Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 978: Missed!

In the face of this situation, Yi Tianyun was surprised and happy, he has been distressed, and did not expect to solve here! You don't need any powerful power. Just sit here and you can control the Three Realms. Wherever you want to go, you can go there.

“Good, leave now!”

Yi Tianyun didn't think much about it. He immediately controlled the three circles to go out and didn't want to continue to stay too much here. He didn't know when the evil spirits would kill, but now they choose to leave, there is absolutely no harm!

Under his continuous supply of star power, the three circles quickly supported a thick shield. He had a feeling that even if Tianjun came, he could not break the shield.

This is based on his ability. The stronger his repair, the stronger the effect of the shield. It means that now he does not need to go out and destroy the rocks, he will be able to leave.

"Great, it’s the Three Kingdoms!"

Yi Tianyun was pleasantly surprised. If this is a spiritual ship, the scale is really too big, and it can run through the world! I have to say that the handwriting is quite amazing, I don't know why this person wants to do this.

"The ancestral land of the spiritual family, the nine spirits inscribed, can you say..."

When Yi Tianyun thought about this matter, his heart suddenly trembled. It is very likely that the Lingzu is the descendant of the nine-character gods! Think about their amazing talents, even if they are strong in the face of the gods, Ye Qingyi's talent is still easy to use.

I think it’s terrible to think about it. I didn’t expect it to be a line. What looks like a relationship?

He just speculated a little about what the situation was. He was not very clear about this. No matter what, it is very surprising to be able to control the movement of the Three Realms now.

Immediately, he rushed directly to the outside of the rock. When the huge shield was pressed down, the stoning stones were crushed directly. Follow him to quickly control the Three Realms and fly to remote places.

Many practitioners in the Three Realms still don't know that the Three Realms are moving at a rapid speed. They don't feel at all. After all, the speed of the three worlds is quite stable, and there are thick shields on the outside. Unless there is a terrible smashing stone, or another planet is coming over, there will be nothing in the Three Realms.

"It seems that my heart is suffering, and I will solve it halfway!"

Yi Tianyun's eyes flashed, and the other half was to destroy the ancestral land of the evil spirits. This is an inevitable thing. The temporary removal of the Three Realms for the time being means that the Three Realms are temporarily safe.

It has been locked up by the evil spirits, so it is useless to lay out the magic array outside, and it will still be broken. Unless there is an unbreakable defensive array, or a strong guardian, the evil spirits will always commit crimes.

At the same time, on the side of the evil spirits ancestral land, after knowing that the three Heavenly Kings died, they immediately let the evil spirits blow up.

"What, the three brothers of Sakyamuni are dead?"

When the news came out, many people couldn't believe it. They all sent three Tianjun, and a local power in the district could resist it! When I passed it up, I immediately let many high-level violent leaps and leaps, even the highest existence of the evil spirits, and this thing is not very good.

"Our king, the three heavenly kings we sent are dead..."

When they said this, they were still in a state of paralysis. It was really impossible to believe in such a thing. When the three heavenly kings dealt with the forces of the mortal world, they could not be eliminated. They felt embarrassed when they went out.

Especially this is not the first time to fail, but several failures, it is really a shame.

The power of a **** domain, the power of a domain, the difference between the two is like a cloud, but it is defeated. It’s incredible to say it, but the truth is there.

"What is going on here, is there really any force that has ruled there?" The strongman on the side stood up and guessed.

Everyone nodded. If this was not the case, they really couldn’t think of it. How could there be such a force in the domain? There is only one possibility, that is, the powerful gods are occupied!

"I haven't guessed this before, but we all sent three heavenly monarchs. If we really find out what forces are, it is hard to be hostile and we should come back..."

"It is possible that the other party will directly suppress it, so that we have no chance to escape!"

They all know their own situation, and many practitioners are very disgusted with them. It is not surprising that they will be excluded.

"Enough." Sitting on the king of the evil spirits, with no expression, can't see his emotions, this is the most frightening.

The strongmen on the side have retreated to the side, and they did not dare to scream, silently staying there and shut up and dare not say anything.

"Send the evil spirits to the king, plus two heavenly monarchs, and bring the gods of the gods, if you can't beat them, you will quickly escape and report to me!" The king of evil spirits said coldly.


Many evil spirits face each other and can only do so at present. Otherwise, more Tianjun will be sent to the cannon fodder type. Obviously their king has been completely angry. Before they overestimated them, they sent three heavenly monarchs and planned to suppress them.

Who knows it is useless, but the three heavenly kings are dead, and the king of evil spirits is angry. Now I’m going to send the gods directly, and it’s so daunting to say that it’s a big deal.

It is silly to suppress a local power and send a god. Is it still a brain? Sending a land to the monarch to repair, can easily suppress, do not need the god.

But the reality is that it requires the gods to suppress, and it feels terrible to think of it!

"Go at the fastest speed, I want to know the news in the shortest time!" The king of evil spirits said coldly.


They immediately prepared, the evil sacred gods did not bring any of their men, that is, several strong people took the top grade reintroduction ship, and flew to the Three Realms!

Under the control of the evil spirits, the speed is very horrible, far more than the speed of the previous Tianjun control, absolutely has a speed of dozens of times.

"One month, I must reach the mortal forces!" The evil sinister said coldly to his own men.

They are very upset now. They should have gone to the power of the gods. Now they are ordered to go to the local forces. How can they be refreshed? In particular, the other party also killed so many people, the evil spirits can not swallow this breath.

Under the control of the evil sinister, in the blink of an eye, in the past month, after a month of crazy flight, a spirit ship broke open the space, smashing through the rock and smashing it to the front.

"I have reached my destination, ready to fight!" The evil spirits control the spirit ship violently. When they all come up with the strongest weapons and are ready to start the battle, they are dumbfounded by the scene!

"What situation, that planet!" The evil sinister was stupid, and the other men were equally stupid, and the big planet was gone.

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