Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1008: God robbery

Soon after everyone came out of the temple, the elders of Emperor Huanghuang put the temple in the house. Everyone changed to a good thing, and there was light on his face. 23us. Com update fastest

There are a lot of good treasures in this temple, and it is very happy to be a lot better than in their gods. Even if they lose now, they are quite satisfied. After all, they have gotten a lot of good things.

"I can see that you are very satisfied." Elder Huang Huang looked at them and smiled. "Some of you have the opportunity to become disciples of our five major divine domains. As for those tests that are temporarily unavailable, this test, Can bring you benefits."

The elders of the huanghuang dialect are still relatively gentle, and there is not much shelf. After all, there are no shortage of excellent geniuses, and some even stronger than the native gods who are born and raised!

Of course, among so many contestants, there are quite a few strong gods who are born and raised, accounting for more than half of them. I can only say that I was born here. From an early age, the starting point is an extraordinary existence.

Everyone carefully listened to the words of Elder Huang, and did not let go of any word.

"So now the second level of God robbery!" Elder Huang Huang slowly said the content of the next level.

God robbery?

After many locals heard it, the body shuddered and reminded them of the catastrophe they had experienced. It is very difficult. If it is not successful, the result is a dead end.

Now they want to rob them? This is not to let them die, but now it is not completely stabilized, and it is to find death.

"You don't have to be nervous, it's not for you to provoke any catastrophe, but we will release a test like a catastrophe!" Elder Huang Huang looked at them and said: "This is an early experience for your future robbery. Helpful."

"The difficulty will increase in layers, like the thunder drums of God, with nine levels. The pass line is the fifth level, and the fifth level is all out!"

"Beyond the fifth level, the more you go up, the more rewards. Similarly, after you have spent this **** robbery, you will benefit a lot from you, and you will know later."

The simple rules let many contestants know what to do, in fact, it is to see who is more capable. The stronger the ability to withstand, the longer it can be supported.

As for what rewards will be, only after passing, can you know.

After everyone listened, they all knew what it was. With them arranged, they all look for an empty place to stay. The front of the battlefield is very spacious, let alone accommodate thousands of people. There are no problems in accommodating 100,000 people. It is too spacious, and the audience around them are far away.

Of course, they are amazing, even if they are far away, they can see clearly, there is no need to worry about the problem that cannot be clearly seen.

"The content of the second level is somewhat different. It has never appeared before." Nian Ciyu was worried on the above: "The difficulty sounds not low, Yi Tianyun should be able to pass."

Everything is hard to say, even if Yi Tianyun shows strong strength, it does not mean that it will be very easy. As long as it is not over, everything is unknown.

After everyone was ready, the sky began to change color in a flash, and a thick layer of robbery cloud appeared in front of it. The first thing that appeared was the black robbery cloud, which looked no different from the black cloud outside the thunderstorm.


The dense thunder is rolling in the clouds, and it is necessary to shoot down from above. Everyone is starting to be vigilant, and this is already about to begin.

This day, the thunder rolled over the circle and became more and more thick. From the initial finger size, it turned into a thick one in a blink of an eye!

"The first stage!"

With the words of the elders of the Emperor Huang, a huge Tianlei squatted and squatted to each of the following contestants, none of which was missed. Don't have any luck, mainly the contestants who are staying below will accept this test.

Nearly a thousand large thunderbolts were smashed down, and the white light shone, making people look awkward and look spectacular.


The thick thunderbolt was on Yi Tianyun, and the dense thunder was quickly inhaled into the body and turned into his experience.

"It's really good, it's a bit good."

Yi Tianyun, who meditates, smiles a little, and simply uses the body to withstand the thunder and lightning, and instantly gains hundreds of millions of points of experience, which is comparable to the effect of the Temple of Life.

This is still the first layer effect, but I am afraid that I can't absorb so much, I can only resist it. Of course, he does not need to resist, relying on the flesh is enough to resist.


The thick thunder did not stop, but madly continued to fall down and lie on them. Some use the weapon to resist, and like the Yi Tianyun, it can be resisted by the flesh.

Yi Tianyun looked up and looked at it. Tianqingdijun simply sat there, and the thunder did not fall on her, but it was burned by the flame surrounded by her.

The same is true of the enchanting monarchs, and the energy surrounding them is enough to withstand the thunder.

Yi Tianyun is in close contact with Tianlei, which is relatively rare. Others are not as good as he can absorb as their own experience, so they choose to resist outside.

However, there are still some exceptions. For example, Yun Lei Dijun, who was somewhat uncomfortable with Yi Tianyun, has been absorbing lightning. This day, Ray is also a big complement to him, and naturally absorbs it.

Yun Leidi looked at him and felt a little surprised: "Is this kid also the same trait?"

He saw that Yi Tianyun continued to bear the thunder, and he felt a bit curious.

Soon the first phase was over, and an energy fell from the sky, covering them. The rich star power began to flood into their bodies and began to nourish their bodies.

This feeling is like a usual catastrophe, able to treat their bodies, and enhance their strength. However, it is different from the catastrophe, mainly because there is no power in it.

Fortunately, they work well for them. This may be the benefit of the elders.

"It is indeed very similar to the catastrophe. It can be simulated. It is quite remarkable." Yi Tianyun lamented that if he mastered this ability and cultivated a good disciple, there would be no problem.

Soon the second phase started immediately, without giving them too much rest time. The original thick layer of clouds, once again changed several times, is still the thick thunder, but the Thunder will suddenly improve several times and become even bigger!


The giant thunder bombarded and continued to linger on Yi Tianyun's body, and the experience of absorption was a little more. However, this time it was impossible to completely absorb it. The extra ones were resisted by him and did not penetrate into his body.

"Alright." Yi Tianyun's brow does not wrinkle, still feels refreshed.

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