Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1775: Fully suppressed!


In the next moment, Ban Xia retreated back to the seat and looked at Xiao Chen condescendingly, "Who are you, dare to stop me?"

Xiao Chen pointed to Bai Caiyi and said, "She is my friend. Why do adults act as a killer the first time they meet?"

"Presumptuous, what are you worthy of questioning an adult!" As soon as Xiao Chen's words fell, Bai Wuchang Qingkun reprimanded him, his heart is very scared, but the three of Chang Xiu personally brought them in, if they left. Whatever happened, he would also be punished.

"In the palm of the hand, the strength is no less than the ordinary black and white impermanence, you shouldn't be my tongue-out hell, right?" Ban Sha asked indifferently.

Xiao Chen didn't speak, he didn't belong to any prison on the eighteenth floor, let alone a **** of tongue-out.

"However, no matter which prison you are in, you are not allowed to shoot against the judge. You are the following offender. In the name of banning killings by the lord of the tongue-out hell, I sentence you to the criminal law of tongue-out!"

The banned cold voice, the voice fell, a black hook appeared in his hand, and the cold light on the hook caught people. At the moment the hook appeared, whether it was impermanence or the face of tauren, there was a look of panic.

The hook in Forbidden Killer's hand swept out directly at Xiao Chen, and the speed was so fast that even Xiao Chen only sensed that when the hook appeared in front of his face, he hurriedly blocked it with his right arm.


The hook pierced directly into Xiao Chen's right arm, and the entire right arm was pierced, leaving black blood behind.

"The power of the Netherworld was actually suppressed?" Xiao Chen glanced at his right arm, his face sank, and the hook in his hand not only easily penetrated his defenses, but the power of the Netherworld in his body was actually suppressed by half.

"Dead!" Another hook appeared in Forbidden Killer's hand and swept toward Xiao Chen again.

Xiao Chen's face sank, enduring the severe pain, and pulled out the hook, then displayed his wing flash, and appeared to the side. Shenwei pointed out directly, and a finger burst out of the air, attacking the ban.

Ban-kill sneered, flicked the iron hook in his hand, and hit the hook directly with a burst of fire, and then disappeared invisible.

"Not only can it suppress the power of the Nether, but it can also absorb the attacks formed by the power of the Nether. No wonder no ghost dared to raise any resistance." Xiao Chen's expression was very solemn.

At this moment, the two hooks in Forbidden Killer's hand had already swept towards Xiao Chen again, but when they were about to fall on Xiao Chen, an iron fist suddenly blocked the iron hook.

"The Ecstasy Bowl, I didn't expect that the Ecstasy Bowl has already appeared." Ban-kill looked at the black bowl, and the next moment, he gave up Xiao Chen, appeared in front of Bai Caiyi again, and grabbed Bai Caiyi's neck.

"Wing flash!" Xiao Chen appeared in front of Bai Caiyi again, and slapped the Ban Kill several times directly. The terrifying power caused a lot of black and white impermanence to change color.

"What the **** is this guy, he can support so many tricks under the banned master."

"No matter what his background is, he will fly away, and no ghost can survive under the hands of the judge!"

The black and white impermanence all around are a bit surprised, but the Nether Power in the Judge is endless, and the Nether Power in Xiao Chen will be constantly suppressed, so in their hearts, Xiao Chen will definitely die!

"Kill!" said in a cold voice, forbidden to kill, suddenly several hands appeared from his arm, like a thousand-handed Guanyin, and instantly grasped Xiao Chen firmly, and at the same time, the power of the ghost in his body was continuously absorbed.

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