Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1785: Goblin space!

Xiao Chen only felt that his internal organs had shifted, and his entire stomach collapsed, and his vitality was no more than ten thousand points. At this moment, he suddenly felt a hand appearing behind his back, stopping his body, and at the same time wicked. The voice rang.

"Little guy, you are very good. Even if the 18th-floor prison master takes my full punch, he will not be alive. It seems that I have found a good seed this time."

But Xiao Chen couldn't hear these words anymore. When he heard the first word of evil ten, Xiao Chen was already in a faint.


"Little guy, you are awake."

Xiao Chen suddenly sat up from the ground, and then he found that he was in a barren space, all around him was dark and there was nothing, and there was a phantom in front of him, it was Evil Ten.

"Where is this?" Xiao Chen checked his body and found that all the injuries he had suffered before had healed, and then looked at the evil ten and asked.

"Evil ghost space, here is the place to nurture the evil spirit army fighters. Inside, there are millions of evil spirits. You will swallow each other until the last one, you can become a member of the evil spirit army."

Evil Ten smiled faintly, and Xiao Chen's expression was horrified when he heard that, there was only one million evil spirits left, and the elimination rate was terrifying.

"How is my friend?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Those little ghosts are still in Nether Mountain, but there is a person named Bai Caiyi who is your friend. He is currently at the base of the evil ghost army. If you can stay until the end, you can naturally see her. If you can't survive, Then she will suffer, because there are many evil spirits in the evil spirit base."

Ten Evil Tits and said: "To be honest, your friend is really good. The beauty of our evil spirit base is enough to rank third."

Hearing this, Xiao Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and Bai Caiyi was fine.

"By the way, this is the Hundred Flower Vine I promised you." Then, Eshi gave the Hundred Flower Vine to Xiao Chen again, and Xiao Chen was not polite and put it away.

"The show has begun, enjoy it."

As the voice fell, Eshi's figure suddenly dissipated, and Xiao Chen felt countless auras around him. These auras were full of resentment, viciousness, killing intent, and violence.

Moreover, dozens of evil spirits have appeared around Xiao Chen. They have hideous faces, blood red eyes, and powerful aura, but they don't have much intelligence. They are obviously evil spirits who only know how to kill.

"Evil ghost space, for me, this might be an excellent place to improve my strength." Xiao Chen looked at the evil ghosts around, and the next moment, he rushed over, and the Thousand-Hand Forbidden Killing was in front of him, absorbing part of the ghosts. After the force, he punched him.

In an instant, a feast of killing began.

In a training base, the Evil Ten stood indifferently. Behind him were ten ghost repairs. The auras on them were all very strong. In front of them, there were eleven spheres, and inside the sphere, there were eleven In the picture, inside one of the spheres is the scene of Xiao Chen beheading evil spirits.

The Evil Ten is the captain of the tenth team, and there are ten teams under him. Each team has ten people. After a period of time, each team will select a ghost repairer and put it into the ghost space. The evil spirits slaughtered, and if they survived, they could become a member of the evil spirit squad.

Eleven spheres are eleven evil ghost spaces. Usually there are only ten evil ghost spaces. Unexpectedly, this time evil ten will bring a ghost repair to participate.

"Is that guy the contestant recommended by the adults? It seems that there is nothing special about it."

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