Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1779: Nether Mountain!

Forbidden Killing saw this scene, his eyes widened, his eyes were full of weirdness. He no longer knew how many years he had lived, but apart from the tongue-out prisoner, he had never seen a second Ghost Xiu able to use Thousand Hands to Ban Kill.

This has completely exceeded his cognition.

"This is simply more convenient than directly slaying ghost repairs. If all the impermanence in the room is absorbed, how far can his cultivation level be?"

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen looked at the impermanence around him, full of green light, and all impermanence was a change in his expression, and he hurriedly said: "My king, please take my life!"

"It scared you guys." Xiao Chen gave a blank look, and then said to the ban: "What do you say now?"

The ban returned to his senses, and said: "My king is talented and Yinghui understands that a thousand-handed ban is inevitable."

Xiao Chen rolled his eyes, just now that no one could comprehend it. Now it is inevitable. It seems that humans and ghosts are very good at flattering.

"Well, I need to improve my strength now, is there any place where the Nether Qi is particularly strong?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Yes, Beiyin Mountain, where the nether air is the strongest place in the entire eighteenth hell, but it is the site of the evil spirit army, I don't recommend my king to go."

"With my current strength, if I go there, I will die. Don't you say it is the same as Bai said." Xiao Chen was speechless.

"Except for Beiyin Mountain, the place where the Nether Qi is the strongest is Nether Mountain." Ban Sha said again.

"Where is Nether Mountain?"

"My king should know that there are two scorching suns in the hell. There is a mountain range outside the eighteenth hell. The place where two scorching suns can shine is the Nether Mountain, and the place adjacent to the Nether Mountain but still unable to shine the scorching sun is the shade. mountain."

"The biggest danger in Nether Mountain is a kind of dream beast that feeds on ghost cultivation souls. This kind of beast is extremely harmful to ghost cultivation. Even if I meet it, I turn my head and leave."

Ban-kill explained, and as soon as his voice fell, Bai Caiyi had already spoken: "I'm going to Nether Mountain."

"It is rumored that the Ecstasy Soup in the Mengpo's Ecstasy Bowl can make all souls forget the memories of previous lives, and the material for Ecstasy Soup is collected from the Nether Mountain. It seems that Master Meng has restored some memories." Ban Slayer glanced at Bai Cai. Yidao.

Xiao Chen looked at Bai Caiyi, and Bai Caiyi nodded.

"Then we will go to Nether Mountain now, and forbid you to integrate all the power of Tongue Hell as much as possible, and when we come back, we will be ready to attack other levels." Xiao Chen said.

"Yes, my king!"


"Is this the Nether Mountain?" Xiao Chen and Bai Caiyi looked at the mountain range in front of them as if after a sandstorm.

"Here should be Nether Mountain, this mountain range often flashes in my mind." Bai Caiyi said.

"Then let's go in." Xiao Chen said, but when they were about to go in, suddenly a few ghosts fell by their side and surrounded them both.

"Boss, these two seem to be newcomers to Nether Mountain. You see, they two are stupid. They don't do anything to prepare, so they want to rush into Nether Mountain." A little demon grinned at Xiao Chen and the two.

"Which force do you two belong to?" A tall ghost Xiu looked at Xiao Chen and asked coldly.

"We are tongue-in-cheek hell." Xiao Chen said, and then took a look at the few ghost cultivators in front of him. The strongest ghost cultivators in front of him are those of the impermanence level, and the rest are of the tauren level. It seems that they are forbidden. Killing said that entering the Nether Mountain to find cultivation resources is like a mercenary.

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