Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1726: Lost City!

"Are you threatening me? What a ridiculously weak person." Xiao Chen sneered, and then he squeezed the neck of the person in his hand with a harder hand, and he was breathless.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but shudder, Xiao Chen threw the body of the man aside, ignored the others, and continued to move forward.

After the young man reacted, he gritted his teeth and hurriedly followed. The blood wolf clan did not dare to stop him. The blood wolf glanced at Xiao Chen's back, and then hurriedly retreated with the blood wolf clan. The headless blood cow clan looked at each other. At a glance, he left in a hurry.

"Thank you, senior, for helping me." Xiao Chen and Dao Qing walked unhurriedly, and the young man behind them pondered over and over, and said respectfully and gratefully.

"You belong to the Murong family?" Xiao Chen turned to look at the young man.

"Yes, the younger Murong family and Murongye have met the seniors." Murongye said in courtesy.

"Do you know where Murong Xiaoxiao is?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Little Miss?" Murong Ye was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Xiao Chen in surprise, "Senior knows Little Miss?"


Murongye meditated slightly, and then said: "Little Miss is in the Lost City. If Seniors are looking for Little Miss, I can take Senior to the Lost City."

"Lost City?" Xiao Chen's face appeared puzzled.

"Senior should have just come to the Sea of ​​Lost from the outside world." Murong Ye asked.

"Good eyesight." Xiao Chen said.

"It’s no wonder that the predecessors didn’t know that the Lost City is a long-standing ancient city in the Lost Sea, and this ancient city is also the only place in the Lost Sea where there is no fog, even if it eats mosquitoes, it will not appear, so it is the only lost sea. A safe place is also a gathering point for outside powerhouses." Murongye explained.

"I didn't expect that there are such places in the Lost Sea." Xiao Chen was a little surprised, and then said: "Then please take us to the Lost City."

"Senior is polite." Murongye's face was a little joyful, and then he waved, a Shenzhou appeared in front of his eyes, everyone jumped on the Shenzhou, Xiao Chen also took the reluctant Daoqing onto the Shenzhou.

After stepping on the Shenzhou, Murongye saw something similar to a tortoise shell in his hands. One end was sharper and the other was wider.

Murongye glanced at the direction of his pointed head, and the entire Shenzhou began to move in this direction.

"What is this?" Xiao Chen glanced at the contents in Murongye's hand somewhat strangely.

"Enlighten Senior, this is the shell of the Living Mosquito. Although the Living Mosquito is fierce, for some reason, the sharp part of the shell on his body always points to the Lost City, so in the Lost Sea, this place is very easy to get lost. , This shell becomes the only thing that can tell the direction.” Murongye explained.

"It's so magical." Xiao Chen said with some interest, and then fiddled with the shell with his hands, but no matter how he did it, the sharp point would always point to a place in the end.

"I don't know which force the senior belongs to?" Murong Ye suddenly asked, looking at Xiao Chen who was playing Zhenghuan.

"I Ling... I belong to the Sky Star Sect!" Xiao Chen originally wanted to say that he belonged to the Ling Tian Sect, but thought that the Sky Star Sect that Tian Xing'er said some time ago should be born, Xiao Chen changed it to the Sky Star Sect.

"Sky Star Sect?" Murong Ye was a little confused. He knew all the famous and powerful human forces, but he had never heard of the Sky Star Sect. The others looked at each other, and obviously they had never heard of the Sky Star Sect.

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