I don’t know what the real use is to go to the Imperial Palace, and the rest are virtual.

After mastering the position of the Imperial Palace, and after details, he immediately went to the Imperial Palace. It seems that the real focus of this area is this imperial temple.

"This Imperial Soul Hall is just the difficulty of the Extreme Star Emperor level?" Yi Tianyun frowned, but there is the existence of Emperor-level treasures, saying that there is no living person in it, is it still difficult for the Emperor?

The area where the Royal Soul Hall is located is relatively partial. After he flew for a while, he arrived at his position. It was a bit like a continuous mountain range, extending out to the end and not seeing the end.

Looking around, rows of palaces are built here, roughly counted, at least with more than a hundred palaces, each palace is different.

When he was close, he saw that the palace gates were closed, and next to the gate, there was a mosaic opening, like something that could be put into it.

Yi Tianyun looked at it and knew that this thing should be the groove for placing the soul stone. After the enough soul stone was put, it was able to open the door.

It’s really unknown just how much you have to open the door. This is what he saw from the memory of Tiansheng's ancestors. Sometimes he was madly placed on the soul stone, and he was constantly taken away, that is, he did not open the door.

It's like a lottery. Sometimes it's piled up and piled up, but the door is not open. Some are open after a small part, but it is hard to say.

Yi Tianyun naturally does not stupidly place the Yushen stone, but look inside and out to see if he can forcibly break it in, instead of placing the soul stone.

"Let me know what is inside!"

Yi Tianyun's perspective is directly opened, and immediately penetrates the thick palace wall and looks inside. Under the sweep, the contents inside are completely seen by him.

Under the sweep, his face changed, he actually saw a lot of living people in this palace!

Yes, it is a living person! These living people are still not low, and some are the star emperor level, and some even the superstar emperor.

Some even formed a small force, so they stayed in the closed-door cultivation, that is, they lived in their small world and did not come out.

This made him feel very shocked. He thought that there was no one here, and it was completely relic. Who knows that there are not only people inside, but also a group of strong people!

This made him feel incredible, so many strong people, why have been nested inside, and are the people of the lower bounds, but they are hiding here.

You need to know that there is a superstar level! Although the Emperor of the Stars is not as good as the Emperor, it is also extremely powerful.

As for the Emperor of Heaven, there is no, but it must have existed before. Otherwise, there will be something of the emperor, but he does not see the Emperor in the present.

Of course, some areas are too deep to see the internal situation. It is normal to see the Emperor. If it is the level of the extreme star emperor, it is normal to say that it is the difficulty of the polar star.

"Would you like to force it in?"

Yi Tianyun glanced at it, thinking if he wanted to pick a weaker palace and break it in. Grab the soul of the star emperor inside, you can know what is going on.

So many strong people are here to build a palace. What are they doing?

Immediately, he immediately aimed at one of the more fragile palaces. He came to the front of the gate and his eyes flashed. "On this one, if it really causes other temple owners to come around and besieged, it will not be missed!"

In fact, he was a bit uncomfortable in his heart. Suppose that these people know that the upper bounds of the world are against the foreign cultivators, but they are not going out, which must make him feel very angry.

A group of people killed and killed there, they fell, and they were waiting to eat here?

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