Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1672: Genju Hinomoto!

"What, did you say that Xiao Chen entered the magma sea?" Xiao Huang asked in shock, and the people behind him were stunned.

"Is there anything he can't think of, he wants to rush into the magma sea to die?" a young man from the supernatural realm asked in surprise.

His voice fell, and everyone's eyes rolled. They are cultivators, and they are not a group of glass-hearted children. How could they commit suicide because they couldn't think of something.

"Since the son rushed in, there must be his reason, you don't have to worry." Yang Yan said.

"That's right, we just need to wait quietly, and it's impossible for us to take a detour to the savage ancient land. If we can't get through within two days, we can only give up the battle for the throne."

Xiao Wuqing said indifferently. Hearing that, everyone else was silent. If you detour, you won’t be able to make it in time, and if you don’t arrive in time, they will be deemed to have given up the battle for the throne. They can only wait for the magma sea to disappear. .

In the magma sea, Xiao Chen practiced for a while, and after not feeling so hot, he continued to walk in. The closer he got to the depths, the hotter he was, and he would be burned when he was found out by his spiritual sense. In desperation, Xiao Chen could only rely on Feeling moving forward.


Suddenly Xiao Chen felt a sound like a heartbeat, and Xiao Chen's expression changed. Could it be that the volcanoes are about to erupt again? He is now in the center of the volcanoes. Once it erupts, wouldn't it be that there is no bones left.

"You guessed right, the volcanoes are about to erupt, and the host is asking for more blessings."

"Why do I feel like you are gloating?" Xiao Chen's expression was dull when he heard the system's voice.

"I originally wanted to sit back and ignore it, but the Origin Orb is also what this system needs, so this system decided to help you!"

The indifferent voice of the system fell, and then a white light surrounded Xiao Chen. At this time, Xiao Chen could not feel any heat at all. At this moment, a few heartbeats sounded again, and then a terrifying lava burst out. Impact on the white light.

The magma that was enough to destroy any Shenzhou defense was completely blocked by white light and moved towards the surroundings.

After the magma overseas, Xiao Huang and others heard the sound, their complexion changed drastically, and they began to step back without hesitation. Then they saw a magma sea that was more terrifying than the first time, and within a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles, all were covered by magma. The sea was flooded and all the rubble melted.

"I'm afraid the magma temperature can't be stopped even at the peak of Shenwei, Xiao Chen is okay." Xiao Huang and the others who withdrew for tens of thousands of miles looked at the terrifying magma sea and said with palpitations.

Don’t talk about him at this time. Everyone doesn’t believe that anyone can survive in this sea of ​​magma. Even An Yanran and others think so, but Xiao Sihai and others have not changed much. They know that if Xiao Chen dies, they will also live. No, they are now safe and sound, indicating that Xiao Chen is still alive.

In the magma sea, Xiao Chen took a breath while looking at the scene outside the white light. At this moment, the white light suddenly disappeared, and Xiao Chen was swallowed by the magma sea without any defense.

"I'm going, the system pits me!" Xiao Chen cursed. In just a moment, his whole body was scorched. Even if he possessed the Flame Eucharist and Nether Armor, it would not prevent him from being almost scorched.

"Stupid host, this is a godsend!"

"You don't need to tell me, I know!" Xiao Chen snorted coldly, hurriedly circling the blazing body, and the nether fire also turned into a nether tiger and began to swallow the extremely hot flames around it.

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