Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1872: Holy-world projection!

Xiao Chen's eyes were a bit solemn. Facing the fifteen strong gods of good fortune, he could use various means to defeat each, and through the world projection, he faced the power of the entire Thunder World. This is not equal to one plus one. Two is that simple.

And at this moment, the giant shadow had already taken a palm shot, and the towering palm fell, the pressure was extremely strong, and the void began to fragile wherever he passed, and the speed was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, he had already arrived at Xiao Chen. Overhead.

"Desolate Ancient Giant!" Xiao Chen thought, the body of the ancestor of the Desolate Ancient Giant had already appeared, Xiao Chen's wings flashed, appeared in his body, and then the Desolate Ancient Giant raised his hand and faced the towering giant palm.

Although the desolate ancient giant was extremely huge, it was still as small as an ant compared to the towering giant palm, but what shocked everyone was that the palm of the desolate ancient giant blocked the towering giant palm from falling.


A terrifying force spread out from the collision of the two palms, and the powerhouses such as Lei Luo and the powerhouse watching outside were all affected by Yu Wei, and instantly vomited blood and flew out. For a while, the scene was extremely spectacular.

When all the dust fell to the ground, the strong men who were blown to an unknown distance, regardless of the blood on their lips, looked at the ancient giant in amazement, shocked and inexplicably, unable to say a word.

"How is it possible?" Lei Luo and the others were even more incredulous, especially Lei Luo. He knew that Lei Wu could be abolished with one punch. Xiao Chen must be very strong. In order to avoid unnecessary damage to the Thunder World, he directly The strongest attack was used.

In his impression, this kind of attack, even the general strong of the semi-sacred realm, could directly kill him, but he couldn't think that it would be followed by Xiao Chen.

"It's such a powerful force that even the body of a saint can't be shattered." Xiao Chen was also very surprised in his heart. Under the irrigation of the power of the source, the three saints became stronger and stronger, but even so, he still It just blocked the giant palm's attack.

Not only that, but he was shaken by the powerful force, and a trace of blood leaked from the corner of his mouth.

"The power of a big world is really strong. Since a saint's body can't do anything to you, then two!" Xiao Chen's body was fierce, Chi You Saint Demon's body appeared beside the ancient giant. This is the limit that Xiao Chen can now control.

Xiao Chen didn't have any delay, Chi You Sage Demon suddenly punched the giant palm, and the next moment, from the giant palm to the arm, and finally in countless horrified eyes, the giant formed by the projection of the whole world shattered.

As the giant shattered, Lei Luo and other strong men all spewed a mouthful of blood, the original power in the body was almost emptied, and the fighting power was instantly lost.

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for killing Lei Sifang Mind Projection and gaining one billion original value!"

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for acquiring supernatural powers: World Projection!"

"Ding! It is found that the projection of the magic power world can be integrated with the skill blade storm, the world of the skill palm, do you want to buy the skill fusion book to integrate?"


"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for getting the world projection of supernatural powers!"

"Evolution skills!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the player on the successful evolution of the world projection of supernatural powers and gaining a new skill-World projection!"

Xiao Chen closed his eyes slightly, and after a while, suddenly opened his eyes, and a bright light flashed by.

"One billion source value, a good harvest." Xiao Chen said, it is impossible to get a billion source value by killing ten powerful gods. This value is amazing enough for Xiao Chen.

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