Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 973: Sanjie God Seal

"What about the sea..."

Yi Tianyun plunged into the water and flew down to the sensed area. In the blink of an eye, he came to the depths of the sea. When the sea beasts around see the people, they open their mouths and swallow them.

Yi Tianyun glanced at them faintly, preparing the sea beast to rush, the body trembled, and the huge eyes showed fearful eyes. The next moment, the sea beast quickly fled and turned away, and did not dare to continue to stay for half a second.

Follow him to take out the Tianchen gun, aim at the wet soil and start digging. In the twinkling of an eye, it digs more than a kilometer and the speed is amazing. This is still under the control of his power. If it is really powerful, it is estimated that the three worlds will be broken.

The power of the six refining monarchs is the existence of the heavens in the domain. However, he did not break through now, not the six refining monarchs, have not spent the days of robbery, in theory, it is not six refining.

Soon he quickly dug a distance of 100,000 meters deep underground, but still did not dig the end. The distance of 100,000 meters is not deep, and it can even be said to be very shallow. The reason why the temple of life is 100,000 meters is to the bottom, but the core is just in that area. It does not mean that 100,000 meters will be used to dig through the planet.

The place where the core of the world is now is still quite deep. Until he dug a million meters, he finally felt extremely strong energy fluctuations, passing from the area below.

"I’m going to dig it!”

Yi Tianyun’s eyes flashed, and he quickly dig down. When it was almost 1.1 million meters, he slammed it down. The “when” sound was like a thick iron block. He was numb to the tiger's mouth.

"what's the situation!?"

Yi Tianyun’s heart was shocked. He knew that he was a Tianchen gun in his hand and a medium-grade weapon. It’s too wasteful to use such extravagant weapons to dig earth and say it’s outrageous.

However, Yi Tianyun doesn't mind, just wants to dig a little faster. Who knows that you can't dig here! If a shot is not normal, what can be done in the domain?

He knelt down and reached out and rubbed it. After the soil was removed, a thick and flat rock appeared in front of him, and it was covered with dense lines.

"The nine-defense defensive gods are indestructible, and there is no such thing as a god."

The eye of the investigation passed the detailed information, and Yi Tianyun was silent. Can the gods be repaired before they can be broken? The nine-printed gods, that is, the top seals that can be carved out when they reach the nine-character gods.

Nowadays, this thing is appearing in the Three Realms, incredible!

What level is above the gods, but it is stronger than Tianjun, or the gods.

In general, it was repaired as "Xingjun", followed by the nine refining monarchs, then to the "Tianjun", after breaking through to reach "Shenjun". After the breakthrough of the gods, it is the "Tianzun"! After the breakthrough of Tianzun, it is only to the "God"!

The level of the gods is equal to the forging period in the Three Realms, and there is a kind of hope for the king of the king.

In the Three Realms, there are nine defensive gods, which makes Yi Tianyun shocked. Which of the nine gods is engraved, and there is nothing to do with it, come over the three seals so powerful?

“This, is there another core fluctuation?”

When he was shocked, he felt another wave of volatility, coming from the top of the head, plus the volatility transmitted from below!

Under careful sensing, he found that each of the three worlds has a core! It means that the Three Realms have three cores that are unheard of.

According to what he knows, under normal circumstances, a planet has only one core, no matter how many levels, there is no more.

However, in the Three Realms, he is beyond his knowledge and has three cores! You don't have to guess more. Yi Tianyun knows that the other two worlds have thick protection and can't be easily removed.

There is no level above the gods, where can I get rid of it?

"Three cores, if you go out, it is estimated to make people crazy?" Yi Tianyun looked at the thick seal below, it seems that the evil spirits can not take the core even if they occupy this place.

The existence of the gods level, the evil spirits will have gods? Totally impossible! The evil spirits are at most equal to the two-character domain, and the gods level is estimated to have only four or more divins before they can exist.

The gods with more than four products have no interest in the domain, so it is impossible to send any gods to come and stroll.

However, it exists now, and it can engrave the existence of the nine-printed gods, and it must have a strong cultivation. Above the level of the gods, this is inevitable.

The Three Realms have been visited by the gods and above, and they also give the core a blessing of the gods. This is like a slum. It is absolutely impossible for a rich person to step into a half-step. Going in will only dirty his clothes.

But now it has appeared, a rich man walks into the slums and still leaves something here.

"So, I can't transfer the core..." Yi Tianyun shook his head and smiled a little bit.

I thought that if I transferred the core, it would take away the Three Realms. Who knows not to take it away, even the most basic protection can not be broken, and he is firmly resisted outside.

Even if he is a native of the three realms, he can't open this place.

"Let me see the situation here."

Yi Tianyun cleaned it all over here, and soon a clean stone tablet appeared in front of him, with a deep mystery on it, and several other characters on it.

"The Seal of the Three Realms of God!"

Yi Tianyun read the words above, and after a moment of meditation, I really couldn’t think of it. I only know that this stuff can't be broken, I can only see if I can sense it.

Immediately, he reached out and covered it, and began to explore with the spirit to see if he could penetrate here. If I use the last move, I wonder if I can move it inside?

As he explored with the spirit, a terrible suction immediately took his soul consciousness down. He had no time to react, and consciousness disappeared completely.

I don't know how long it took in the past, he woke up and found himself in a hut with all the furniture around him. It just looks very rudimentary here, there are no artifacts, and there are no precious elixir, it is a very ordinary cabin.

"Where is this?" Yi Tianyun hurriedly bounced and found that he was actually a spirit, his body was a bit transparent, and it was clear that the soul was out.

He hurried down from the bed and quickly rushed out. Just rushed out, immediately stunned by the outside world to the ordinary small village!

Outside is an ordinary small village with dozens of huts on the side. There are many villagers coming and going, greeting each other, and he has become one of them?

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