Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1842: The Yama King that cannot be killed!

"Thousand ghosts roar!" King Yama roared, and black mist suddenly appeared around him. There seemed to be countless evil spirits roaring inside. The next moment, the entire black fog condensed into a huge evil spirit. If you look closely, you can find that It is made up of countless evil spirits.

"Retreat!" Xiao Chen thought, Mu Qingxuan and Shangguan Ying'er had already begun to retreat, and there were countless black and white lotus flowers floating around Xiao Chen, and finally formed a huge lotus.

The huge evil spirit raised its huge paw and slapped it down, and when the huge claw was photographed, Xiao Chen sent the huge lotus in his hand out, and then when it came to the evil spirit's chest, it exploded!

The terrifying explosion blocked the attack of the evil spirits, and even exploded a huge hole in the chest of the huge evil spirit. The evil spirit roared and turned into scattered evil spirits unwillingly, and was instantly swallowed by the aftermath of the explosion!

And at this moment, the giant hand formed by Netherworld Water suddenly grabbed Shangguan Yinger and Mu Qingxuan who were retreating. Xiao Chen's expression changed. Just about to move, he found two water dragons directly bombarding the giant hand. on.

"King Yu, you dare to spoil this king's good deeds!" King Yama roared angrily, staring at King Yu with murderous intent in his eyes.

King Yu ignored King Yama, but looked at Xiao Chen and said, "You may attack, I will protect them!"

"Thank you!" Xiao Chen thanked him, his wings flashed, and he continued to rush towards King Yama. At the same time, a copper pillar appeared in his hand, and the power of the Forbidden King Kong had already been used.


The copper pillar of Xiao Chen smashed heavily on the water shield that King Yama had set up. At this moment, a black scissors appeared behind King Yama, and the Heaven Cut Jedi was activated instantly.

King Yama's face became cold, and as soon as he was about to dodge, Xiao Chen suddenly shouted, "Definitely!"

"Puff!" When the fixed character fell, Xiao Chen spewed a gulp of black blood. King Yama's soul was beyond his imagination. He was actually backlashed, but fortunately, the fixation technique was successfully activated. Although it only stopped for a second, it was enough. Up.

Juetian Scissors directly cut King Yama's body into two parts, Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, King Yama was not dead, and the two parts of his body were filled with nether water, pulling both of his bodies.

"Reptiles, this king can't kill!" King Yama said coldly.

"Nether Dragon!" A huge dragon formed by Nether Fire rushed towards King Yama, and King Yama turned around, and at the same time a huge dragon formed by Nether Water appeared.

A fire dragon, a water dragon collided together, and let no one let it fire at the same time!

King Yama's body recovered as before, looking at Xiao Chen indifferently, and said coldly: "You have completely angered this king!"

"Thousands of hands banned killing!" At this moment, the voice of banning killing suddenly sounded, and King Yama was wrapped in dense hooks!

"My king, take advantage of this, kill him soon!" Ban Kill hurriedly shouted.

Xiao Chen was startled, his mind moved, Mu Qingxuan and Shangguanying had already appeared beside him.

"The husband and wife are in one mind, the palm of the Buddha!"

Three giant Buddhas appeared behind him, and then three giant palm prints appeared at the same time, with the light of the Buddha full of pressure, the three giant palm prints were continuously compressed, and finally compressed into a palm print, suddenly slapped at King Yama.


King Yama was blasted underground with a palm, and a huge pit appeared on the entire plain, shocking countless ghosts.

"King Yama should die now!" King Yu muttered looking at the huge pit.

The prohibition of killing is also staring at the giant pit without blinking. Only Xiao Chen knows that King Yama is not dead, or that King Yama cannot kill at all!

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