Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1773: Ecstasy bowl!

"Master, Nan Guo and I were opponents when we were alive, and he really spared his life." Chang Xiudao.

Xiao Chen looked at Nanguo, and the sword of the soul-stucking slashed out directly. Nanguo looked at the sword of the soul-stucking and did not dodge. He knew that it was definitely not a good thing to subdue regular cultivation. Even if he wanted to escape, he would definitely escape. No more.

The sword of dazzling soul was cut out, and soon Nan Guo, like Chang Xiu, stood respectfully behind Xiao Chen.

"I want you two to join forces to secretly subdue the gangs, sects, and families in your vicinity, and all join the Ling Tianzong!" Xiao Chen commanded.

"Yes, master!"

Next, Nanguo and Changxiu mobilized with all their strength, Xiao Chen mixed in. In just three days, dozens of forces joined the Ling Tianzong, and Xiao Chen also controlled nearly fifty powerful men.

The actions of Nan Guo and Chang Xiu caused a lot of sensation, but some powerful forces did not pay much attention to it. It is not surprising that forces like these are destroyed several times a day, and all their energy is on the birthday of the ban.

"Master, today is the birthday of the **** lord of the tongue-out hell. Originally, we could only offer tribute, and could not go to the city lord’s mansion, but we are now a big sect. We can follow Bai Wuchang Qingkun and go to the city lord’s mansion to meet you. The world." Chang Xiu said to Xiao Chen.

"Can you see the ban?" Xiao Chen asked.


"Okay, then you arrange it and take me to the City Lord's Mansion." Xiao Chen said.

"Wait a minute, I want to go too." At this moment, Bai Caiyi suddenly said.

"If you stay here, the City Lord's Mansion is extremely dangerous, and I may not be able to protect you then." Xiao Chen frowned.

"Xiao Chen, you too underestimated me." Bai Caiyi said, and then a breath came out of her body, which was no weaker than the average blue-faced fangs kid.

"Your talent is good, but your current strength can't even beat Chang Xiu, and it will be a burden if you go." Xiao Chen said straightforwardly.

The weakest person who can enter the city lord's mansion is the strength of the bull head horse face level. Any one at that time can kill Bai Caiyi. He doesn't want to spend too much energy to protect Bai Caiyi.

"Then look at this." Bai Caiyi was also not angry, but a black bowl appeared in her hand, and then a holy light emerged from the black bowl and fell on Chang Xiu's arm accurately.

Chang Xiu let out a miserable cry, and his entire arm began to dissipate like a ghost shining into the sun.

"Go!" Bai Caiyi turned over the black bowl in her hand, and a black light fell on Chang Xiu's arm, and his entire arm grew out again.

Chang Xiu glanced at Bai Caiyi with some palpitations. At that moment, he felt a sense of dispersal.

"What are you?" Xiao Chen looked at the black bowl in Bai Caiyi's hand with some surprise.

"It's called the Ecstasy Bowl. After I practiced the Yan Luo Ghost Method, I appeared by myself, and at the same time I also had its usage in my mind." Bai Caiyi said.

"Ecstasy bowl?" Xiao Chen was startled slightly, "Well, you go with me."

He just saw clearly that if it weren't for Bai Caiyi to keep his hands, Chang Xiu would be very soul-stirred in a short period of time. If you take her, you might have unexpected gains.

Xiao Chen and Bai Caiyi dressed up in disguise and turned into two little ghosts with blue faces and fangs. After Chang Xiu followed, they first found Bai Wuchang Qingkun.

Qing Kun had a white stick in his hand, called the Assassin's Stick, which was extremely harmful to ghost repairs. It was also because of this. There was no one who dared to resist the eighteen layers of **** with distinct levels and black and white impermanent control.

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