Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1024: Shoot dead!

The horrible toxins were quickly burned down under the black inflammation of Yi Tianyun. 23us. Com update the fastest of his two flames is able to remove the toxins, although not completely rule out the poison, but still can exclude most of the, and his impact is not great.

"What!? My poisonous..." The enchanting lord was originally filled with ecstasy, and immediately turned into a gloomy horror.

He saw the demon fire on Yi Tianyun, and began to burn the poison to burn, turning it into a pile of black smoke and rushing around. As for the poison that wants to penetrate into the body of Yi Tianyun, it seems unlikely that the original green one was poisonous and was quickly eliminated.

"What kind of flame is this black inflammation?" The dragon snake domain owner stood up in shock. He felt that as long as the enchanting king gave the poison to the out, the other party could not afford it, and could not easily solve it.

Now it seems that they have greatly estimated the ability of Yi Tianyun. This black inflammation is not a general flame, but a very terrible flame, and it belongs to the demon that can detoxify!

"He has two types of demon fire, but it is not so easy to poison." Nian Ciyu showed a few surprises in their eyes. They all know Yi Tianyun's ability, naturally know his two kinds of flames, can suppress the poison.

Yu Yanglong can suppress the poison, but not to mention the two kinds of demon fire Yi Tianyun.

Soon after the poison was solved, Yi Tianyun walked over to the enchanting land, and every time he took a step, the flame was branded on the ground.

"You have shot so many times, this time it is my turn to take it?" Yi Tianyun twisted his head and looked at him and said: "It should be said that it is my turn to let you do so many times."

The enchanting eyes of the monarchy were cold, and there was no reply. When the snake was twisted, it turned into a residual image and rolled over here. In the void, a huge giant shadow appeared, covering the area.

In the next moment, the enchanting landlord who rushed up and the illusion of the giant python merged into one. In the blink of an eye, a huge scorpion, in the eyes of everyone, spurred the dark poison of Yi Tianyun, covering the area where Yi Tianyun was located.

When he thought that he could suppress Yi Tianyun, a dark figure sprinted out of the poison.

"Small snakes, but also dare to arrogant!"

Yi Tianyun’s low voice came like a thunder, and he reached out in the void and turned it into a huge black-black palm.

The fascinating body of the enchanting land, under the giant palm of the black inflammation, was shot on the ground. The scorching flame began to burn the body of the enchanting monarch, giving a "sweet" voice, and the black smoke continued to rise.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh The palm of your hand is pinched, and the enchanting monarch is pinched on the palm of your hand.

"I want to escape, have you asked me?" Yi Tianyun held him tightly, so that he could not escape.

The terrible power, completely suppressing this enchanting landlord, and even the power of resistance. Especially the terrible black inflammation, burning him so painlessly, the snake scales on his body began to burnt black.

Yi Tianyun is lower than his cultivation, but if he really talks about comprehensive strength, he does not know how much better than the enchanting monarch. What crazy injury mode, there is no need to display, it is enough to crush this enchanting Jun.

"Damn!" The dragon snake domain owner's eyes were cold and cold, and when he saw the enchanting landlord being easily suppressed, he suddenly sat down.

He knows that everything is over, they are far underestimating the strength of Yi Tianyun. The enchanting landlord is very powerful, but in the face of Yi Tianyun’s attack, even the resistance can’t be done.

The slippery condition of the body is not useful for Yi Tianyun. He is firmly locked in his hands and cannot break free.

I don't know for a few moments, his body has become huge, and the body of the huge demon **** is enough to stand out from the crowd! The five elders were shocked by this situation, and some exceeded their expectations.

"Dragon Snake... Evolution!"

The enchanting screams, the green energy in his body, and the pattern that followed him began to change. The original state of the snake body, the head began to evolve into a leader!

The fighting power was soaring up. Under his violence, Yi Tianyun’s gripping palm began to be spread a little. This power can continue to rise, not all.

"The lowest level of the Terran, also wants to roll over and climb to our heads, impossible! I want you to die, completely want you to die!" The horror of the horror of the body of the snake scales, began to add a layer of dragon scales, double coverage Underneath, the defense has become even more amazing.

You can even hear the roar of the dragon, and smash it out of his body, as if this snake is ready to evolve into a dragon.

"Dragon snake blood, what a little meaning... But the insect is a worm, it is never a dragon! The bottom of the human race is better than your hybrid!"

Yi Tianyun snorted, and the palm of his hand slammed, "咔啦", the bones of the enchanting prince were crushed into pieces, and the flame burned him into coke.

"The enchanting!" The heart of the dragon snake domain owner must be bleeding quickly, but he can't stop it. He can only watch the enchanting land being burned to death.

Followed by Yi Tianyun, the body of the enchanting landlord was thrown out, and when it fell from the air, it was thrown into a pile of black charcoal powder. Don't say that it's time for the rescue to come back. It's not bad to be able to piece together. Of course, in the current state, it is directly ashes, and you don’t need to drag yourself to burn.

"Oh, successful killing the enchanting landlord, gaining experience of 970 billion points, crazy value of 10 million points, 600,000 points of sin. Get the dragon snake blood (rare), enchanting technique (rare) , the dragon snake whip (the middle-grade reincarnation weapon), the dragon snake ring (the middle-class reincarnation treasure)."

After killing, drop a lot of things. This is the feeling of killing, and the reward will definitely not be less. Originally, he still wanted to keep the other party's life normally. Unfortunately, he encountered an idiot, so don't blame him for not being merciless.

"This kid is really unpredictable. Some of our old guys thought they knew his foundation. I didn't expect it to be far from complete!"

"Yes, it seems that this arrangement is wrong, but it is too late to change it now?"

"Nothing, continue to arrange it, it's almost the same anyway."

They are shocked inside, but still within the expected range. They know that Yi Tianyun's potential is very good, but I didn't expect the explosive power to be so strong. However, this kind of explosive power is not a big deal for those who have seen the world, and there is even more explosive power.

However, after this battle, they became more aware of the strength of Yi Tianyun and raised their hearts in their hearts.

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