Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 891: adhere to

Shu Shu sees that Gu Yanlong is willing to gamble with himself, and his heart is happy for a while. After all, this is equal to white delivery. How can he be upset?

He looked at Gu Yanlong so supportive of the Terran is very uncomfortable, so in turn want to hang on Yan Yan, who knows that he is really willing to jump in. ?????w?w?w?. If Gu Yanlong is unwilling, he can't force it. If he promises now, it will be different.

"This is what you said, absolutely can't go back!" Shu Shu said quickly.

"If I say something, I will never regret it." Gu Yanlong looked indifferent, how could he not know the idea of ​​Shu Shu, but he chose to believe in this new Terran practitioner.

He felt that Yi Tianyun had a chance to turn over the market. Before that kind of momentum, he felt that Yi Tianyun would never be worse than anyone!

"That line, we will wait and see!" Shu Shu smiled with satisfaction, can get a chance to choose more, how can you be upset?

It was not long before he started, he thought he was winning.

In the inside, Yi Tianyun is unaware of the situation outside, and continues to swallow the surrounding stars and transform the energy in his body. As the situation of the transformation is getting faster and faster, he feels his strength is rising.

He did not feel any problem, the body is like the vast sea, accommodates hundreds of rivers, and continuously absorbs energy into the body. Others are beginning to suffer, and the body that represents them is really bad, and there is no way to accommodate more energy.

The key is that their control is also very poor, otherwise they can quickly convert energy, so it is easy to transform the energy in your body.

As time went by, as the preparations approached the next day, practitioners began to fall. They didn't even hold on to the next day, and they fell down, meaning they didn't miss the Tianzhuo domain.

In fact, let alone the gods of the gods, the other gods are almost the same, not up to the standard, it is basically difficult to recruit as a formal disciple. The potential is too weak, even if it is a star, it is quite worthless.

However, Yi Tianyun and Lei Zhengyu, both of them, passed the next day to meet the qualifications. There is no problem with Shuxiong and Shuhan, and it is easy to pass this assessment, but they have not stopped, they are rushing to a higher level.

"I thought it was only two days, but I didn't expect it to be persisted by the two of them." The tree shook his head and his eyes were still full of disdain.

Gu Yanlong did not speak, just watching it quietly.

On the third day, other people soon failed, and several people fell. There are a total of thirty or forty for the assessment, and now almost ten on the third day, the failure is quite obvious.

As for those who failed before waking up, they left here silently. This is really too shameful, and I have not persisted for two days. What other faces are here?

This has just come to the domain of God, it has been hit hard. To know that they are in the domain, but one god, who dares not to obey themselves? But even the most basic entry can not be done, suffered a heavy blow.

The third day passed, Yi Tianyun, they also persisted, and there is no problem.

Following the fourth day, many practitioners fell, Yi Tianyun and Lei Zhengyu remained strong. This will change the face of the tree, and few people can persist for so long, which makes him have a bad feeling.

They are mainly Shuxiong. They seem to be unable to hold on, and the body is slightly vibrating, unable to continue to accommodate more energy.

"What happened, can they still hold on?" Shuxiong slightly opened his eyes and saw Yi Tianyun and others on the side, his face suddenly shocked, especially Yi Tianyun was like a daddy, and he felt a little No.

Seeing this situation, Shuxiong they can only bite their teeth and continue to persist. They don't want to lose to the human race, they must stick to it.

On the fifth day, Shuxiong accompanied a scream, and fainted to the side, representing that he really could not hold on, and could only fall.

When the tree saw this situation, his face suddenly sank, and the guy in the heart secretly was too unprofessional, and even could not hold on the fifth day.

"There is another one!" The tree shrew did not give up. After all, they gambled on who insisted on the longest time. Even if someone fell down, it didn't matter. Anyway, it was the longest one.

He prayed in his heart that the tree cold should not lose so quickly, how to win, or there would be no precious opportunity.

It takes ten years to get an opportunity. Ten years is not long, but no one wants to work for ten years. They are so dedicated and responsible, not just for this choice.

Gu Yanlong looked at Yi Tianyun and Lei Zhengyu, especially looking at Yi Tianyun, thinking that he could definitely persist. At least they seem to be much more stable than the trees, and they are likely to achieve higher results.

Soon after the sixth day, under the shaking of Shu Han body, I fainted to the side. This sub-tree cold and tree male have failed, in contrast, Yi Tianyun and Lei Zhengyu can still persist, far more than the tree cold and the tree.

"Tree captain, I am sorry that you lost this gambling game." Gu Yanlong sneaked a smile on his mouth, did not expect him to win completely, and still won so thoroughly, all-round crushing them, is not a level of existence .

"Okay, okay, good!" The tree stunned the two people who had stunned in the distance, took out a token and threw it over to Gu Yanlong, and said: "Give you!"

After he finished, he was too lazy to pay attention to his own family. When he turned around, he left, and he was too lazy to look at them. This makes him lose one chance and doesn't say it. If he has no face, how can he feel happy?

At the same time, he also looked at Yi Tianyun and Lei Zhengyu's face, and planned to remember their faces. If they met in the future, they would have to marry them.

Gu Yanlong looked at the back of his departure and re-focused his eyes on Yi Tianyun, trying to see how long they could last.

Finally, after the sixth day, Lei Zhengyu's body swayed and fainted to the side, and finally passed to the sixth day.

“Do you insist on six days?” Gu Yanlong’s eyes brightened and he could stick to six days, which is a very good result.

After the sixth day, most people have already passed out, and thirty or forty people now have less than five people! It means that Lei Zhengyu has squeezed into the top ten, which is an amazing achievement.

Who said that the Terran is not as good as other races? It is now a good testimony that the Terran still has a lot of potential to dig.

In the case where there are only less than five people left, the situation is different. As long as they stick to one day, the effect will become more and more different.

Yi Tianyun opened his eyes and looked around for a moment. Unconsciously, there were three people left.

"Is there three more?" Yi Tianyun smiled lightly, closed his eyes again and continued to devour energy.

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