Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1695: The sword of the soul!

"Emperor Kai is brave!" Even if Xiao Chen saw this scene, he couldn't help but said with emotion, saying that the three knives actually only used three knives.

"Ding! Congratulations to the player Xiao Chen for beating the boss "Shangdi" and gaining 1 million origin value and 10 billion pit fate value."

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for obtaining the distribution map of the evil spirits outside the territory!"

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for acquiring the supernatural powers of the extraterritorial evil demon: Desperate!"

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for getting the memory of Emperor Shang!"


Just as Xiao Chen was feeling emotional, the system sounded continuously, especially when he saw something exploded, Xiao Chen almost laughed.

One million source value, if you just kill a behemoth of war, you need to kill a million, let alone other.

Afterwards, Xiao Chen upgraded all the other two systems to the triple level of divine power. With the original value in his body, even if the fighting ceased for three days and three nights, there would be no shortage.

Naturally, not to mention the value of the pit, what made Xiao Chen cared about was the emperor's supernatural powers, which was devastating.

Desperate is the same as literal meaning. It can control the minds of enemies. At that time, Emperor Shang used this magical power to control them, and Xiao Chen discovered that although the body of the extraterritorial evil is strong, the soul is relatively weak. The role of fighters is greater.

"If you control the evil demon outside the territory and keep it in captivity in the Celestial Realm, you will definitely be the best fighter!"

"If we control all the evil demons outside here, and conquer all the Xuanyuan clan, Chiyou clan, and the ancient giants, then with my power, it will not be a problem to sweep the gods." Xiao Chen looked excited.

"Cultivation is inspiring!"

"Ding! It is detected that the host already possesses the Sword of Pupil Skill Killing and the Lotus of Creation. Please purchase the skill fusion book and choose the skill fusion before you can practice."

"Huh? The pupil skills can be merged, so merge the Sword of Soul Desperate with the Sword of Slaughter." Xiao Chen was taken aback for a moment, then said immediately.

"Ding! Congratulations to the players for the fusion of the Sword of Despair and the Sword of Killing, and the skill of the Sword of Desire!"

The sword of dazzling soul, a holy skill, can rob people of mind and soul!

"Is it controllable and killable? It's a good skill. With so much killing intent accumulated over time, I don't know what level of power can be killed by the Sword of Soul."

Xiao Chen checked the skill introduction, and then began to absorb the distribution of evil spirits outside the territory and the memory of Emperor Shang.

After a long time, Xiao Chen slowly opened his eyes, "It's no wonder that the memory of Emperor Shang can burst out. It turns out that there is a memory of the Essence Orb. It seems that when you leave here, you can collect an Essence Orb by the way."

"Emissary, you are awake." Xiao Chen slowly looked over at Xuanyuan Lin'er's voice. Chiyou and Xuanyuan have returned to the battle flag, and Emperor Kai quietly stood beside Xiao Chen. An expression that no stranger should enter.

"Let's go back to the holy city first." Xiao Chen nodded, then said.

"Yes, messenger!"

Xiao Chen summoned the Sonny, and everyone came to the Sonny and soon saw the holy city, and a great battle was taking place outside the holy city.

"Capture the soul!" Xiao Chen took the lead and came directly to the top of a war behemoth. A red light was shot from his left eye. The moment the war beast was touched by the red light, the war behemoth became dull, and then Xiao Chen stood directly. On the head of the war behemoth, the red light in its eyes is constantly shooting like a laser. As long as it is swept by the red light, these extraterritorial evil spirits will immediately become dull.

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