Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1782: The mighty nightmare!

But Xiao Chen also knew that this was their way of living, and if they wanted to live in Nether Mountain, they had to endure it, and a girl didn't mind, what did he mind.

After Xiao Chen smeared, they turned into a stream of light and rushed towards Nether Mountain.

After about a few hours, Xiao Chen and his party arrived at the destination Xiaojiao said. At this time, they appeared under a cliff and stopped.

On the cliff wall in front, there is a huge black rattan with various flowers growing on the rattan. Unfortunately, these flowers are either dark or dim. If they are colorful, it is definitely a rare beauty.

"Is this the Hundred Flower Vine?" Xiao Chen looked at the vine flower, and at this moment, Bai Caiyi's voice suddenly came from his ear.

"Xiao Chen, we must get this Hundred Flower Vine."

"This Hundred Flower Vine is one of the main ingredients for making Ecstasy Soup. Although I still don’t know what Ecstasy Soup does, I feel that as long as the Ecstasy Soup is refined, it will definitely help us."

Bai Caiyi said seriously.

"I understand, I will find a way at that time." Xiao Chen said through sound transmission.

While Xiao Chen and Bai Caiyi were transmitting the sound, he also saw a nightmare beast under the Hundred Flower Vine. It was a huge lion. Like the **** environment, it was extremely dark. The stable breath was lying quietly on the ground at this time.

Xiao Chen and the others were lying on the side, motionless, the Moncler Beast's hearing and smell were extremely sensitive. If they hadn't smeared the Moncler beast's feces, let alone approaching here, I'm afraid they would have been found far away.

Suddenly at this moment, a flower on the Hundred Flower Vine suddenly appeared with a green light, and at the same time a strange fragrance passed over.

Leng Mad and Xiao Jiao looked at each other, and they knew that the vines were mature.

The next moment, the two ghosts suddenly rushed out, and at this moment, the lion turned around and stared at the two ghosts coldly. Then, the lion rushed directly to the two ghosts, and the two ghosts turned and ran without any hesitation.

After waiting for the two ghosts and the lion breath to disappear, Xiao Chen and the other ghosts did not hesitate, and rushed straight to Baihuateng. They had already clearly divided their work. Leng Mad and Xiaojiao led away the nightmare beast, while the other ghosts had to breathe Within the time, the Hundred Flower Teng was cut off and taken away, so they almost cut to Hundred Flower Teng each one by one.

But just when they were about to approach Baihuateng, they suddenly felt a force acting on them, and then all of them, including Xiao Chen's white clothing, flew back and fell to the ground. Then, there was another lion sound behind them. Roar, all Guixiu's faces changed drastically.


The lion roared and stared at the many ghosts. The eyes of the lions were full of killing intent. The next moment, the lion suddenly opened his mouth and sucked, and Xiao Chen felt that his soul was about to leave his body. And those ghosts were sucked and approached towards the lion, and the one with the worst strength was sucked into the belly by the lion.

"These Nightmare Beasts actually absorb their souls directly. No wonder these ghosts are unwilling to face the Nightmare Beasts directly." Xiao Chen's expression changed slightly, and at this time Leng Mad and Xiao Jiao also returned. Seeing this scene, the two of them With one sword and one sword, he began to attack the lion.

However, their attacks did not cause any harm to the lion at all, but they were also sucked closer to the lion.

Leng Mad and Xiao Jiao turned pale, they had no resistance at all when faced with the Monk Beast.

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