Crazy Mobile Games

Chapter 360 Destruction of the altar

The Dark Elf Swordsman is a player with high attack and high agility. His agility is high enough to react in the blink of an eye, launch fast movement or dash skills, calmly avoid the dragon wave, and counterattack Hang Yu at the same time.


The direction of Hang Yu's attack makes the dark elf swordsman dare not hide. If the dark elf swordsman chooses to dodge, this distance may affect the altar. Only the altar maintained by Succubus and Void Spirit is inherently unstable. Risk of loss of control!

"Sword Qi Storm!"

The speed at which the dark elf swordsman danced his sword at high speed even Hang Yu couldn't see clearly.

I saw more than ten or twenty strong sword qi were released in succession, superimposed on each other and brewed into a storm that crashed into Dilongbo.

This should be the strongest attack skill of the dark elves.

Two violent forces collided head-on.

The ground dragon wave was obviously weakened by the heavy sword blow, but it still fell on the dark elf swordsman. The armor-piercing effect contained in this special skill immediately shattered the dark elf swordsman's armor.

A high-speed sword energy flew in and scratched Hang Yu's shoulder.

However, with Bai Tiancheng's priesthood BUFF, all attributes have been strengthened. Such an injury is not serious to Hang Yu, but this dark elf swordsman makes him feel hurt.

He originally planned to quickly destroy the ceremony and use the ritual backlash effect to severely injure the four spirit world people in one fell swoop. Now if the ceremony is destroyed, the backlash of the two on the altar will be doubled, but the two guys who have withdrawn from the ceremony will not Reaffected.

The most troublesome thing is.

The troll dark elves are very powerful!

The three of Skynet are teaming up to deal with the trolls and undead, while the dark elves are in a single-handed stance with Hang Yu. Although Hang Yu may not lose, it is impossible to end the battle quickly.

Once the soul of the Fire Demon King is stable.

Whether Hang Yu can escape is a question.

The dark elf stabilized his figure, his eyes were cold and sharp, and his two swords quickly swept out the cross sword energy, and then his figure turned into an afterimage for a moment, and rushed towards Hang Yu quickly.

Hang Yu completed the switch of weapons, holding a level 10 bright green weapon, the highly poisonous lion and scorpion axe, on the left, and a level 10 light blue weapon, the evil bone cursed sword, on the right.

Needless to say about the Evil Bone Cursed Sword.

It is a sharp blue one-handed sword.

The poisonous lion and scorpion ax is not bad either!

[Venomous Scorpion Axe]: Level 10 equipment, high-level green quality, physical attack +28, strength +5, agility +5, 30% chance of each attack, triggering poisonous corrosion, durable 50.

Hang Yu first started the bloodthirsty rage that consumed relatively little.

First use the gust of wind to attack and stab in the past.

The dark elf swordsman dodged in a blink of an eye.

The two launched high-speed continuous attack skills at the same time, and they clashed more than a dozen times in just a moment. The sharp blades collided with each other, sparks and air waves were set off one after another, and the fighting rhythm was like a gust of wind and rain.

Hang Yu seized the opening and slashed down with the ax with a "slam". The dark elf swordsman's swords were crossed, and the ax blade touched the blade to trigger the corrosion effect, eroding a whole piece of the opponent's weapon.

Huge power is like Mount Tai pressing down on the top.

Both feet of the dark elf swordsman sunk several inches into the ground.

Hang Yu's right hand, the cursed bone sword, stabbed the dark elf swordsman's abdomen at a tricky angle. This was the first time the two had successfully attacked each other after fighting for so long. The bloodthirsty rage extracted some life. At the same time, the cursed bone sword The effect is fired.

The dark elf swordsman was paralyzed.

this is a good chance!

He couldn't move.

Hang Yu felt that as long as he continuously attacked with the evil bone curse sword, it would be difficult for the dark elf swordsman to escape, and it would be even more difficult to resist the continuous curse, and finally he was easily led by the dog.

Just at this time.

Hang Yu first noticed a purple-black halo glowing from the body of the Dark Elf Swordsman, and immediately erupted like some kind of compressed small storm centered on the Dark Elf Swordsman's body—it was Shadow Fighting Qi!

