Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 933: Kill!

"I didn't expect to kill the soul and you will be killed by you. It seems that your strength is not normal. r?anwenw?w?w?.?? Although I don't know how you came in, your life will end in me. Hands!"

Killing the Moon God will redden the eyes, staring straight at Yi Tianyun, the long bow in the hand is quickly filled, three blood arrows appear in the hands. These are the blood arrows that have been condensed by blood, and their power is amazing.

"Kill me?" Yi Tianyun smiled and said: "So, you don't want to win my body?"

"Your body is perfect, very good. For the body that can't be won, it's better to kill." Killing the moon is cold, although he can't see his body, but his flashing red mans is enough to prove his heart. The killing, and the coldness in the eyes.

In the case of being unable to win, you can only choose to kill, it is better to be let go. If Yi Tianyun escapes, once things are exposed, then where do other people dare to continue?

No one comes in, there is no way to win the body. Let them kill a large number of practitioners here, absorb the suffocating, in the end it is to change their physique, followed by the standard of their choice.

Everything is a conspiracy. As for what assists in cultivation, the effect is definitely there, and it is not bad. Only the effect rushes up, and the result is a dead end!

"Yes, do you think that you have a better chance of dealing with me than the companion just now?" Yi Tianyun stared at him.

Killing the Moon God: Tianjun is a layer of repair, good at attacking with bows and arrows, powerful, and thousands of miles away to kill the enemy. With the power of violent, you can condense all the power in one point and reach the power that runs through everything! The combined combat power is 250,000 points. The weakness is the fire just to the sun!

It is still a layer of Tianjun repair, their repair is not high, it is especially easy to deal with. Of course, this is mainly a spiritual body. If it is an entity, there may be more than this cultivation.


The answer to him is not the words, but the three blood arrows, which rushed through Yi Tianyun. The three blood arrows quickly released a dense suffocating air, and at the same time weaved into a huge red energy net, trying to catch him.

The three blood arrows are like long eyes, and spread out in several directions, so that this net is a bit bigger. Such a bright attack, it seems that it is not quite like the other side's style.

Yi Tianyun smiled lightly and waved the Tianchen gun to the back. As soon as he heard a sound, a hard blood arrow flew out from behind and directly slammed into the ground.

"Sure enough, these insidious villains, you like to sneak attack. It seems to attack from the front, in fact, you want to sneak in the back." Yi Tianyun's spiritual knowledge has already covered this area, even if there is a suffocating, the eye of exploration can still Present all the details.

"The soldiers are not deceptive, has your master not taught you?" Killing the moon will pass the surprised eyes in the depths of his eyes. He did not expect Yi Tianyun to resist his sneak attack.

Surrounded by suffocation, in this state, he was able to fly this blood arrow and he was very surprised. He knew that the suffocation around him was difficult to detect, so he would choose to use a sneak attack. Who knows it was discovered, which made him feel incredible.

Just can't see the expression, it doesn't look awkward.

"In fact, I like this sentence very much..."

As soon as the voice fell, Yi Tianyun disappeared with a smile in the same place, killing the moon **** will cool the heart, I do not know how it happened, Yi Tianyun disappeared in front of his own eyes.

The next moment, he immediately felt a terrible force, coming out from behind. But everything is already late. The Tianchen gun has penetrated his head and nailed his soul to the ground. Without waiting for him to make a scream, the power of violently shattered the soul.

"Oh, successful killing and killing the moon will gain experience of 322 billion points, a frenzied value of 15 million points, and a sin value of one million points. Get killed, kill God! Get weapons to kill Shen Gong (the next product reincarnation level), killing the **** bracelet (the next product reincarnation level), killing the soul of God (rare)!"

"Hey, get extra bonuses for killing, 5 billion points of experience, 2 million points of madness, 2 million points of proficiency. The gods draw a chance!"

There aren't many changes in the rewards, the experience is good, but still can't let him upgrade. The second refining of the land to break into the three refining, the experience is too amazing, basically doubled directly, reaching two trillions!

Two million trillion experience, this 32,000 experience is only a small part. Of course, this is within the scope of understanding, the more difficult it is to upgrade to the back, even if the leap-level killing still takes a long time.

Generally speaking, it is very fast. Others have broken through from a refinery to a second refining. It does not take a few decades, or even a hundred years, and there is no way to break through.

Because life expectancy has increased dramatically, this time is not a problem. The key is that it is not always possible to break through. This is the real key.

"A little difference can be upgraded..." Yi Tianyun turned his head and looked at the sky. He said: "Is there other gods? Some words have to hurry down, otherwise I will take this matter after I leave. When you give it out, no one comes in!"

He is now a blatant threat and wants to force them all out. However, after he shouted out, no one answered him at all. It seems that there are only ten gods. Now the last two are dead, how can they still come out?

"It seems that there is no more, then you can safely destroy the big line here."

Yi Tianyun glanced at it here. To destroy the big array here, you must first find the eye. He immediately opened the talent of the eye, and had to say that this talent is quite easy to use, even if faced with the creator-level big array, can use the sky to find the eye.

Even now, it is possible to detect the energy lines above. This makes him very strange that the Tianling people, what kind of existence, there will be such power?

I didn’t see the Tianling people here. I didn’t have one basic, but I found them in the Three Realms. Especially this talent is still very effective, which has to make him feel a bit confused.

"This has to hurry to find the crystal of life to go back, there is no root in the three realms..." Yi Tianyun shook his head, before agreeing to the Tianling people, help them find the crystal of life.

However, after so many years, but no signs have been found, it is obvious that life crystal is afraid not in the three realms! Fortunately, the life crystal before is still there, barely able to support for some years, otherwise it is really difficult to continue life.

Immediately, Yi Tianyun continued to increase the intensity to find the eye, so as to destroy this big array.

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