Crazy Mobile Games

Chapter 433: The Economic Construction of the Spirit World

The Terran coalition forces are rapidly gathering.

It is planned to start the general offensive in three days.

To launch a general attack on Shaquan City, this matter should be done quickly.

If it drags on for a long time, Shaquan City will recover part of its vitality, and it will inevitably pay a higher price.

After signing the contract with the little lords, Hang Yu can finally breathe a sigh of relief. When he returns to Jiangcheng, he will pay attention to the Internet a little bit.

The success of the human race in the wilderness province has greatly improved the confidence of people all over the world in conquering the spirit world. The far-reaching impact of this battle has once again pushed Canglong and Boss Hang to the people of the world.

no doubt.

This is a great victory.

The human race now has hundreds of strongholds in the spirit world.

Although the actual situation of each spiritual world is different, and the challenges they face are also very different, but the development experience of the Wilderness Province is enough to bring great inspiration to all countries, organizations and forces.

There are more Hang Fans!

The decisive battle between Hang Yu and Kalimlo was spread everywhere on social media and circle of friends, and people began to re-evaluate Hang Yu's strength.

There is now a general consensus.

Hang Yu was previously known as the number one master among Chinese people.

Now people think that this evaluation is an underestimation of Boss Hang.

In addition, according to reliable sources, Boss Hang has a close relationship with Skynet, and is no longer a private figure, but can be regarded as a semi-official figure outside of a free organization.

people usually think that.

Even if it is a strategic master that the country focuses on, it may not be as strong as Hang Yu. People from all walks of life have expressed their opinions and debated whether Hang Yu has become the top three masters in China. 【¥Aiqi Literature @! Fastest update】

Some conservatives believe that Huaguo has a large population, and although Boss Hangzhou is famous enough now, he may not be comparable to individual powerhouses at the national strategic level. It is not a big problem to be ranked in the top ten in the country, but it is not necessarily the top three.

Some radicals believe that the top ten bullshit, Boss Hang is the number one. If there is really a master stronger than Boss Hang in the country, then there is no reason to hide it in obscurity. Even if the country tries to hide it, it is impossible to act in the spirit world. Can hide.

Wen Wu first.

Wu Wu is second.

People just love rankings.

The worst ones now are the experts in the spiritual world who vowed before that "the blue dragon must perish", "humanity in the wilderness province must perish", and "the boss of Hangzhou is a sinner".

The battle in Huanggu Town was a slap in the face!

Their reputation is completely rotten.

It will be difficult to eat this bowl of rice in the future.

In addition to the above, some organizations in the real world have completely reviewed the process of the Wilderness Province from beginning to end. After rational analysis, they have summarized a lot of valuable dry goods, which have benefited many people.


Some people questioned Hang Yu's upcoming territorial policy, or felt a little dissatisfied.

The senior officials of Jiangcheng specially held a celebration banquet for Hang Yu and Xu Tianhua at the Qinglong Hotel, and the deputy mayor Huang Hongxuan specifically talked to Hang Yu about this matter.

"We think your policy is too favorable to the small lords." Huang Hongxuan felt a little regretful, "One of the main income of the big lords is the collective tribute from the small lords. If you cut it down like this, there is not much left."

A large lord is usually surrounded by dozens of small lords.

If every small lord handed over half of the output resources, what an amazing resource would it be? Even if you lie down all day without doing anything, you can still get a lot of moisture.

Hang Yu directly cut the tax payment to less than 20%.

And made a tax-free promise.

It's a pity!

As a result, Canglong would lose a lot of resources, and Hang Yu and Xu Tianhua were from Jiangcheng, which indirectly caused Jiangcheng to gain a lot less resources.

Hang Yu shook his head and said: "Mayor Huang's words are wrong. I think that after giving preferential treatment to the little lord, instead of making less money, we can grab several times the profit."

Huang Hongxuan was interested: "Why do you say that?"

Hang Yu replied: "Do you think you can really get rich by plundering?"

Huang Hongxuan froze for a moment.

Hang Yu continued: "I don't think it's possible. Even if it looks like you're earning money, you don't actually earn much. Instead of plundering these little lords, it's better to train them and create a spiritual market."

Mayor Huang is a high-level government official.

He is by no means an ordinary person to be able to sit in this position.

In the past, it was pure heartache and the loss of a lot of resources, so I didn't think too deeply. Now that I was called out by Hang Yu, I immediately figured out the key point, and I also knew why Hang Yu did this.

Hang Yu is a human race.

A human lord is not like any spirit lord.

If the human race takes the position of the great lord, there is no need to worry about a small lord getting too popular. In fact, no matter how fast these small lords develop, it is impossible to shake the rule of the human race.

The great lords of the spirit world are frantically exploiting the little lords. On the one hand, of course, it is to gain benefits, and on the other hand, it is to suppress potential threats and weaken the development speed of the little lords.

Hang Yu wasn't worried that the little lord would become too strong.

Instead, tax cuts and various incentives should be provided.

He just wanted to make the little lord rich and strong!

Hang Yu is backed by the Canglong Organization, Qinglong Group, and the entire Jiangcheng!

He can sell potions, equipment, magic equipment, special items, and skill stones to these little lords, and then buy various materials from these little lords and sell them to the real world.

Whether there is mutual exchange.

This forms a cycle.

Are there not more profits and benefits than taxation?

The most important thing is that in this way, the small lords can grow faster, and the overall strength of the entire territory will be strengthened. They rely heavily on the human race's market channels, and they will be more supportive of the human race's rule.

To expand the territory in the future.

When competing with foreign forces.

Only these small lords are willing to charge forward, and the entire territory can be completely integrated into one powerful fist, and finally sweep the other powerful people in the wasteland province to achieve the goal of complete hegemony.

engage in plunder.

It's better to be a market!

Use trade to take away resources.

Control small lords economically.

This is far more effective than the deterrent suppression of force plus exploitation!


Hang Yu had already thought this way when he first occupied Huanggu Town, and started to prepare according to this idea.

Huang Hongxuan had to sigh with emotion.

This kid is really a genius.

His future in the spiritual world is limitless!

Huang Hongxuan said: "If you think so, I can rest assured. If you need any help, just ask. The state department and the Jiangcheng government are your most solid backing!"

Hang Yu thought about it.

Just make one request.

"I need more magic cannons!"


This is over.

Su Yunbing came to him.

Handed out two blue quality weapons to Hang Yu.

"The weapon you want is ready!"

"Take a look at the attributes first, but you are still satisfied!"

The two weapons are long knives more than three feet long, and they are in one piece. They are pitch-black all over, and the surface lines are made up. It seems that bright lava is flowing inside.

The shape of the knife is very cool.

Similar to the sword of the island country.

[Burning Demon Blade], level 1 equipment, blue intermediate quality, physical attack +58, strength +12, agility +8, vitality +10, with the skill "burning curse"

That's right.

It was the blue weapon that Hang Yu commissioned Golden Hammer to make.

Hang Yu is now at level 1 and is very close to level 14. It would be inappropriate to use weapons at level 10 and 11.

The evil bone sword and the magic scorpion ax are about to lose their durability.

If you want to repair it, not only will you need to spend a lot of blue crystals, but you will also have to pay for blue-quality materials. Now that new weapons are manufactured, you can simply sell these two obsolete weapons at a low price.

The attack and attributes of the Burning Demon Blade are a notch higher.

Its attached skill "Burning Curse" can take effect when attacking, and has a long-term burning effect on the target. Not only can it continuously cause fire attribute damage, but it can also weaken the target's self-recovery ability.

Because it can be superimposed continuously.

Overall it is good!

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