Oh shit!

This guy can also use grudge skills!

Dou Qi dispels the paralyzing effect brought by the evil bone cursed sword!

Hang Yu could only fight a tooth for a tooth, and the bloody grudge was released centered on the body!

The purple-black and blood-red grudges collide with each other,

The ground under the two people's feet collapsed, forming two large pits superimposed on each other on the spot.

Fighters' grudges all have a dispelling effect.

However, due to the different nature of grudges, the effects are also slightly different. The lethality of shadow grudges is not as good as that of violent grudges, but some curses will be added when causing damage to the target.

Furious grudge is one of the most ferocious types of grudge. Although it does not have any attribute bonuses or special effects, it is definitely not comparable to shadow grudge in terms of pure damage and strength.

The Dark Elf Swordsman's Shadow Fighting Qi dispelled the curse on his body. The Fighting Qi itself had been weakened once, and then collided head-on with the Berserk Fighting Qi, which inevitably seemed a little lacking in stamina.

The dark elf swordsman was staggered by the violent blast.

His armor was already full of cracks, and it was even more damaged inch by inch at this moment.

Devil blood wakes up!

Burning blood blade!

Hang Yu didn't have time to waste with him. He suddenly transformed, more than two meters tall, with both hands above the battle ax and long sword, covered with burning blood blades, and launched a fierce attack on the retreating dark elf swordsman.

One knife!

Two knives!

Three swords!

Four knives!

The burning blood blade cut through the body of the dark elf swordsman four times in the blink of an eye.

Both of Hang Yu's weapons were blessed with the Burning Blood Blade. Although the weapons were still solid, the covering of the Burning Blood Blade was three meters long. This part of the extension was not real, so it could ignore physical obstacles and could not be blocked with a weapon shield.

Every time the blood blade passes through the Dark Elf Swordsman's body, it doesn't seem to cause any physical damage, but it actually causes huge damage to the Dark Elf Swordsman.

The dark elf swordsman spewed blood from his mouth and nose at the same time. He was attacked by the burning blood blade four times in a row, and his injuries were already very serious. Here, it has grown so much!

This human being is not simple!

If you can't get rid of him, it will be a big problem!

If Hang Yu continued to attack, he might not be able to hack the dark elf to death, but when he woke up and fired the blood-burning blade again, his mental power and vitality were declining rapidly.

Current strength cannot last.

How can it be wasted on him.

After cutting back the dark elf swordsman, Hang Yu avoided the dark elf's counterattack, spread his wings, soared into the air, passed over the opponent's head, and headed towards the altar.

"Don't even think about succeeding!"

The dark elf threw out two swords, two into four, four into eight, eight into sixteen, and turned into more than thirty flying swords, and quickly launched a fierce tail chase on Hang Yu. This is a third-level skill——Shadow Sword prison!

This skill is difficult to dodge. Not only is it powerful, it is also very restrictive. With Hang Yu's current speed, once blocked by the Shadow Sword Prison, there is no possibility of escape in a short time.

Damn it!


Long swords appeared in all directions of Hang Yu.

Thirty long swords quickly gathered to form a prison.

Every sword is covered with sword energy, piercing from all directions, forming a sharp strangulation.


Hang Yu's figure flashed.

The moment the sword energy strangled.

He teleported from mid-air to the ground, but his feet had just landed. Dozens of swords in mid-air quickly turned around and fell like raindrops, forming a blockade against him again, preventing him from breaking forward.

This skill is too troublesome!

Looks like it's hard to get out!


"come out!"

Huskies were called out.

After Ergou was summoned, he knew exactly what he was going to do, and immediately released five clones, and at the same time transformed into a giant wolf and rushed towards the altar.

The Shadow Sword Prison can only attack one target!

Hang Yu was firmly locked by the Shadow Sword, but Er Gouzi was not locked. Now Er Gouzi, who is comparable to a level 10 lord monster, is definitely not to be underestimated. The surprise attack is enough to pose a major threat to the altar.

"not good!"

The expression of the dark elf swordsman changed drastically!

He cannot make other attacks while activating Shadow Sword Prison.

The speed of the six giant wolves transformed into the head of the husky essence is astonishingly fast.

