Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1656: Singles out the peak of God Emperor!

Xiao Jing also reacted, his face was very gloomy, "Boy, you have a kind!"

"The third game begins!" The Black Robe Elder said calmly.

"Wait!" Xiao Chen interrupted suddenly: "Elder Qi, the junior has a proposal to discuss with Xiao Jing, I don't know if I can interrupt for a few seconds."


"Xiao Jing, I played Black Feather, and I know you want to kill me, but I'm just the emperor. If I don't play, you will have nothing to do. So I have a suggestion. It's better to send someone to fight me. One game, if I lose, you take my life, if you lose, the lives of the three of you belong to me, how?"

Xiao Chen's words fell, and everyone looked at him with an idiot expression.

"He is going to challenge the Divine Emperor Peak, is he crazy?" Xiao Huang was also dumbfounded.

"Xiao Chen, what kind of confidence does he have, dare to stand alone with the **** emperor peak power!" Li Feifei murmured, the expression of interest in his eyes getting stronger.

Xiao Jing also looked at Xiao Chen dumbfounded, and after a moment, "You are not dead alone!"

"Plus, how about my life?" Xiao Sihai said slowly.

"And mine." Yang Yan also stood up and said.

"And me." Variety said.

"Adding my life is enough?" An Yanran also said.

"Count me, after all, we are people on the same road." Shen Yu also said coldly.

Xiao Chen glanced at An Yanran and Shenyu with a little surprise, even if he didn't expect that they would put their lives on him.

"Is the life of the five **** emperor realm strong enough?" An Yanran said lightly.

Everyone looked at the five people dumbfoundedly, and then at Xiao Chen, eyes full of different colors.

"It seems that they trust this kid so much that they can stop the lives of five powerhouses in the Divine Emperor Realm. Let us see what this kid has." There was also a different color in Xiao Huang's eyes. Perhaps this time he was not white. Come, you will find interesting things.

Xiao Jing also looked at the five people in surprise, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and after a moment of silence, he said, "I accept your proposal."

"In this case, let me see what you are capable of personally!" Xiao Jing stepped onto the ring and said in a somewhat solemn voice. He wouldn't think that the other party was just an ordinary God Emperor. The strong.

Xiao Chen also stepped onto the ring.

"The gambling agreement is established, the battle begins!" The black robe elder also glanced at Xiao Chen in surprise, then said calmly.

"Boy, what is your name?" Xiao Jing asked.

"Xiao Chen!" Xiao Chen said.

"Yeah, Xiao Chen, I remember you!" Xiao Jing said, the voice fell, Xiao Jing's figure had disappeared, and when he came to the sky, a huge palm print slapped Xiao Chen with his supernatural power and amazing momentum.

"The sword in the palm of the hand!" Xiao Chen's expression remained unchanged. Hundreds of golden dragons whizzed out, met the giant palm, and collided in mid-air. The force from the collision point kept smashing the formation.

Xiao Jing's expression remained unchanged, and he shot a giant palm again, which was a hundred feet long, and there was a faint golden light radiating from the palm prints. Xiao Chen saw this and shot the sword in his palm again, but what surprised him was that Bai Dao Jinlong did not stop the fall of the giant palm.

"Shan Demon Burst Fist!" Xiao Chen's expression changed slightly, and a little bit below his feet, rising into the sky, the fist formed by the terrifying evil spirit directly hit the palm of the giant palm.

Buzzing ~ terrible sounds continued to be heard, and then the giant palm broke directly after holding on for a while.

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