Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1563: Spike the emperor!

Therefore, they are also afraid of each other, and of course there are some powerful forces who are not afraid of anything.

"I'm asking for the body of the pseudo-Holy Spirit, who dares to **** it from the emperor, don't blame the emperor for being polite." A divine emperor triple powerhouse shouted sharply.

"What is Chaotianzong? The body of the pseudo-Holy Spirit belongs to my Yun family." Another strong **** emperor said.

"What the Yun family is, you dare to **** the body of the pseudo-Holy Spirit. Look at the mace in my hand and promise or not." A fierce-faced God Emperor called.

All of a sudden, dozens of God Emperor powerhouses on the court quarrelled in a mess, mess.

"What a bunch of idiots of your sister!" Xiao Chen glanced at the strong around with disdain, and sneered.

Although Xiao Chen's voice was not loud, there were no weak people present. Almost everyone heard Xiao Chen's voice, and the chaotic field suddenly became quiet for an instant. After that, all the strong people stared at Xiao Chen.

"Boy, what did you just say?" The fierce God Emperor who was holding a mace asked with murderous intent.

"This sect says that you are a group of idiots, fighting like a fool. With this sect, you don't want to touch them!" Xiao Chen cursed.

Hearing that, dangerous rays of light flashed in the eyes of all the powerhouses around, and the foreign women behind Yang Yan stared at Xiao Chen's back, for some reason, they felt their hearts hot.

The woman in the Divine Emperor Realm also looked at Xiao Chen in surprise.

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

When the voice fell, there was already a strong man of the Divine Sovereign One who couldn't bear it, and directly killed Xiao Chen. The coercion of the Divine Sovereign realm rushed toward his face, and when he came to Xiao Chen, he suddenly felt his body. After sinking, the action was a little slow.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen had disappeared, and when he reappeared, Xiao Chen had already reached the top of the opponent's head, and the law of flame came out.

"Fire fist!" Xiao Chen's punch hit the opponent's head firmly. The **** emperor had no defense at all, so he was swallowed by the law of flame, leaving nothing.


All the strong men who saw this scene only felt that their throats were pinched by something, and they couldn't say a word. The **** emperor, the strong man, was actually killed in seconds.

"This is the law of gravity? Although not very familiar yet, it is indeed the law of gravity. Could it be that you just realized it in the battle just now?"

A look of surprise flashed in the eyes of the hump-backed God Emperor in the distance, and at the end of the thought, an expression of disbelief appeared on his face.

What kind of evildoer is this, after a while, he realized the law of gravity!

"What's the matter, don't you want to **** the body of the pseudo-Holy Spirit?" Xiao Chen looked at the surrounding powerhouse indifferently.

"Things who don't know whether they live or die, think that by killing a careless **** emperor and a powerful person, they can provoke us. It's really overkill."

The fierce **** emperor yelled coldly, and then said to the surrounding strong man: "Everyone, each of our forces will send a **** emperor strong man to kill this kid, and the rest will rob the slaves. As for the slave flower Who is going to fall into depends entirely on personal ability, what do you think?"

"Yes, just do what you said, all the forces below the gold level will be given to the emperor, otherwise don't blame us for being polite!" The **** emperor of Chaotian Sect said sharply, his voice fell, and the representatives of the silver level forces His face sank.

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