He wanted to withdraw now, but he had no chance, and Hang Yu, who rushed out, came back to him at this moment.

The dark elf was terrified: Oops!

"Are you running out of skills so soon?" Hang Yu laughed: "You are nothing more than that!"

Hang Yu crazily split open the flying swords that surrounded him, and then turned on the Burning Blood Blade again, launching a merciless attack on the dark elves who were close at hand and had no power to fight back.

After the Shadow Sword Prison failed to block and strangle for the first time, its power has been weakened. Although it can still block Hang Yu and cause damage to Hang Yu, but in the state of the Demon Blood Lord, the damage it can cause is very limited.

Hang Yu slashed and killed the dark elves frantically.

Every attack can extract life and restore the damage received in the chaotic sword. At this time, the dark elf swordsman has no suitable skills to use, and under Hang Yu's frantic attack, he has almost no power to fight back.

The process of fighting between two people seems to be cumbersome.

From start to finish it took only ten seconds!

The dark elf swordsman's fighting spirit, shadow dance step, shunpo and other abilities have all been used, and now he is unable to escape from Hang Yu's attack.

In an unwilling roar.

The evil bone cursed sword pierced the dark elf's chest.

The vitality in his body has been exhausted, the equipment has failed to protect his body, and his body has become extremely fragile at this moment.

The lion scorpion ax quickly cuts horizontally.

A head flew high.

The strength of the dark elf swordsman is actually higher than that of Hang Yu, but because he was restrained by the protection ceremony, he first used the sword energy storm to fight the dragon wave, and then launched the shadow sword prison at close range, completely exposing himself to Hang Yu twice. It is easily killed within the offensive range.

Hang Yu didn't even look at him more.

When he looked towards the altar, the ritual was in its final stages.

However, six big black wolves pounced on the altar, and the troll was very embarrassed under the siege of Xu Tianhua and others, and it was impossible to return to help. Ergou succeeded in one fell swoop, and it was almost a foregone conclusion.

Even the dog himself thinks so.

He felt that he was going to make a contribution again this time!

The Flame Demon King showed a violent and crazy look: "You ants who don't know how to live or die, you want to stop me, you are too naive, get out!"

Lift and press your right hand.

The altar is in all directions.

The ground suddenly cracked.

A large stream of lava erupted from it, and the six giant wolves were unprepared, and were hit by the erupted lava flame at the same time, five of them were instantly killed, and Ergou himself was also blasted out, almost being burned into a charcoal-grilled hot dog .

Nothing within three meters of the altar was damaged.

Three meters away from the altar, it was instantly covered in flames.

That terrifying heat wave and shock wave continued to spread outwards. Wherever it passed, pillars of fire erupted and the ground was scorched, making Hang Yu and Xu Tianhua unable to stand still, let alone get close.

Is this the strength of a king?

No, just less than a tenth of the power!

The coming ceremony of the Fire Demon King has not yet been completed, a small half of his soul is still in the space crack, and his body is very weak. It is very risky for him to make such an attack.

The succubus' face turned pale, and blood flowed from both eyes.

Void Spirit's body also fluctuated, as if it would collapse at any moment.


The Fire Demon King made a move this time.

Let the two of them suffer a lot.

"Don't be affected!" The Fire Demon King's cold voice sounded: "Their weak power can't stop me!"

Yes, it is difficult for several people to pass through the large sea of ​​lava and fire, and it is too late in terms of time. The coming of the Fire Demon King is almost impossible to stop. Is it really going to fall short?


On the nick of time.

Cracks appeared on the surface of the altar, and the cracks increased rapidly, cracking and falling from the bottom piece by piece, and the ritual formation quickly lost control, eventually causing an irreversible collapse.

"what happened!"

Several people from the spirit world were shocked.

Seeing this, Hang Yu breathed a sigh of relief: "The demolition team arrived in time!"

From under the altar, huge ants came out from the ground frantically. It was the ants' continuous excavation that caused the altar to collapse, and at the same time destroyed the ritual formation, making them fail.

It is estimated that this group of people from the spirit world must have never dreamed of it.

In the end, it will be planted in the hands of a group of ants.

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