Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 918: fear

One by one of the onlookers, the heart was shocked and scared. The anti-day power that was killed in the sky, did not expect that the one who broke the record, can not let them be shocked?

I didn’t believe it, but now I’ve all believed it, and I have to believe it. Ranw?enw?w?w?. Even if you create a record, it is easy to take away the madness, and kill two kings, shocking the audience.

"What's wrong, is it so lively here?" At this time a familiar face appeared, which was the previous Zhou Runjie who was unhappy with Yi Tianyun.

"Week, Zhou Shixiong!" When Dong Feng saw Zhou Runjie coming over, he hurriedly asked: "Zhou Shixiong, who is the record-breaking human being who joined the core temple?"

Dong Feng pointed to Yi Tianyun at the intermediate selection stage and wanted to ask Zhou Runjie of the core hall.

At this time, I went over here and wanted to hear what Zhou Runjie said.

After Zhou Runjie looked at Yi Tianyun, he said scornfully: "Yes, it is him! He broke two records. It is indeed a new disciple of the core temple. Before he was very open, who knows to come here, but he chose intermediate. Difficult, really no courage!"

When he saw Yi Tianyun choose the stage at the intermediate level, he suddenly felt very disdainful. The challenge was to challenge the senior decision-making platform, not the intermediate selection platform.

"That... Zhou brother, he actually got a maddenal decision, but also killed two landlords, one is Chen Bohan and the other is Chen Li..." Dong Feng said the general content.

Zhou Runjie was shocked. After he understood the process, he did not know what to say. He was completely shocked. He did not expect Yi Tianyun's strength to be so strong.

I thought that in the fight, the skill is not expected to be very high. It seems that it is a big mistake, and even Chen Li has been killed. I want to know that Chen Li is a four-dimension. His current cultivation is only a matter of refining the landlord. Isn't it easy to be spiked?

"This, this is impossible, the new Terran practitioners are so strong?" Zhou Runjie still felt incredible, it is hard to believe this result.

In particular, I also know that Yi Tianyun has gained madness and how difficult it is to acquire. They are very clear. This is the hardest part of a baby, even if it is a **** of heaven, it is not as expensive as a maddenal.

The Scorpio God needs 13,000 pieces of choice tokens, and the madness needs 15,000 pieces, which is enough to see the difference between the two.

It is precisely knowing that there is a gap between the two, Yi Tianyun will choose to mad, not to see what effect. If the price of the gods is the most expensive, then he must have chosen the **** of heaven.

He will only choose the most expensive, so the price/performance ratio is the highest.

"Well?" Yi Tianyun woke up, and immediately the middle-aged reincarnation rifle, waving from the air, followed by falling on his palm.

After he grabbed the rifle, he gently swung it down, and the sound of the emptiness came, and he could tear the space at any time.

"Tianchen shotgun, not bad." Yi Tianyun's eyes are bright, it is worthy of the middle-class reincarnation weapon, it is much stronger than the top-grade artifact, and it has an amazing weight in the hand.

Immediately, he walked down from the selection stage and continued to go to the lower stage to continue to want to take a piece of the next-class reincarnation treasure. He certainly will not let go of the primary selection, the difficulty is not big, but also a reincarnation treasure, how could he miss it?

The price/performance ratio is so high that it only takes a hundred points to contribute. He now contributes more than a thousand points, which is the contribution point after killing Chen Li.

It has accumulated thousands of points, and it is extremely easy.

This one is speechless, and it is easy to pass the senior selection, so the intermediate selection is not the case. It’s easy to get a medium-grade reincarnation weapon. This contribution point is still given by Chen Li.

"The killing of the goods, it is the easiest to get wealth..." Yi Tianyun shook his head, this method is easy to cause trouble, it is not very desirable.

If they didn't provoke themselves, he really didn't have a point to continue to test here. It’s easier to go too far than doing something slowly.

Yi Tianyun stunned Zhou Runjie on the side of his eyes. The latter's cold sweat immediately came out and could not help but take a step back.

He was too lazy to pay attention to Zhou Runjie. He lifted his foot and walked forward. He continued to meditate on the primary selection stage and selected a lower-grade weapon to begin the test.

Face to face, it seems that this new generation of human cultivators, want to have a complete selection of the stage at one time, this situation has never been seen before, is definitely the first ever.

Soon after half an hour, Yi Tianyun woke up from the meditation, and easily got a handful of reincarnation weapons.

"Yes, the repair has finally broken through..."

After passing this test, his cultivation finally broke through to the peak of the Star Jun! After getting the weapon in hand, Yi Tianyun turned and left, leaving a group of people with big eyes and small eyes.

When things are finished, it is natural to leave. There is no need to stay here.

When he just wanted to leave, a middle-aged man came over and hurriedly said: "Easy Master, they will let you go to the Scorpio."

"Well? Going to see the **** of the sky, there is no problem." Yi Tianyun nodded and motioned him to lead the way.

He knew that he was going to visit the Scorpio, which is the emperor of the Scorpio, and generally cannot travel. Unless you are allowed, whoever is in close proximity to the Scorpio, it is killing!

It can be said that the Scorpio is absolutely heavy, and you can't let people come in at will.

This leader should be the deacon level of Scorpio, repaired to reach the level of the four refining, but Yi Tianyun is still respectful. For the time being, no matter what the performance of Yi Tianyun, the light from him is the disciple of the two elders, it is enough to make him respectful.

This does not mention other performances, he is a little deacon, here is a normal errands, the limits of this life, it is estimated that this is almost the case.

Under the leadership of the deacon, he followed to the Scorpio, leaving a group of face-to-face practitioners. Start talking with a group of people and push Yi Tianyun's reputation to the maximum!

I believe that it will not take long for the whole Tianzhu Shenyu to spread the story of Yi Tianyun. In the attitude of the absolute king, all records are broken, and the selection is also made through three times. Most of them say no one will believe it, but some people believe it because they witnessed it all!

This limelight can be described as one or two. I don’t know when someone can break this record.

"It seems that I can't be an enemy of him..." Dong Feng looked at the back of Yi Tianyun's departure, and the original point of his heart, or dissatisfaction, now becomes fear.

If he provokes Yi Tianyun, he feels that his end is the same as Chen Li!

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