Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1883: Origin space!

After these forces entered Xiao Chen's body, they were instantly evacuated by the system.

"En?" When the Essence Orb appeared, the little boy also looked up at the Essence Orb, his eyes frowning slightly, and at this moment, each Essence Orb emitted a light of corresponding attribute, covering the little boy.

"I'm so brave, I want to wipe out my mind!" The little boy's face instantly became savage, his body exuded a terrible chill, blocking the erosion of other rays of light.

It was also at this moment that Xiao Chen suddenly discovered that the value of the pit margin on his body was constantly decreasing, so he purchased all the medicines and converted them into the power of origin.


The entire iceberg was shattered by the power of the Origin Pearl and the little boy, and Xiao Chen was directly shocked by the terrifying power and flew out for an unknown distance.

Xiao Chen stabilized his figure, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked up. Suddenly two beads came out of the air. Xiao Chen was taken aback. It was the remaining earth-origin pearl and water-origin pearl.

Immediately afterwards, nine Origin Orbs appeared in nine different directions, and at the same time they gave out a ray of light, covering the little boy. The little boy's face became more and more savage and roared again and again, but within a few minutes, the little boy's body suddenly turned into icy debris. , Showing the body of the Ice Origin Orb.

The ten Essence Orbs seemed to be surrounded by a disc, rotating continuously, and ten kinds of rays of light shone on the entire sky. The next moment, the ten Essence Orbs suddenly rushed into Xiao Chen's body.

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for completing the system upgrade task, and the system has begun to upgrade."

The system prompt sounded, and at the same time, Xiao Chen found that he could not use all the functions of the system.

"Finally, it's done, but the price is a bit too high." Although it seems that the clash of the Origin Orbs is not so fierce, the origin power in Xiao Chen's body is empty, and it doesn't matter whether the Heavenly Star Immortal Territory or the powerhouse of the 18th **** , All belong to a state of weakness.

Not only that, the pit margin value on Xiao Chen's body is now zero. Except for the skills and some unrecoverable resources that were exploded in the Eighteenth Floor of Hell, all other resources are gone.

Xiao Chen shook his head, and then entered the world of war spirits, and began to restore the original strength in his body.

One day outside, the world of war spirits for half a year.

But now it has been more than a month from the outside world, Xiao Chen finally walked out of the world of war spirits.

"It took so long to advance, I want to see what new features you unlocked!"

Xiao Chen's mind sank into the system, but after nearly half an hour, Xiao Chen didn't see the difference between the current system and the original system.

"System, why don't you introduce some new features you have added?" Xiao Chen took a deep breath, then asked calmly.

"The system has opened up ten origin spaces for ten deputy sect masters to practice. One day outside, the origin space for half a year, and the origin space has the origin energy of different attributes, which is of great help to the ten deputy sect masters' cultivation."

"anything else?"

"No more!"

"You're cruel." Xiao Chen said with some gritted teeth.

"By the way, you said that after the system is promoted, there will be unexpected gains for Qingxuan and Ying'er in recasting the body of Qingxuan and Yinger. What do you say now?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Just bring them into the source space, and your mother's body is also put into the water source space by this system, you bring your mother's soul into the water source space, and you will be reborn in three days."

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