Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 937: break out!

Killing Shen Shen will be picked up by Yi Tianyun in midair, but he will not die immediately, but he still can't do it.

Next to the mume Xiang Yu looked at it, she did not expect Yi Tianyun's attack would be so overbearing, even in one fell swoop through the sneak attack to kill Shen Shen will.

"You, you..." Killing Shen Shen will writh the body, but it is firmly fixed by Tianchen's gun. It has a force to drag himself, so that he can't break away from this day.

"It seems that I am really inconspicuous. Even I don't need to be prepared. How weak is it, it is an enemy!" Yi Tianyun glanced at him with a sly look, and immediately the Tianchen gun in his hand shook. A violent force broke out from inside the Tianchen gun.

"嘭", the killing of Shen Shen will turn into a blood fog, the final gaze is so unwilling, more is full of horror.

"Oh, successful killing and killing Shen Shen will gain 45,000 billion experience, madness worth 15 million points, and a sin value of 1 million points. Get killed and kill God! Get weapons to kill God's dagger (the next product reincarnation level), killing the **** necklace (the next product reincarnation level), killing the soul of God (rare)!"

"Hey, get the leap-level killing reward, 50 billion points of experience, 2 million points of crazy value, 5 million points of proficiency, the gods draw roulette once a chance!"

These repairs are far from each other, so you can still get the leap-level killing reward, but the leap-level killing reward is more general. The main thing is to get a chance to draw, which is the key.

"call out!"

A suffocating rush quickly into Yi Tianyun's body, but he was quickly stored and continued to absorb a little. These suffocating things can be stored, after all, these are not any attack damage, but can be used for cultivation.

Therefore, it can be stored. Before I used it, I couldn’t save it if I couldn’t save it. It is directly into the experience system, and naturally it is impossible to store it in the inventory.

Moreover, this does not make sense, it is better to absorb it directly.

“Can you continue to strengthen?” Yi Tianyun feels that the **** beads in the body can continue to strengthen, especially under this powerful suffocation, can continue to improve.

The same was true of killing the two gods before, and only with their powerful arrogance can they supplement him.

"What is the situation, God will die?!"

Other gods will look at the sky and God, this is just beginning, not long after, his companion died? Logically speaking, this is their site, as long as they exert their full strength, they can definitely crush them. Especially they still can't know their existence.

But now it’s so dead, and it’s still so fast.

Everyone was stunned, and their eyes quickly gathered on Yi Tianyun. They just saw that Yi Tianyun was killing them. Everything is so incredible.

They all think that Yi Tianyun relies on treasures. Now it seems to rely on his own strength?

"Impossible, the breath before the kid, obviously feels not strong at all, at most the level of the landlord, how can it be killed!"

I can't believe one by one, but the truth is that they are in front of them, they have to believe.

Don't talk about them, the other side of the study of Ci Yu is even more to see, just Yi Tianyun's attack is extremely rapid, so fast she can not see clearly. She does not think that it is Yi Tianyun's successful attack. Even if it is a sneak attack, it must be built on a certain strength before it can be successfully attacked.

The Tianjun level is highly sensitive to the surrounding area, so even if there is a sneak attack on the back, it can be immediately sensed. If there is no induction, there is only one reason, that is, the speed is too fast and too fast, so that no response, it has been killed.

At this time, she remembered the words of Yi Tianyun before, that is, let her not worry.

"You, is your cultivation to reach Heavenly King?" Although she couldn't believe it, she still asked this stupidity.

"Do you think I have broken through to Heavenly King?" Yi Tianyun licked the blood on the scorpion's gun and looked at her with a smile.

"No, no..." Nian Ci felt that Yi Tianyun's cultivation was not up to the heavenly king, but the level of the landlord. After a careful feeling, she covered her mouth and said with amazement: "You, have you broken into the landlord?"

She was shocked again, she brought Yi Tianyun to the original intention here, of course, let Yi Tianyun break through to the landlord. However, this has just broken through. The key is the power of the explosion. How is it not like the level of the landlord?

"This topic will be said later, there are already two people staring at us." Yi Tianyun looked up and looked at the front, saw two gods will give up other people, quickly swiftly copied over here, aiming at him!

These two gods will not be high, and they will be repaired by the three layers of Tianjun and the four layers of Tianjun. They are not the strongest gods. However, for them, it is already very embarrassing.

The original plan was to devour them a little bit, but now I have to take people out and attack it.

"Solve him first! Killing our three brothers, this thing can't be tolerated!"

"Yes, if we are known by adults, we will definitely be severely punished!"

In the face of the suppression of the two, Yi Tianyun's heart sank, which made him have to be cautious. Because the other person was angry, and it broke out completely, the suffocating air around him seemed like crazy, and they rushed into them.

The body shape that followed them swelled instantly, and suddenly became more than three times larger and turned into a giant. The whole body is red, and the suffocation is turned into essence, surrounded by their bodies, forming a hard crystal armor.

Kill God!

After the execution of the killing of the gods, the whole person was caught in the state of killing the gods, and the fighting power climbed up in a terrible situation.

Two million points of star power!

Three million points of star power!

3.5 million points of star power!

Three hundred and seventy-six thousand points of star power!

Finally stopped at 3.7 million points, and the other one was raised to a high point, reaching 4.37 million points of star power! Just a difference in one class, it is more than 10,000 points of star power.

Fighting power is like no money, and it quickly goes up. It is too much to be stronger than the two souls that were dealt with before.

Unexpectedly, in the case of **, the power is like taking medicine, madly going up. It is no wonder that the initial combat power is only a reference. The actual combat data that broke out is definitely to blink.

In the face of this terrible pressure, the practitioners around can feel it, including the words of Ci Yu are deeply shocked, the body is slightly shaking.

The power that broke out is even stronger than everyone else present!

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