Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 895: Sorry

Shuxiong was smashed by a foot. If Gu Yanlong said that he could not kill, this tree is estimated to become a pile of waste wood now, and it can be taken immediately to burn.

Everyone is stunned, even if the tree is not a top-notch, at least there are five levels of the star, but it is bursting. Although there is a general situation inside, but it is so simple to kill it, is it too simple?

"Easy, easy brothers are good!" Lei Zhengyu was so excited that he almost wanted to rush to hug Yi Tianyun. This is really very irritating, that is, to blast these arrogant bastards!

Gu Yanlong flashed in front of him, he did not expect it to be solved so easily, the speed is really amazing, even he feels too fast.

"Yes, yes, I really didn't look at the wrong person." Gu Yanlong was full of appreciation for Yi Tianyun. As for what Shuxiong was too lazy to pay attention to it, he wouldn't kill it anyway. As for being disabled, he had nothing to do with him.

"You, you are so heavy!" After the tree cold reacted, he quickly ran to the side of Shuxiong and picked him up. After checking, he found that the bones in the tree were smashed a lot, basically half-residual. It is.

He looked at Yi Tianyun angrily and said: "This is just a discussion, how can you be so heavy!"

"Heavy hand? Where do I know that he will be so fragile, and one foot will become like this. And it is still what he said. Let me take the shot first, I will shoot it at will." Yi Tianyun said lightly: "Who knows so no After the fight, are your trees so fragile?"

This made the tree cold and angry, and hurriedly yelled to Gu Yanlong: "Gu Daren, he deliberately puts his hands and wants to kill the tree!"

"As long as you don't die, you don't violate the rules. If you don't have eyes, you can't grasp it." Gu Yanlong responded faintly.

This is not a partiality of Yi Tianyun. The same is true of the outside fight. It is common for the fists and feet to be seriously injured. As long as there is no death, everything is not a violation of the rules.

"This, this..." Shu Han looked at his companion who had passed out and didn't know what to say.

"Since you can't understand my practice, do you want to avenge your companions? You are not saying that we are a garbage, do not compare with me now, to see who is rubbish?" Yi Tianyun looks Shu Han, he told him to come and compare with himself.

He still does not slap his face, the previous debt is to be repaid, he is not a good person. Since your mouth is awkward, you have to slap your face and let him smoke!

"Be better than!" Shu Han stood up angrily. He felt that Shu Xiong was too careless, otherwise how could it be solved so quickly.

After he stood up, he quickly took out a product artifact and sighed at Yi Tianyun: "I will let your people know what position they are and know where they are standing!"

“Is that enough?” Yi Tianyun said lightly: “Can you start now?”

"Come on!" Shu Han anger said: "Since it is rubbish, I am the same as Shuxiong, first give you this garbage attack, so as not to give you a chance!"

Talking about the thick armor of the tree cold, all the trees and vines came out from the whole body, and the body was wrapped tightly. Strong vitality, the source constantly comes out from the body, this is their special effect of blood, that is, super healing ability, plus a strong defense.

Light is its own armor, it is basically comparable to the next artifact, and indeed has their arrogant capital.

"call out!"

Yi Tianyun is still not a bit polite, since he let him attack first, then he will attack first!

Shu Han only saw the eyes flashing. The next moment he felt his chest seem to be shattered. The whole person flew out, followed by the same impact on the wall, vomiting blood and fainting.

Before he died, he felt that his bones were broken, and the outer armor was like a paper basket.

The tree cold is the same as the tree, and they all fall to the ground and cannot move. They are all fainted and it is difficult to move.

Looking at them one by one, they are all stupid. If they say that Shuxiong is not prepared, it is reasonable to be killed by the second. Now the tree is cold and ready, even the body's armor has emerged, or is easily spiked!

Can only explain one truth, that is, Yi Tianyun is much stronger than them.

"There are people who are dissatisfied with our human race, even if they stand up for me." Yi Tianyun swept his eyes coldly and wanted to see if anyone looked down on them.

"After defeating the two tree people, I feel that I am very powerful?" At this time the rock giant came out, and the hard rock on the body seemed to be much harder than the tree people.

With the sound of “squatting”, the ground was shaken. This person is called Yanfeng and belongs to a member of the rock family.

Yi Tianyun looked at him up and down. This person he had seen before, can stick to the sixth day, which is quite good. The strongest advantage of the rock veins in the body is strength and defense.

"I never think so, I just want their mouths to be honest." Yi Tianyun looked at him indifferently and said: "So, what do you want to say?"

"I don't want to say anything, I just want to take a look at your skills!" This rock peak is very simple to challenge him, swearing that Yi Tianyun did not leave, he stepped on his feet and made himself prestige One.

No one else was scared by Yi Tianyun, and his eyes were filled with a bit of war. They are much better than the trees, for example, the rock peaks in front of them are up to the nine-level level of the star, which is a relatively high repair.

"Oh, I am not interested." Yi Tianyun was too lazy to pay attention to him.

"Do you all human beings are so timid and afraid of things? Only bully and hard?" Yan Feng taunted.

“Bad bullying is hard?” Yi Tianyun turned his head and looked at him with a smile: “It seems that you all want to step on me, use me as a stepping stone, want to climb to the heights? That line, I will fulfill you. I don't mind if I have to lie in bed for a few years."

"Kid, it seems that you are really arrogant, thinking that the armor of the two trees is broken, I think that I am invincible?" Yan Feng reached out and patted his chest, sneered: "If you can crush me This armor, let me lose!"

Yi Tianyun looked at him up and down. He had to say that the capital of this rock family was defense. In the eyes of exploration, this armor is comparable to the Chinese artifact. If it breaks out completely, it is estimated that it will reach the hardness of the top artifact.

"It turned out to be a shield, then you are ready?" Yi Tianyun said indifferently.

"I have already prepared, don't be too strong, be careful that your feet will be abolished..."


The sound of the rock peaks has not fallen, the huge body has been smashed out, and the large area of ​​the chest has been smashed directly. The entire huge rock body has almost become a pile of gravel!

"Sorry, a little bit too hard." Yi Tianyun patted the dust on his legs.

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